Friday, June 22, 2012


Readers know of our unique relationship with LeBron James, so we won't belabor this point. We're thrilled that the Heat won the NBA title last night. While we feel for the Thunder, a great team and a great story, we're pretty damn sure they'll get theirs, and soon.

Mostly, though, we're happy for LeBron that he can now just play basketball without the attendant circus freaks in the media stirring up shit about his inability to play under pressure, his shortcomings, his non-Jordanness. (We're looking right at you, Skip Bayless, but you're not the only one.) LeBron's performance this postseason was transcendent, arguably the finest in history. This cannot be argued, and anyone that denies James' greatness now can be dismissed as either an idiot or a contrarian prick. (With apologies to Jerry.)

The Decision was stupid. The pep-rally boasting of "Not one, Not two..." obviously braggadocious and tone deaf. But they're both yesterday's news, spun continually current by a media machine that needs a villain to sell page views. And they were both a function of youth and bad advice from people paid to do better.

As the kids say, haters gonna hate. We won't be among that number. Congratulations to LeBron and the Heat (especially Erik Spoelstra - who was nearly as vilified as LeBron this year - Shane Battier, Mike Miller, Udonis Haslem, and Juwan Howard). And we can't wait for Thunder/Heat round two next June.


  1. Wait. No congratulations for Mike Miller (7-8 from 3) or Miami native (and someone who twice took significantly less $ than he could've earned in free agency to stay with the Heat) Udonis Haslem? That's bullshit. And clear evidence of your anti-Gator bias.

  2. let no man claim we don't respect the will of the people. fixed.

  3. everyone on GTB knows that I love Sam Presti and KD. It made ME cry when they showed KD hugging his mom & crying at the end of the game last night. But he'll get a championship, I'm sure of it.

    and even though I don't like Bron, back from the Wiz/Cavs playoff series, I certianly respect his talent. He worked hard for this win and deserves the accolades.

    Plus, I am really excited for my old buddy Juwan--he's a genuine good guy and its pretty cool to see an old guy who can stay alive in a young man's game.

  4. I enrolled at Florida the same year as Miller & Haslem. Their class forever changed the basketball program & I've long had a soft spot for both of them. Haslem might rank as my favorite Gator basketball player of all time. Really happy for both of them.

  5. Andrew DeClercq begs to differ.

  6. I loved DeClercq. Lots of hustle and muscle, a little bit dirty, but hung around in the NBA for a decade.

  7. You could say the same for Pip with the following edit:

    "Lots of hustle and muscle, a little bit dirty, but hung around in the [Burg] for a decade."

  8. the durant/mom hug got me, too, tara. the joy and pain evident after the game really told a story about how much winning means, even to guys making a fuckton of money.

  9. somebody here picked portugal into the final four.

  10. somebody here picked germany to fail to get out of the group stage.

  11. I enjoyed DeClerq's work as well. I'm not clearly I what he'd beg to differ about though.

  12. anyone got the stoner to english dictionary handy?

  13. Honk if you *heart* Juwan!

    (comment for Shlara, party of one)

  14. twitter rumor of the day sez the caa contacted davidson, college of charleston, and...appy state. one of these is not like the other. but the football league would continue to be badass.

  15. To be clear, I wasn't stoned Rob. Haven't been today. I will be soon though. I'm just awful at typing. I was trying to discern what TR/DeClerq's beef with my Miller/Udonis comment would be.

    Also, fuck you Rob.

  16. Can barely muster the enthusiasm to respond, but meant thatDeClercq, as the leader of the Gators' '94 (?) Final Four team, might think he had something to do with the progression of the program.

    That's all. No beef with Udonis or Miller, and I've always loved Billy Donovan.

  17. No one did an NHL draft preview?

  18. I figured that was what you meant. 94 was an isolated occurrence and the program never had any real sustained success (in terms of being a top 20 national program) after than under Lon Kriger and his spectacular unibrow. Donovan and that '98 class (Miller, Haslem, Dupay, Halton) changed the program forever. Made the Sweet 16 as freshman, National Title game as sophomores and gave Florida a national name.

