Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fashion is Dumb: Galactic Empire Edition

What are the monstrosities below, you may ask? Well, they're apparently robot leggings. Seriously. Long gone are the days of Olivia Newton John as leggings leader, replaced by the C-3PO, Stormtrooper and Vader looks coming to a runway near you.

These are not the robot leggings you're looking for...

[h/t Tumblr, of course]


  1. Oooh. It's Star Wars Night at the Salem Red Sox this Thursday. I wonder how much one of these ridiculous get ups would set me back.

  2. Only $112.50, rootsy


  3. Sweet, I just got a $69 Gift Certificate to Nastygal.com for my bday. Of course I don't have any shoes to go with my robot leggings, but there may still be time to fashion some moon boots out of duct tape.

  4. I'm eating a candy I haven't had since the 1980's right now. And it's delicious.

    Any guesses? One clue: not chocolate.

  5. jolly rancher!
    rootsminer took my bit'o honey

  6. any feedback will do clarence.

  7. Mark wins! It was Spree. Sorry it took so long, I've been in meetings and also forgot I had commented that.

    Spree is still pretty tasty, though I'm more cognizant now that it's like I'm eating pure sugar. Not as much as pixie sticks or Fun Dip.

  8. usmnt game at 10:00? not cool.

  9. Do I win a pack of Spree?

    A local bar started serving Lagunitas IPA. They serve it in these Lagunitas mason jars:


    So I went online and found them because my wife has broken about a half dozen of the Peroni glasses we own. Not only are the mason jars much harder to break, they're also $3 each. Ordered a half dozen and they came in the mail today. That's my excuse to drink tonight, right?

  10. Mark, are they 12oz or 16oz?

  11. Yo, Gheorghies, whassup?
    (like Ad Rock in "Brass Monkey")

    I tend to defer to the collective NBA wisdom of Mark and a few of you other clowns, but I will simply throw in an idle comment to say that I have rooted for the Spurs for a long time. (Except when they play the Bullets, of course.)

    Dug the Admiral 20 years ago (CAA, baby), then the Spurs seemed to avoid the super-douche players for many years and do cool things with giving new life to troubled guys (Lucas' first coaching job, Lloyd Daniels), plus hating Tim Duncan is hard. Dug 'em.

    Renewed when I was in San Antone in a bar several blocks from the AlamoDome when they came back from 16 in the 4th during round 1 and won a month ago. Between the bar reaction and the cars honking horns until the wee ones, I got the full effect that this is all San Antonio has, and it's an easy root.

    I know GTB has ties to BronBron, but please pardon me if I'm pulling for the Sons of Gervin and Gilmore.

  12. hey gheorghies!

    zagnut? i know it's spree, but i haven't had a zagnut in a long time . . .

  13. Artis Gilmore was a Lammy. There's another reason to like the Spurs.

  14. Artis sighting at The Player's last month. Get some.

  15. speaking of sightings...another unsolicited recommendation is Heart playing Stairway to Heaven at the Kennedy Center honors...
    gas (good as shit) (i just coined that...never used before....you have my permission)

  16. so ripping up the floorboards of a deck isn't nearly as fun and easy as i thought it would be. i probably shouldn't have gone out drinking last night . . .

  17. At 9 am I learned that someone I know professionally was killed by his girlfriend. At 9:30 am I learned that my boss was fired. I am dazed beyond words.

  18. A little distraction for Z: Complex Magazine did a mini doc on the making of T.R.O.Y.


  19. Holy shit, Zman. I'm sorry you're dealing with crap like that. If you want to come down to the Martha Wood Cottage and blow off some steam, I'll be there starting tomorrow for about a week.

  20. sorry to hear that zman. awful. if you want to come to highland park and help me rebuild my deck, to blow off some steam, i'll be here for you.

    you could also help me put in a fence in a couple weeks, if that's more your speed.

  21. Hey y'all, I know diff subject but when u go to tortugas lie, do u just drink or dine, too? If yes to eat, what's good??

  22. In Northa Brunswick we builda the deck for therapy. Lika we always says you hava badday, you builda a deck. I guess thatsa why we gotsa so many decks. Lika I knowa this broad Maria, she goesa to Rowan for lika 5 freakin years to study that brain shit.

    She comesa out and I say, hey you just tellsem to builda a deck. Done deal. You just wasta like 200 hundred grand and she puts ona like 25 pounds too. So itsa total freaking disaster cause she hadssome nice stems I was always awanting to sticka it to her. Now its lika lumpy meatballs and ricotta

  23. donna, tortugas' food is phenomenal. not to be missed.

    just stay away from the meatballs and ricotta.

  24. wow, donna and jerry's comments require so much re-commenting that they've cancelled each other out in my brain.

    i'ma a two threes of a way done wid da deck demo. or maybe five and the eights done. itsa gonna be a nicea place to eata da pasta when itsa finished. you know howda da boys spill do gravy.

    and donna, eat everything: surf and turf.

  25. seriously, donna. everything from the bajan burger to the wings to the coco loco chicken to the steamers to the fish sandwich of the day to the fish tacos/burritos to the crawfish fett (oh my god, the crawfish fett) to the fish bites are uniformly great.

  26. Any of you guys ever see the movie Tango & Cash?

  27. Like the Black Keys, you might like these guys. Sic Alps.


  28. These cops don't play by the book. Also, Teri Hatcher.

  29. I feel that the Coco Loco is overrated.

  30. Teejay recommends the grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, and beefaroni.

  31. It means he gets results you stupid chief

  32. The crawfish fett? I've never seen you (or any of us) eat pasta at Tortuga's.

    I think you are thinking of the creole crawdads appetizer and confusing it for Boba's younger brother, the pasta chef from North a-Brunswick.

  33. "You want my vote for the Psycho Hall of Fame?!! You got it!!!"

  34. i did, indeed, mean the creole crawdads. though i have had the fett, which is also awesome.

  35. The humble Uzi; always a great go-to weapon for any 80's action flick.

  36. Not the "Facility Destruct Sequence"!!! How will Tango and/or Cash get out of this quandary?

  37. And Tango said that Rambo was a pussy. Which is funny.

  38. Grenade to the crotch!!! That's FUBAR big time!!

  39. And they're allowed back on the force!!! And Cash is dating Tango's sister. What happens next? When's Tango & Cash 2 coming out?

  40. Check out "Poontango and Gash," the blue movie parody. It's a keeper.

  41. Greg, posted something just for you...
