Monday, June 10, 2013

Don't Just Stand There (Strike a Pose)

While picking up some photos at the CVS this afternoon I had a few minutes of wait time. So I walk down the aisles to see what the latest is in drugstore retail. My attention was gotten in the magazine aisle. The pretty little number to the left, specifically. Kate Upton typically doesn't do it for me believe it or not (I'm sure there will be some banter about this. That is fine) Well this cover did. I didn't recognize her at all despite the super-sized KATE UPTON right there in print. I didn't see any print, just the picture nor did I acknowledge the magazine. And I continued to stare in an effort to determine who it was. This went on for close to 30 seconds, maybe 45? Don't know really. Once I finally came to and realized that I had something to do I looked up and and noticed that I was in the path of an older woman who wanted to get by me. She must have been standing there for at least 10-15 seconds. There. Looking at me. Looking at me gawking at Kate. Once the lady and I made eye contact she just smiled and chuckled. Felt a little creepy. Smallish. But it was worth it. That's my story.


  1. Kate Upton: Melbourne's finest.

  2. well, why thank you. there's still room in my fan club!

  3. i would like to subscribe to your newsletter

  4. Today is Kate Upton's 21st birthday. Here's to her in her birthday suit.

  5. rob's goading from a few weeks ago has worked for the moment. you probably won't hear from me again 'til 2014.

  6. How much bourbon am I allowed to drink the night before an 8 am work function?

  7. Thanks for all the feedback. I will keep drinking.

  8. That's the spirit. Plow ahead. I'd say four fingers, five if no math.

  9. "Plenty of people will be benefited from your writing."


  10. How much did you drink, Z?
