Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Don't Get Cocky, Bed

With the return of Summer Dave, and recent appearances by Mark and TR, we won't need as much filler for the next few months, but sometimes there is filler too good to pass up. Such as the out of this world item below:

And, don't forget, if you want to enjoy Star Wars bedding outside, there is always this option.


  1. none here.

    i wonder if snowden is regretting his decision yet. at this rate, he might be "snowed in" forever. hehe

  2. how'd those dark n stormys treat you, d-train?

  3. Do you get the space tramp with the Falcon?

  4. wed night/thursday i will partake in the d&s's...am behaving 'til then.

  5. tr asks the only important question related to this blog post, and the one that every male reader thought to himself.

  6. Indeed, and if given the option I prefer the wrought-iron bikini version from Jabba's space barge to the frost-proof jumpsuit version from Hoth. But as with all tramps, intergalactic or otherwise, I take them as they come.

  7. ...which is early? and often?

  8. Steven Hyden has an interesting article on Grantland today, concluding with thoughts on the band DIIV. I met a Washington Post music critic about a year ago and he told me I had to check out DIIV's album "Oshin" so I did, and I was not as impressed as he said I would/should be. Hyden had the album at #13 on his 2012 "best album" list, but now feels "silly" about that ranking after reading an interview with the band's frontman. This causes me to ask: why the hell should a music critic's view of an album's quality change after reading an interview with a band member? The music still sounds the same! This is further confirmation that music reviews have less to do with music than they do with how the reviewer wishes to position him or herself to the reader.

    A zmusic review is forthcoming.

  9. Zman, I see your point but often after reading a book about a band, I learn much more about them as people and the lives they live. That really gives context and ultimately more meaning to their music. Sure, it still sounds the same but the meaning's changed (for me at least)

  10. Here's a change-of-pace story I think we can all agree on:


  11. Just scheduled my first physical since 1995. Have they changed at all in the last 18 years? Is tipping appropriate/expected? Any insight?

  12. Rectal thermometry is the current standard of care; demand it if they try to take your temperature via a different method.

  13. Noted.

    And if I am interested in an...agreeable conclusion...do I mention that to the receptionist, or is there a form of some sort?

  14. That is also the standard of care, demand full release to end the examination.

  15. Primary care folks love a good practical joke. Ball up a little piece of paper, put it in your rectum, then watch as they unfold it and it says, "if you can read this you are too close." Oh, how they will howl. Also, when you turn your head and cough, wait a while for the cough. When the doc looks at you, say, "Sorry. It's just been so long."

  16. All of this today and Mark picks on me for calling Adam Scott "yummy" on Friday?

    You stay classy Gheorghies

  17. I'm just concerned about Geoff's health.

  18. ...and his rectum, apparently.
