Saturday, November 03, 2012

Open Thread: Alabama/LSU

In honor of the season's first really big game (with apologies to every other nearly really big game already played), here's a thread for your commenting amusement. I feel about Alabama's chances like I do about Obama's: cautiously optimistic, while fully aware that the other side is capable of winning (with bonus parallels in the opposition's willingness to resort to chicanery).


  1. this florida game can't be making mark happy.

  2. w&m hoopster danny sumner selected in the 8th round of the d-league draft. my reactions: a) there's a d-league draft?, and b) it has 8 rounds?

  3. No so much, Rob. I'm very thankful that James Franklin is awful at completing passes to open receivers. And I'll take the win.

    Now rooting for Ole Miss and LSU. Oh, and drinking.

  4. I want Florida to win the SEC East but I don't want to get embarassed by Alabama in Atlanta. So I need LSU to win the SEC West.

  5. Well, now I'm also rooting for LSU so it'll ruin your night. How's that?

  6. Note that the tiger and elephant are playing checkers. Griffins would play chess.

  7. that's better, mark.

    and griffins would play dungeons and dragons, probably. if not pantsless, definitely dateless.

  8. if ole miss beats georgia, can i convince you to come over to the side of goodness and light, mark?

  9. No. Because that's how Florida wins the SEC East. Try and keep up, Rob.

  10. right. sorry. reading is hard.

  11. You should start drinking. After an unexpected delay, I'm about too.

  12. i have my last long marathon training run tomorrow. daydrinking, sadly, is a no-go. after the race next saturday, i intend to sit on my couch for the rest of the calendar year.

  13. jerome, need a ruling. am i allowed to buy nets gear? 'cause it's badass.

  14. ND needs to stop playing at the level of their competition. Except, of course, when the opponent is Oklahoma.

  15. What's the over/under for Oregon/USC?

  16. quick search showed 60.5, tr. that would seem to be a gift.

  17. Oregon could get there by the third quarter. I think everybody likes the idea of piling it in the Trojans.

  18. Not looking good in south bend.

  19. Should they pull this out of their ass and continue on w the wins I will not be one of the people bitching when they don't get into the bcs championship.
    And Wtf with these 3rd down calls?

  20. Can we get a fucking kicker????!!!!!

  21. I cant bitch...that was a sketchy interference call. As in not very good.

  22. I swear before ND scored I thought ND would win. Still feeling good after the missed PAT. Fired up with some Dropkick Murphy's.

  23. They need to do something about this ray graham fella.

  24. Not good for nd if it comes down to kick.

  25. Rob - I bought some Nets gear when I was in Brooklyn. It's too cool not to if you don't have a natural rivalry with them.

  26. Also, that Oregon-USC over/under seems like a gift. A little too much like a gift. Beware.

    I took Oregon (-9) as part of a two team parlay along with Pitt (+9.5 in the 1st half) today. Wish I could've seen Pitt making it a game for this long. That've been some good money. Oh well. Go Ducks.

  27. One of those seasons for Notre Dame it seems. I lived throughout Florida's 2006 season so I can speak on this with some measure of authority.

  28. I'd love to take LSU +9.5 at home in Baton Rouge if Zach Mettenberger wasn't a walking QB abortion.

  29. The shine is beginning to come off Lane Kiffin in Southern California, no? Couldn't happen to a better guy.

  30. halfway to the over 16 minutes in.

  31. I feel like I just won the Masters. Mayhugh is nice. Where the fuck is teej

  32. Oregon needs to win out. Alabama-Oregon is the most compelling NC game.

  33. That thing I said about "Beware of the USC-Oregon over/under" ? Well I'm an idiot so disregard that.

  34. I really want to see Oregon-Alabama. This Oregon team is much, much better than the one that faced Auburn.

  35. having an ipad is bad for me. i'm missing every other play goofing around on twitter and gtb. no focus whatsoever.

  36. there is no better midfield/midcourt logo than lsu's. not even close.

  37. Is there a place where I can bet on "Question 7 will pass by a wide margin"?

  38. that's not the quarter i was looking for

  39. should probably have a mini iPad.
    How many miles did u run today?

  40. Excellent squared. Need bama.

  41. Shit....u can have a couple cocktails on your taper....come on rob. Everyone is doing it.

  42. oh, i'm nightdrinking, danimal. just wasn't daydrinking.

  43. Gus Johnson needs to not be so excited about TDs when they are as frequent as goals in a lacrosse match. We've had 7 in the first 35 minutes of the game. I am off the Gus bandwagon.

  44. I love almost every Oregon uni

  45. Nd's dream season requires a USC win tonight. Am surprised it is still a game.

  46. deadspin is doing a beer of the week feature. why didn't we think of that?

  47. Omg....Rudy is on. I can't change the channel.

  48. kenjon barner has 321 yards and 5 tds? tell me how he's not the heisman frontrunner now.

  49. Seriously, Oregon is so much fun to watch. There is something really enjoyable about a no-huddle offense when they are up ten. Chip Kelly is sitting on the accelerator.

  50. A little known fact about the movie 'Rudy'. My high school basketball coach showed it to us during a Saturday morning shoot around to motivate us for that night's game. I fell asleep during the movie. The only start I missed my senior year was that night's game.

  51. Who are these anti-Question 7 people and what is their agenda? Listen to Lavar.

  52. Is it just me or is Alabama's secondary playing really poorly in the 2nd half? Giving up way too much room to the LSU WRs.

  53. And why are all the ads about money for schools?

    How about this - casinos are awesome and American adults should be able to gamble if they so choose.

    Are we going to be free people? Or slaves?

  54. Here's what I want to see (other than Question 7 passing): Alabama with the ball up by 3 with 1 minute left. 4th down. LSU puts 10 guys on the field. Tyrann Matthieu runs out of the tunnel, straight into punt return position.

  55. How is it possible that Zach Mettenbereger has looked like shit on a stick all year and now he's Joe Montana against Alabama?

  56. Under center wildcat? That might bet the dumbest 4th down play call ever.

  57. The Committee to Elect Notre Dame National Champions just phoned in a 4th down pass interference call on K-State. I've got it on one of the small TVs but it looked about 30 seconds after the play. Doesn't matter because OSU just threw a pick.

  58. Alabama made that look really, really easy. Wow.

  59. AJ McCarron...settle down, champ.

  60. fell asleep right before alleman missed the figgie. woke up in time to see saban being interviewed. good times.

  61. So you missed McCaron weeping on the bench like he just won the Super Bowl? Yeah, it was a little much.

  62. I just read about Sean Payton's contract. The league has the power to void an executed contract between a coach and a team? Does the league office work for the owners or vice versa? Very odd.

  63. Commissioner is supposed to work for the owners. At least that's what we've always been told.
