Saturday, June 15, 2013

Portrait Saturday

We're nothing if not supporters of the arts. And goofy shit. So when we heard about Wes Naman's latest work, we were naturally excited.

You may know Naman from his Scotch Tape series, in which volunteers allowed him to cover their faces and heads with tape and photograph the results. The portfolio quickly went viral, both overwhelming Naman and inspiring his next project.

For Naman's Rubber Band series, subjects wrapped themselves, creating grotesquely silly masks. As offhandedly notes, "Some went crazier than others, because rubber bands hurt a lot more than tape. That said, there’s still a whole lot of nose and ear warping, and the rubber bands do an even better job than tape when it comes to forcing skin and hair to stick out in awkward and painful ways."

We think this one's our favorite, but it's close. The Wu-Tang Financial t-shirt pushes it over the top.

The best/worst thing about this series? The Teej does this kind of thing just for kicks. If only he'd known he could get Internet Famous for it.


  1. Thanks for posting rob. Now I don't have to do the new music post I had brewing.

  2. That picture is worse than the hairy balls pic. I'm a terrible arm wrestler.

  3. just giving you a few more hours to perfect it, z

  4. i really don't envision many in the gtb family as good arm wrestlers, mark. i think it'd come down to dave versus mr kq. dave's got lots of natural strength, but mr kq combines that with old man strength. i like him to take the belt. jerry and tr might have something to say about it. and dennis would fight dirty, which is a bit of a wildcard.

  5. I would lose to each of the female FOGTBers, no question. But I'd beat Whitney.

  6. true. he might be the weakest 250-pounder in all the land.

  7. Been trying the old "but it's Father's Day weekend" line today, unsuccessfully.

  8. TR would absolutely fight dirty, likely employing Booger's booger move.

  9. I've been planning on using that line too, Dan. Don't think it will go over very well. I did just hang out with the 16 month old at the pool for two hours while my wife napped so maybe I've built up some credit. Doubt it, but its worth a shot.

  10. mowed the lawn. about to clean the garage. all this in preparation for a 30-hour sports/couch marathon.

  11. zwoman tried to do me a favor and put my Bonobos in the drier. Dagger.

  12. Dudley Dawson is my cultural and spiritual beacon.

  13. A guy playing in the foursome behind us today was in a head-to-toe bright orange Rickie Fowler outfit. And he wasn't a teenager.

  14. WASPs are hilarious sometImes.

  15. Are you referring to 90% of our town, which single-handedly keeps Vineyard Vines in the black?

  16. Yes, as well as Murray's Toggery.

  17. Putin is a Yankee fan I bet.
