Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A NBA Draft Tradition Unlike Any Other

The 2012 NBA Draft is now just over 48 hours away, so why not warm up for Thursday night's festivities with one of my favorite YouTube clips of all time: Stephen A. Smith being heckled mercilessly for his love of Cheez Doodles at the 2006 draft (I love that we already have a "CHEEEZ DOODLES"  label). It's things like this that make me ecstatic the internet exists.

Up next in our draft coverage, Mark may or may not drop some actual insights, and I may or may not dissect what the Wizards will do with the No. 3 pick. Knowing us, neither will happen.

Also, what's with all this night posting now? And the night putting with the Dean's daughter?


  1. I'll take David Bowie with the #2 pick.

  2. At Midway airport, next to 2 nuns herding 3 Latino kids, including one on a leash. Good times.

    What's the going rate for a healthy Latino(a) these days?

  3. dos mulas para la hermana sarah

  4. TR = the most interesting man in the world.

  5. happy to see the ncaa get religion on a football playoff, but won't be satisfied until we get at least 8 teams.

  6. Rob . . . baby steps. Dr. Leo Marvin will tell you.

  7. I'm only interested in Dr. Harvey Karp right now.

  8. who the fuck is 'whitney'?

  9. Inventor of the cotton gin?

  10. Funny flat-chested woman on a mediocre NBC sitcom?