    And I'm sorry to be such a bore, TR. You are now free to go back to grumpily drinking scotch by yourself.

  19. than...should be that. Fuck. I should just stop typing.

  20. KQ--I almost pulled that tablet out of storage for a twitter pic today--went for the Juean reading poster instead. Wonder how much that tee would

  21. shlara's been passing a bowl around with mark.

  22. Sigh--typing on the iPad...not easy for me

  23. Mark, are you coming north for TeejTime in 2 weeks? 'Bout time we tied a good buzz on.

  24. your typing is perfect - we may be on to something

  25. teejtime 2012 promises to be epic. bart scott can't wait.

  26. Epic -- now there's an underutilized word these days. It is what it is.

  27. rack me. no, actually, punch yourself in the balls.

  28. I am coming to the nation's capital for the Teej's nuptials in a few weeks. Arriving around 8 on that Friday. I anticipate terrible hangovers. I'm quite looking forward to it.

  29. shaping up as the greatest g:tb summit in history

  30. Virginia governor Bob McDonnell has given UVA the old tomato (or ultimatum, if you like) that if they don't figure out the presidency issue by Tuesday, he will ask for the entire Board's resignations.

    On one hand, he's right, as it's a Chinese fire drill up there right now.

    On another, the Commonwealth of Virginia accounts for 8% of UVA's budget, less than ever, and less than what just about any other state gives its "state schools." At some point, if I were on that Board, I'd tell Bob to pipe down, lest he be known as the governor who caused the privatization of the best collection of state colleges in the country.

  31. California might have a bone to pick with that last sentence.

  32. California has outstanding schools, each of whom should be proud that their state is #2 in the country.

  33. Okay, I'm obviously kidding and exaggerating -- but the Commonwealth has an array of great schools for a state of its size. And they're not getting any better or more affordable thanks to our General Assembly. Higher Ed is pretty low on the totem pole. I read that UNC gets over $23,000 per student from state government. UVA gets $9k. W&M probably gets less.

  34. any recommendations for a good bar in nyc to watch the england/ italy match tomorrow? has anyone been to nevada smith's?

  35. won $100 and a colts tie from jim irsay on twitter last night, raising my twinnings to one magazine subscription, a wheel of cheese, $100, and a tie. thinking about turning pro.

  36. Dave, you need to go to a place that serves gabagool with HP Sauce.

  37. What question did you answer for Crazypants Irsay, Rob?

  38. he posted a quote and asked who said it. i had no idea, so I googled - answer is matt nathanson, a terrific singer/songwriter. next step: free colts tie. i plan to wear it to teejtime.

  39. Nevada Smith's can be a shitshow for big footie events. Any big sports bar will work /c Yanks-Mets isn't until 8.

    BXL Belgian (125 w 43rd) has great Belgian food and a good Euro vibe for soccer.

  40. BXL is legit. The mussels are a good deal and the waitresses are French. Or Belgian. Can't tell them apart but the accents are nice. Delerium Tremens on tap.

  41. Landsdowne Road on the west side is good spot as well. 10th and 43rd.

  42. Rob did you see Matt Nathanson on LFDH? Awesome. Big fan.

    Congrats on your Colts tie. Will Teej's wedding be like the one in "Diner?"

  43. LFDH . . . I like going there and asking the hostess, "What are you gonna do, Sara . . . smile??" It's fun. Ask Greg.

  44. According to the Huffington Post's article on college streaking:

    Age-old College of William and Mary also embraces streaking. According to one William & Mary student, students go streaking in the Sunken Garden before they graduate as part of a triathlon. However, the streaking is not organized into one huge event, and instead students go whenever they wish.

  45. This is a good intro for Zman's story about his hometown buddy who got booted from Vanillanova his freshman year for streaking b/c he literally ran into a priest in his b-day suit.

    I'll save the story for him. Or not.

  46. It involves a wheelchair too.

  47. Well, priests don't like that. They prefer to have to work a little harder.

  48. and on a sunday, clarence.
