Monday, June 25, 2012

Shlara Congratulates Danny Ferry On His New Gig In Atlanta

As you know, we at G:TB love a good guestie, especially a good Shlara guestie. So, we figured why not kick off NBA Draft Week here at GTBHQ with a few (kind) words from the First Lady of G:TB on Danny Ferry's recent hiring as Atlanta Hawks GM (good luck with those contracts, chief). Without further bob mcadoo...
Danny left (got run out of) Cleveland when he couldn’t keep LBJ on the Cavs roster and headed back to Texas and the safe confines of the Spurs front office to wait for a new opportunity. I was hoping Ted would get rid of Ernie this summer and bring Danny in to fix the Wizards. Danny was basically groomed for the job since he was a toddler (Bob Ferry was Bullets GM from 1973-1990) - but Ted apparently has other ideas.

Some of you may know that Danny was my all-time favorite player back in college when he looked like this:
And I was one of the only people who cheered for him when he played in the pros - he wasn’t the most talented player on the court, but he worked hard, has good basketball sense, and is SUPER nice. So, he will always have a special place in my heart - which is why I’m happy to see him land the GM job with the Hawks today.

Hopefully he can help build a real fan base there in Atlanta. Welcome back to the Eastern Conference Danny!!


  1. Y U people no comment at night?

  2. dave's asleep. mark's changing diapers. clarence can't figure out who he is. zman's braiding his armpit hair, while tr is drooling the drool of traindrunk. shlara's grossed out about guesties, and dennis is pondering life with 4 kids.

    you don't wanna know what greg is doing.

  3. and danimal's watching the olympic trials and mentally trying on singlets. oddly, so are mr and mrs kq.

  4. Greg is watching "Action Jackson".

  5. I thought everyone was engrossed in tonight's episode of The Bachelorette

  6. I always confuse Danny ferry with deney terrio.

  7. mentally? no, not really. close though.
    can't get enough of the underwater camera. those olympic hopefuls are pretty fast.
    and how about that pool? was not aware that it was constructed just for this event beginning a few weeks prior.
    and lastly - i can't handle the gotye song anymore. it's as maddening as the paul frederick ads - still doing introductory offers after 5 years. same price.

  8. wow-- you nailed me on the head. first official day of summer and i was in bed at 7:45, still a bit hungover from sunday's italy victory.

    anyone want to go out wednesday and thursday at 2:45 for the semi-finals?

  9. So David Ortiz is the last "one of the 25" from 2004, right?

  10. Viva Italia...We all drinka the wine and I make my son get the arm tattoos so he looksa lika Diamante.

  11. Germany isa buncha pussies with no beards and no tattoos. Excepta then Gomez. I lika the Gomez. Ohhh the Gomez. And their cars don't maka no noise.

  12. John Oates hired to coach Capitals. Darryl Hall hired to work the drive-thru at Popeyes.

  13. i give jerry permission to write a blog post as me.

    and if you don't love da pirlo chippa shot penalty kick, den you have no a hair on your ballsack.

  14. That was an awesome PK. And his That's the one area where North Brunswick hasn't been able to effectively replicate Italy. Pirlo, Mancini, Maldini...just tremendous hair.

  15. I'm totally taking off to see Germany-Italy. Totally.

  16. I worked with a dude who graduated with Danny Ferry from DeMatha. He described an incident when Ferry got in a tussle with a kid who was 5'7" and won the fight by kicking the kid in the crotch. Amusing.

  17. Rob, the missusKQ and I will in fact be donning our singlets in the James this Sunday in Williamsburg for the Jamestown Tri.

    Naturally we'll wear them to the party.

  18. I still like the Golyte song. They are the Human League for the 10's.

  19. I don't listen to the radio, so I don't know this Goyte song. But if you say they are the Human League of the 10's, I have to search it out.

  20. in boston for my grandmother's 90th birthday. went to my other grandparents' place on the way back to the airport for a quick visit. as i arrived at the rental car return, got a call from my mother telling me that i'd left my bag with my car keys at the first house. motherfucker.

    hope you cats are having a neat day, though.

  21. I don't listen to the radio, so I don't know this Goyte song. But if you say they are the Human League of the 10's, I have to search it out.

  22. Grantland really does copy GTB. They have an article about Danny in ATL today.

  23. Funny you're talking about those Gotye people, because I tweeted this at 8:02am today:

    I honestly have no f'ing clue who or what Gotye is, but this "Somebody That I Used To Know" song is catchy as hell
