Friday, November 02, 2012

Feeling Like a Member of Snap Right Now...


  1. It's gittin', it's gittin', it's gittin' kinda hectic

  2. Nicely done, T(owe)R (of power)

  3. Now Dave is tryi g to claim best athlete at G:TB status? I'm so offended right now. I had 25 in a men's league game last night. And my team finished the regular season in first place. Man, fuck you guys. (I'm not really offended...okay a little).

    Also kudos to TJ for the earlier Bill Murray post. I read that story a couple of weeks ago (Grantland, maybe?) and it's one of the all time great Bill Murray stories. Which is quite an accomplishment.

  4. And we haven't even gone to the microfiche for the Virginia Pilot's top 50 white Tight Ends in the Norfolk Fancy Boy Academy Conference in 1988.

  5. Wait, did you keep track of your points all the way up to 25?

  6. No. They keep stats in the league we play in. Email them out on Friday afternoons. Pretty cool actually.


    Read this...and laugh.

  8. clearly, i'm the best pound for pound athlete in the collective. i'm versatile like a motherfucker.

    and nice work, tr. hope you let zman stay with you this weekend.

  9. Of course you are. You weigh less than a Mexican flyweight boxer at this point.

  10. i didn't get past 'of course you are'. mark knows what time it is.

  11. Jerry's tight end comment was eerily precise in its barb.

    But I was #1 in that category.

    And I am the best pound-upon-pound athlete on GTB. I rank first in the 260-lb flight for sure.

  12. we got invited to the side of town with power for dinner tonight!

  13. for the record, i'm in the 'they should cancel the nyc marathon' camp.

  14. Which is way less fun than band camp.

    Could they postpone it? Too cold later?

    I laughed at the story on A woman call the mayor "clueless without a paddle," which I think is a Ludism.

    Also, some dude from Short Hills, NJ said he hated the mayor and called him the r-word, which is a no-no in my professional circles. Why ESPN felt the need to quote well-intentioned but spouting-at-the-mouth random people in an article escapes me. If you'tr going to put the blathering of random idiots in print, ESPN, quote Dave and me.

  15. I really just don't give a shit either way about the NYC marathon. Run it, or don't. Just please stop fucking talking about it already.

  16. We need to get Mark one of those I Heart NY shirts. V-neck would be cool.

  17. That's the thing, I do love New York. My weekend up there last month was fantastic. The self importance is a little much though. And I know plenty about self importance.

    Also, speaking of v-necks, Russell Westbrook was sporting a tight fitting v-neck shooting shirt on the Thunder bench last night. This NBA hipster shit has gone too far.

  18. Decent NY Post headline - picture of a few massive generators running at marathon HQ - "Abuse of Power".

  19. I'm not the best athlete around here but I have tons more sexual prowess than any of you mopes.

  20. That's not what your wife said last night Zman, when she slid out of her bed and into mine.

  21. That's why she was complaining about itching!

  22. James Harden with 41 tonight.

  23. Excuse me, 45 points in a win.

  24. One of my dogs chooses to drink out of the toilet. He prefers it to his water dish. This dog is a scumbag.

  25. What are you going to do, Shlara, shmile?!?!?

  26. Clarence, you ever been to The Leaping Lizard Cafe?

  27. Yes. Good friend from high school Liz opened the Leaping Lizard gift shop. She leases the land to the cafe -- it's solid. You see it on Triple-D?

  28. under les miles, lsu is 35-1 in death valley at night. in case you wondered if i might be getting overconfident.

  29. Yep Clarence, saw it on some late-night Triple-D watching.

  30. I too saw the Leaping Lizard on Triple D last night. I really want that Chicken Salad Sandwich.

    Also, good to see that Florida is playing like they're more hungover than Clarence this afternoon.

  31. Personally, I prefer to watch double-D's on the late night telly.

  32. i had a joke about tr and double d's teed up but thought twice about it. shoulda gone with my first instinct.

  33. Florida is lucky that James Franklin is a shitty QB.

  34. Tribe driving downfield with 2:00 left and down 4 to a ranked UNH team... into New Hampshire territory... interception. Ebirt Og.

    How many losing seasons in a row would Laycock have to suffer before people start talking about his successor? 6?

  35. under terry driscoll, unless jimmye's players turn into the second coming of free shoes university, he's bulletproof.

  36. new post up. elephant and tiger out front shoulda told you.
