Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Worth Millions of Words

Some of you may know Taylor Morris' story, but even if you don't, I won't waste time repeating it. Not when these pictures are so much more powerful. Pan through the entire series, and take your time doing it.

Dipshittery, as always, just over the horizon.


  1. just argued before the supreme court. that's a highlight. no justices were there, and it was more of a discussion, but i was in the courtroom. that's an impressive place.

  2. You beat me to SCOTUS! What was the occasion? And how did our G&Ws become so staid?

  3. you could have warned people you will need a box of tissues for this post.

  4. zman, the court is a customer of ours - i was meeting with the clerk and the i.t. director. when the clerk realized i hadn't seen the courtroom, he immediately marched us upstairs and gave us a tour. way cool. also met one of scalia's secretaries. alas, no justices were in the hizzy.

  5. jess, apparently the gentlemen of g:tb don't believe in twue wuv. or they're so overcome by the story that they're unable to comment.

  6. I'm working on some dipshittery...

  7. Rob, it was amazing story. Good pick. And obv yesterday's post good too. :)

  8. rob - very good story. verklempt.

    in january i will be raising money for someone of similar ilk by taking part in a little swim in the bay of tampa. i'll be knock knock knockin on your doors for some green love. mark it down.

  9. tribe/delaware on comcast sportsnet mid-atlantic on saturday. someone text me the score.

  10. I would only muck it up if I tried to comment on this story.

    In other news, I contemplated another Bills/Browns preview for their 5th matchup in 6 years but decided against it because (1) it's too early in the season to have enough fodder to do a good preview, and (2) no one cares.

  11. I saw this story the other day and loved it. And cried. Glad you decided to share it with the GTB universe.

  12. i looked at the pictures and did not cry . . . but that doesn't mean much, because i am a robot.

    just kidding.

    but seriously, that story is almost as inspirational as me coaching two soccer practices today with a bad quad pull. it's really sore! two practices! i am accepting donations, of course.

  13. My newly half broken iPhone is making participating at G:TB nigh impossible during my workday. This, is some serious bullshit.
