Monday, December 03, 2012

The Twelve Days of Gheorghe-mas: Day 1

That's right folks, G:TB's highly successful faux holiday is baaaaaaack. We aim to actually complete all twelve days prior to December 25th....or the 31st at the latest. It's a floating deadline.

Kick off your shoes, light a fire, and blast some "Christmas Eve in Washington". Gheorghe-mas is back.

On the first day of Gheorghe-mas, Big Gheorghe gave to me...
One Hell of a bloggy Par-ty

Apologies to the ladies who attended the inaugural GheorgheFest and did not make this photo, most likely because they were kind enough to actually take this photo.

OK, who has Day 2?


  1. it's the most wonderful time of the year

  2. you got issues with the photo, pal?

  3. Too bad we weren't looking at the camera.

  4. I'm sure I was the photographer for this one...we all know my skills in this area.

  5. so which jets fans are heading to jax this weekend?! should be a good one.

  6. Stands to reason there's a pic out there where we were all looking right at it, right?

  7. If so, I don't have it...sounds like Shlara might, though.

  8. Anyone know of a good employment lawyer in the Boston/NYC area? Preferably Boston area.

    Asking for a friend.

  9. My wife likes Private Practice. She can probably be of assistance.

  10. My wife likes private parts.

  11. As the kids and we were decorating the tree, "Christmas in Hollis" came on. The fiancée said, "Uh, what happened to the Christmas music?" Wedding may be on hold. Stay tuned.

  12. You need to rectify that. Christmas in Hollis is my all time favorite Christmas song and my ringtone during the month of December.

    "there was a letter from Santa and the dough was for me!!"

  13. RGIII is so much fun to watch. And, it is nice to have a good football team in DC. But I hate that Snyder is able to enjoy this...he's a crappy owner, just got lucky with the QB.

  14. i thought i was taller than that picture indicates. did someone photo-shop me shorter?

  15. And I thought I had more hair. I suspect this is another of Teedge's Photoshoppery efforts.

  16. If Michael Jordan was still alive he'd smack Phil Knight silly for putting his name on these new XX8s. Wack kicks.

  17. i was definitely looking at the yellow line on that last run. goddamned line.

  18. Teedge adds that yellow line using Photoshop.

  19. Eli is good at the throwing of the football.

  20. Colts are 8-4? Colts are 8-4.

  21. that throw even impressed my wife.

  22. I love Rex not naming a starter yet. He is WREAKING havoc with the vaunted Jags' D. Gonna be crazy in Jacksonville next Sunday. Cray. Zee.

  23. Doesn't take much to impress Dave's wife.

    I hope Eli falls in a deep hole at halftime.

    Those two statements may or may not be related.

  24. Nice stomp, Joseph. Enjoy your suspension.

  25. redskins are being punished for clarence's cheap shot on my wife.

  26. Unlike the new Jordan XX8s, the 2014 Corvette is gorgeous. Except for the taillights, which are square for the first time since the Eisenhower administration and appear to have been taken right off of the current Camaro.

  27. A-Rod has the hips of a German Shepherd.

  28. this game might do the impossible and keep me awake until the end.

  29. The Redskins are relevant again. And all it took was lifetime fan rob giving up on them this season. Nicely done, tiny.

  30. Giants could not have left more points on the field. But they also looked like they gave a crap.

    The crowd seemed to be asleep until the Skins took the lead in the fourth quarter and then, man, it sounded loud.

    I'm not energetic enough to look up the last time the Skins had a 3-game winning streak, but it seems like a while.

  31. i live to make people happy, teej

  32. Skins last 3 game winning streak was 7 seasons ago. This was also their first Monday night win over the Gmen since the Theismann broken leg game.

    Rob is secretly still rooting for the Skins. He can't admit it to himself because he's too stubborn...but he has an RG3 poster in his locker.

  33. I think when he kicked them to the curb earlier this year, Rob was expecting the Redskins to spend the season crying into a pillow and eating bon bons every weekend, eventually gaining 20 pounds and not dating anyone for a long time. But while they haven't hit the gym for four hours a day or anything, they've kept themselves in decent shape where he might still want a friends with benefits arrangement with them at least for a little while.

