Friday, March 15, 2013

Filler filler

This is what happens when no one else will help...

Dave, is this meta?


  1. Adding comments to the last thread. TJ is heading back to "shithole Florida" this weekend. Though, he's coming to a much less shitty locale (its not tough to beat Daytona) and I can assure you he'll have better papal ballots.

  2. as to rootsminer's story, that was a terrific spring break trip, and quite a few editorial staff/readers of the fine blog were involved

    also, i might have scored two buckets in that pickup hoops game.

  3. the dudes we were playing were wearing jeans...always odd to me

  4. Our Canadian readership should tune in to BNN now to see one of G:TB's pasty, hung-over contributors talking about (and emanating) natural gas.

  5. If memory serves we stayed at the Super 8 in Panama City. I had to fight hard with everyone to take the Macon detour to "The Big House", an unofficial Allman Brothers Museum in a house where they used to live.

    If not for the fact that we were gaining an hour by changing time zones those dicks were gonna make us push on for a reservation at a super 8 that we ditched after 2 days in favor of some place that would be more palatable to the imaginary ladies we were gonna bring back there.
    I led the schmuck-off for several days with an accidental breast graze from a waitress.

  6. we also ate at a LEGIT soul food place in Macon, right? cause of Wes?

  7. quinn mcdowell with 29 & 8 last night for the willetton tigers in the aussie second division

  8. i'm told by reliable sources that they are

  9. Didn't our crew decide against stopping at Peter Tosh's house, and instead remained satisfied with simply driving by on the way to YS Falls with Robbie at the wheel? I regret that decision.

  10. Teej, yes we dined at Mama Louise's Soul Food Restaurant.

    Z, I don't regret the trip to YS Falls - it was awesome. I probably wouldn't go into that hut with the guys with machetes again though.

  11. YS Falls was fun but we should have stopped at Tosh's place. We drove right by it! The machetes were not fun.

  12. Why didn't we stop. How much money do you think we coughed up to get out of that shack?

  13. Major fail not stopping at Peter Tosh's house. Panama City is actually worse than Daytona (which is hard to do) as it might is well be a part of Alabama. Redneck Riviera and all.

    As for the Aussie League. It is legit. Kyrie Irving's Dad played in it. Which is why Kyrie was born in Australia and still hold dual citizenship. Also, Sedale Threatt scored around 80 in that league a few years back. I am a fucking wealth of useless basketball knowledge.

  14. You are certainly the only person who will mention Sedale Threatt today.

  15. And that's why Kyrie Irving will never be president.

    We didn't stop because on the way to YS Falls we didn't know we were going to pass Tosh's house, and when we did we were too drunk to tell the cabbie to stop. Then on the way back we were too drunk to remember to stop.

  16. You just mentioned Sedale Threatt, Mayhugh.

  17. According to Wiki, Sedale Threatt's son, wait for it.... Sedale Threat JR, has claimed that Threatt Sr. might have "as many as 14" children.

  18. Can't wait until Threatt Jr. has a son. Bill Raftery will call him the triple Threatt.

  19. Every October, Sedale's baby mama surprises him with a trick or Threatt.

  20. Attended the Pink concert with Shlara last night. Awesome show. Hope she tells you all about it on Monday.

    Also, last weekend, after several (hours of) cocktails, Mr. KQ referred to Clarence as an "athlete." Discuss.

  21. KQ, you are very lucky to be married to such an astute judge of athletic ability. Treasure him.

  22. i believe mr. kq actually said clarence would need a 'catheter' sooner rather than later. it was loud.

  23. That's funny, Mr. KQ told me that Clarence is a mathlete based on his high school glory days on the travelling All Star Math Team.

  24. had lunch with mr. and mrs. teej, jerry, and a guy from mr. and mrs. teej's office. that poor dude got to listen to an hour of inside jokes about jerry and teej's hangovers, stories from clarence's wedding, and mrs. teej's ribald comedy stylings ('hey jerry, you've got pie and i've got sausage'). i'm sure he had a blast.

  25. He chose to hang out with TJ. He has no one to blame but himself.

  26. Good for McDowell to parlay his mid-major experience into a job in Australia. Not a bad gig for your first job.

    I should do a music Monday update--the show was awesome and included a doppelganger for one of the GTB crew. Stay tuned to get the specifics on Monday...

  27. I bet it was a Dennis doppelgänger.

  28. Also, fucking great autocorrect umlaut. Whitney is the only one of us with a child who has an umlaut in their name, right?

  29. out of character for me, but i'm about to start my "all live performance weekend." louie ck tonight at ten, then coaching a soccer game, then seeing the drive by truckers/ old 97's with the gang, then another soccer game sunday. you never know what's going to happen during a live performance, which is why i love my blu-ray player.

  30. yes, but we prounounce our younger daughter's name as if she had one

  31. also, mark i just read an article in the new yorker. florida is full of sink holes! be careful down there.

  32. who else is hoping for OT in this Hoyas/Cuse game???

  33. terps beat duke, huh? how 'bout that?

  34. Florida is full of sinkholes, Dave. The family who lived across the street from me when I was growing up had one open up in the middle of their front yard. Only a few feet wide though.

  35. Elvis Dumervill got hosed by his agency's fax machine? Why doesn't his agent have an online scanner?

  36. yeah, that story's nuts. someone's losing their job, and probably deservedly so.

  37. DId you guys see the Adrian Dantley crossing-guard piece on Deadspin?

  38. Dumervil's agent said that Elvis was in Miami and took the signed contract to a Kinko's to fax it over. His agent is based in Miami. So the decision to not be in the same place as his agent seems to be an issue as well.

  39. His agent is not based in Miami.
