Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Trail Building, Salmon Habitat Restoration, Pop and Lock

The YouTube caption for the video below is the stuff of your garden-variety worklife camaraderie (give or take your occasional 'fast-paced, multicultural eco-fantasy novel for readers ten and up'):

California Conservation Corps members Antwon McCoy and Leonard Patton aren't just hard workers. They are also very good dancers who have taught their big nature nerd/mountain man boss (John Griffith) more than a few dance moves. When they aren't busting moves, all three do a lot of trail building, salmon habitat restoration, and tree planting in the CCC. John Griffith is also the author of a fast-paced, multicultural eco-fantasy novel for readers ten and up titled "Totem Magic: Going MAD." (TotemMagic.com)

The video itself, well, take a look. It'll make you smile.

(h/t Andrew Sullivan. Go subscribe.)

[Late Teej Edit: rob did not know this, but hours before he wrote this I received an email from Wheelhouse Geoff with this very same video. Because the mountain man boss looks an awful lot like our pal Mike S. of Southern VA. For those that know Mr. S, it makes this video even more enjoyable, if that is possible.]


  1. anyone see the dunk kelly olynyk threw down in transition last night? i know he's 7 feet tall, but he's way more athletic than i gave him credit for being. caught a bounce pass on the run, rose off one foot and sent it down in one fluid motion.

  2. Nerdy mountain man? I can't deny it. But the similarities end there. My knees are the only thing that pop and lock.

  3. I look forward to the rootsminer/Sizzle reunion tour...

  4. It'll have to be when school's out to accommodate SoccerHouse on percussion.

  5. this comment thread is so inside baseball right now it's cracking me up

  6. thanks to twitter, I just learned this is a real beverage item:

  7. I'm putting in a request for Monkey and the Engineer.

  8. That mountain man dances like John Wall and I bet he shoots the 3 better.

  9. which gtb staffer is our cto? someone needs to figure out how we're going to integrate google glass into our global empire.

  10. Adding to Jerry 's comment on the Spurs announcers, they're the worst. Total homers in a way that goes far beyond the usual for local NBA announcers. Sean Elliot is not only terrible but also unlikable. That's why many in NBA circles were somewhat happy when Boogie Cousins went after him.

  11. Rob- there was a really good article a few weeks ago on all the unique training that Olynyk did during his redshirt year and how it's paid off in substantially increased athleticism. I'll see if I can find it.

  12. Here it is: http://seattletimes.com/html/gonzaga/2020250797_gonzaga31.html

  13. Yes. Their are multiple Canadians on Gonzaga. Another reason I don't support them.

  14. Hmmm...Could Pretzel Logic exist anywhere but the Unit M stairwell?

    I realized a few weeks ago that I missed a golden opportunity to use Sizzle's encyclopedic knowledge of classic rock tunes. Last summer I had a lady from the DNC trying to get me to put a classic rock group together to play for a party with the veep at the Nascar Museum, with five days notice.

    And Z, we'll dust off the monkey, just for you.

  15. I Can't Drive 55
    Little Red Corvette
    Straight to Hell (by Drivin' & Cryin')
    Life in the Fast Lane
    Eric Clapton '57 Chevy Song
    and many more!

  16. that's cool - thanks, mark

  17. I would like to manage your non-existent classic rock cover band.

  18. i wonder if that lady was shlara's sister, shlristie.

  19. Once upon a time G:TB put together lists like this.


  20. pick up a rifle and stand a post, zman

  21. I used to like making posts like that, Z. Then I had a kid and got a non-office job. Say it with me, 'Boooooooo!'

  22. Mini-summit Saturday night. Zman, Marls, Dave, me. Plus Ian. And the Old 97's. And the Drive-By Truckers. Northern Jersey. A modern day Rat Pack. Be there.

  23. mini-mini summit Sat thru Tues: me, Mark, the wives (and danimal if he wants to drive to Melbourne)

  24. that would please me immensely teej but actually have to travel that day for work. dagger! st. pat's day work travel is just not cool.

  25. According to the TV in my cafeteria, March is Women's Month. I had no idea.

  26. Also in the mini-summit: FOz&S JP and possibly FOGTB Juan Carlos.

    Don't worry rob, the music likely won't be overly outstanding.

  27. Pretzel Logic continues to have a huge following in Cape Town. There's a pending documentary called "Searching for Sugar Magnolia" soon to be introduced by zman at the Tribeca Film Festival.

    rootsminer, the classic rock gig would have been a breeze, we could have simply locked the doors and played "Radar Love" 40 times in a row. With Teej as our manager, the sky's the limit. (hey, Teej, the moniker Paul Bearer is once again available...)

  28. i think it only fair that the participants in each mini-summit bring me a mini-souvenir.

  29. The Redskins and Fred Davis appear to be parting ways. As a reminder, Fred's recent sexual assault trial where he represented himself and alledged that his accuser was a "pimpette" hit its apex during the back and forth with Ms. Chaka in the witness chair:

    Both Chaka and Davis have spent much of the pretrial portions of this case representing themselves as armchair lawyers, leading to exchanges like this one at an April 2012 hearing:

    Davis: "As it shows, you also have your hand on his genitals. I mean why would you take a picture like that?"

    Chaka: "I do not. Let’s look closely at the exhibit right here, Judge. Where is my hand placed in this exhibit?"

    Judge: "I do not answer questions.... The witness does."

    Chaka: "Can you tell me where my hand is actually at in this photo?"

    Davis: "It looks like it’s in the genitals to me. I mean your hands are on his genitals. Your hand is on his—"

    Chaka: "Objection."

    The rare instance where the witness objects.

  30. what happens if an actual papal election is taking place at 4:20? isn't that basically the singularity for teej and mark?

  31. geoff, that exchange would've been worth a wheehouse revival. that's tremendous.

  32. good lord, squirrel. get the hell out of my brain.

  33. Fred Davis couldn't get a 3L through a local legal clinic?

  34. Teej might have gotten into some trouble with the secret service had we tried that at this gig.

  35. The cast of SNL did not hold back from lighting up when Palin (and her secret service entourage) were with the cast on that awkward night in Fall 2008. Pretty awesome.

    Not sure that a Roanokian cover band would get the same free pass that Sudeikis and Kenan Thompson got.

  36. do tell, hollywood insider

  37. The Secret Service loves drugs. And Colombian whores. Look it up!

  38. tribe baseball loses to liberty. fucking tribe.

  39. papal election filler posted