    And if they take bets on whether the Redskins D will allow a score on the opposition's last possession of the first half, the smart money is on "yes" for any game. How do you give up a field goal with 35 seconds left in the half?

  34. Howdy all - Scott B '97 here. Lumpy tipped me off to this blog.

    Wait - what?! I've been down in podunk Virginia playing in a goddamn jug band and you dudes are partying with a big time baller? Guess maybe I shouldn't have left DC.

  35. When we all voted Baldwin "most likely to end up in a jug band" we really knew what we were talking about. This is unlike the time when we all voted Zoltan "most likely to get arrested for sniffing teen girls bicycle seats outside the local high school."

  36. GTB, unearthing fratre since 2003...

  37. Glad I could live up to such lofty expectations!

  38. If I were to guess, I'd say "Scott B" is definitely participating in movember. Probably a pre-requisite for jug band participation.

  39. i really need to write a post about my football rooting experiment. part of it is going exactly as i expected and part of it isn't. but i don't lie when i say i'm truly happy that this year's skins are making my friends happy.

  40. Rezvan!! And sorry Mayhugh, I'm clean shaven. I may grow a Christmas beard, but here lately it's been growing in with more gray than I'd like.

  41. zman, you'll be amused to know that i'm now on the norfolk state bookstore mailing list. lots of terrific holiday bargains.

  42. baldwin! i vaguely remember you, but think that i liked you whenever we crossed paths! embrace the gray.

  43. whoa - the nats signed dan haren? if he's remotely healthy, they'll probably win 162 games next year.

  44. I'm pretty sure we met a few times Rob. I'm working on embracing the gray, but I play music with some younger guys and I don't want people thinking I'm their dad.

  45. i know. i'm just kidding. feel free to send us links to your music - we'll promote it to the tens of fans that visit us every day.

  46. I thought everyone already knew about the New Roanoke Jug Band, available for download via iTunes.

  47. Anonymity was completely shattered on Gheorghemas Day 1.

  48. Mr. B, I believe we have the same fraternal lineage, i.e., the Sons of Evan Lloyd. Welcome to Gheorghe.

  49. I want that jug band to have a dumber name. What about "Juggernauts" or "Gettin' Juggy With It"?

  50. the old roanoke jug band was a bunch of pederasts. thank god there's a new one.

  51. i like 'jug, jury, and executioner', geoff.

  52. Nice Jugs. End of discussion.

  53. New Roanoke Jug Band lived from 2000-2007. Original Roanoke Jug Band lived from 1925-1935 (and were not pederasts to my knowledge). Now it's Rootstone Jug Band - I've hooked up with some amazing cats who can do it all - Jug Band, Psych Rock, Hip Hop, Metal, Cock Rock, Old School Country, you name it. Jug Band stuff is here:

  54. I'm not sure what Cock Rock is, but I'm certain that Mitt Romney doesn't listen to it.

  55. Only when he travels with Larry Craig.

  56. If you wanna hear what I mean by cock rock, go HERE and listen to the cuts by Mephisto Heat.

    If you wanna hear a ridiculous project where I assume my alter ego Scutttt Plugggg (who sounds like a cross between Jim Morrison and Glenn Danzig, I'm told ) check:

  57. how long until rob is allowed to root for the 'skins again? did he ban himself for life? what punishment must he suffer if he starts rooting for them again?

    i feel a self-jamming would an appropriate sentence for this crime . . .

  58. Rob and I have met once - he was initially excited and then he realized I wasn't "Mark" who posts on G:TB about college basketball, gators, tattoos, and pitbulls.

    There is always room on the Skins bandwagon. Rob is welcome back whenever - I would not deny anyone the joy of Alfred Morris, RG3, and the zone read/zone blocking scheme. That said, I would respectfully request Rob ride out his new NO fandom a little longer so as not to upset the sudden winning streak.

  59. not coming back until snyder sells the team. i think my representatives have been pretty clear on this point.

  60. bret bielema to arkansas. allow me to go on record as saying that this is a great hire for the razorbacks, assuming he can compete for talent.

  61. slightly more ambivalent about gus malzahn's prospects at auburn.
