Sunday, December 02, 2012

Your NFL Week 13 Late Game "Because We Need A New Post Up" Open Thread

Talk about the afternoon NFL football in the comments if you want. Talk about the impending Notre Dame/Alabama national championship be played in five weeks. Discuss the fiscal cliff, if you are so inclined. Pour a little out for Ann Romney, and her sad horsey rides. Do whatever you'd like, I don't care. It was simply time for a new post.

Oh yeah, Happy Gheorghe-mas Eve everyone...


  1. Didn't realize Teej had dropped a new post when I commented on the last one. But to sum up, looks like Rob might be right about Northern Illinois making it in to the BCS. That's ridiculous and may very well endue causing some terrible BCS matchups like Rob predicted. Damn. I hate when Rob's right. Asshole.

  2. it's an absolute joke - i would really prefer it not happen, but in a system that's an abject clusterfuck to begin with, might as well go all the way.

  3. We all know that the yellow line is not the official spot. But it's right every f'ing time.

  4. Greg McElroy time for the Jets. LOL.

  5. These Jets crowds are always fantastic. It's like they're parodies of what they think Jets crowds should act like.

  6. Come on Shonn Greene - people are gambling here.

  7. Houston Texans LB Whitney "Got So Drunk His Jokes Were" Mercilus having a good game.

  8. Here's a question that we probably won't have to answer. How do playoff tiebreakers work when a team has 2 ties?

    If Green Bay is 11-5 and SF is 10-4-2, who's ahead?

  9. Zuerlein is absolutely ridiculous. On that last kick from 54 it crossed near the top of the uprights. On the one in the 1st half from 53 he kicked it into the stands.

  10. seminoles! whatever northern illinois is! orange bowl action!

  11. Rams leading the league in Hits After the Whistle (HAW).

  12. The answer is that ties count as half wins, so those two teams would be tied and conventional tiebreakers apply.

    The other answer is that most of the BCS games are going to suck this year. I blame Notre Dame.

  13. You guys missed my "McElroy! McElroy!" comment because I missed this post. Nice Photoshoppery job by Teedge with the big guy's hat.

  14. mark, since you're the staffer most familiar with free shoes university, we'll assign you the orange bowl preview.

  15. I've got the Military Bowl preview...

  16. Sure. And as much as I think it's bullshit that NIU (Huskies?) is making the BCS, I'm cool with Floruda playing Louisville in the Sugar Bowl.

  17. Who has the "throw Teedge in the bowl" preview?

  18. Purchased a tree today from costco. $27.00. I thought I would cut the twine and out a cactus. All is good though and I would recommend it. Our costco also has a liquor store. 1.75 litre bottle of "Kirkland" vodker....bottled and made, so I was told by the jester behind the counter, by Grey Goose $23.00. Wtf right? Haven't opened yet. Anyone had this flavor before?

  19. I think Justin Tuck looks a little "downzy"

  20. If you wanna catch a memorable story watch the 60 min segment on the N. Korean fella here shortly. Great movie material.

  21. Things are shaping up nicely for the Redskins to get trucked this evening. The game theoretically matters, with all the NFC losses in the past 2 weeks, the skins are technically "in the hunt". Some people are still not buying the giants. People are raving about RGIII even more than usual (and sports guy picked the Skins). National stage, Monday night. Your Skins of recent would completely screw this up, and I'm fully prepared for that to happen again.

  22. This will either be the "RG3 is black Jesus" or the "same ol' sorry ass skins" game. Of course, expecting the latter.

  23. A lot of it depends on whether the Giants consider this one of their important games or one of their walk-throughs. It sure seems important, but you never know with these guys. They don't like to make things easy on themselves and they seem to only bring their A game a few times a year during the regular season these days.

    If they treat it like the SF or GB games, I'd expect a comfortable Giants win. If they treat it like Cleveland or Cincy or Tampa, then all bets are off.

    The Eli/Coughlin era Giants teams are among the weirdest and most difficult teams to explain I've ever seen. It's like they have an NBA mentality in the NFL. With their organizational stability and general even-keeledeness, you'd expect them to be fairly consistent, but it's just the opposite.
