Thursday, March 14, 2013

I cordially invite you to Teej's American Kitchen & Bar...

Two weeks ago at work, we held our annual Chili Cook-Off. I was once again asked to emcee, and this time, I really decided to have some fun with it...

Welcome to Flavor Town, gang:

I fully expect to be the host of "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" by early 2015.


  1. there has to be some video of this, no?

  2. Show is indoor and more acoustic in nature. Although the backyard has sort of a nature amphitheater set up.

    TJ, next year emcee as Larry the Cable guy.

  3. next year I'm wearing the OJ jersey and blackface

  4. There has to video, everyone these days has a smartphone, except for Dave.

    Wouldn't the OJ jersey be a little over the top.

  5. post motherfucking count.

    squeak, when should we show up?

  6. the picture speaks a thousand words...


  7. this might be my favorite picture of the teej. it's top 10, for sure.

  8. need to figure out how to Photoshop this look on top of that fair horsey cutout picture

  9. Did your head grow? Are you on steroids?

  10. camera adds 10 head pounds

  11. The quesorito has landed.

  12. We have tomorrow's post. Unless it kills you.

  13. i'm efforting a post for tomorrow. it's the 17th anniversary of one of sports' greatest achievements. but it can wait until saturday if marls doesn't die.

  14. I love those hair hats. I was rocking one of those at Ted's beach house and felt pretty good about.

  15. Marls better not die before Saturday, he's driving.

  16. listening to these califone chaps. they're some shoegazey motherfuckers. will they be bringing the weed with them, then?

  17. squeaky--

    went to one house concert in my life. it sucked. i paid my money, got drunk, enjoyed the music, but also wanted a bar like atmosphere where you could socialize. this was frowned upon, you had to stand quietly and listen to the music like it was mozart. people were shushing me. make sure the environment is convivial, or it will be lame.

  18. Rob, I think that part is incumbent upon the host or fans. A band on tour isn't coming off their stash.

    Anyone from the '97 spring break caravan to shithole florida can attest to how long that van ride back to VA was. I remember telling Teej to just inhale and pretend he was smoking a J. He didn't like that idea much, as I recall.

  19. That was a terrific trip, until we ran out of papal ballots. And you're god damn right I wasn't going to pretend smoking the remnants of a cigarette was the same as a true election.

  20. We went through many, many ballots. I'm still stunned to this day just how many. They were pretty lousy ballots though - the ones Zman and I cast in Jamaica 94 were much more suited for papal elections. And we couldn't even cast them all, thought not for lack of effort.

  21. It's amazing how good bike pumps are at concealing things.

  22. Also - Wish Dennis were around to chime in, but that random 2-on-2 game we won on the UGA campus was a tremendous athletic achievement.

  23. ...cause Dennis scored all but one of our team's points.

  24. holy shit is notre dame wearing some gawdawful unis this evening.

  25. I was at tonight's Big East tourney. Had to leave ND-Marquette early b/c of train. ND's unis are worse in person. They are almost as cringe-inducing as Rick Pitino's hair plugs.

    Atmosphere is pretty bad at the early round games. Fragmented mix of alums and students from all four schools. I'm sure the finals are better, but the (lack of) atmosphere, the $10 beers and the measured scotch pours at MSG left me whelmed to underwhelmed.

    Jim Dolan is a swarthy douche.

  26. Teej, I'll dig into my memory banks and see if I can summon the memory of your "tremendous athletic achievement"at UGA. Nothing yet.

  27. Rootsy, you were not remotely close to said random achievement. However, if I remember correctly, you are the reason we stopped in Athens in the first place

  28. And that isn't a shot at you. I loved that town.

  29. Teen, you manage to look 40 and 15 y/o at the same time in that photo. Strange and impressive, much like my scrotum.

  30. Teen, Teej, whatever, although one version makes that comment sound a bit creepier.

  31. Despite the autocorrect, I enjoy your forehanded insult.

  32. Teen, how did the Chili thingy go anyway?

  33. Sorry I missed it. I'm sure you balled your ass off.

  34. Athens had the best devices I've ever seen for ballot distribution
