Thursday, June 21, 2012

Indistinguishable from Magic

I'm fascinated by the potential of 3D printing, even as I find it incomprehensibly complex. Until today, I'd only considered the idea of printing non-edible gewgaws and the occasional body part. Thank goodness Marko Manriquez didn't let the strictures of common thinking stop him as he developed his Masters thesis.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Manriquez gives us: Burritobot.


  1. I don't get this.

    So the island of Lanai is now the island of Larry Ellison.

  2. for a song, too. if i'd known it was that cheap, i would've made an offer.

  3. In airport....sitting near a dude, a bit feminine, who just cleaned his ears with with a pair of underwear. And it looked like boys underwear....they were small. He is reading a book titled "the perks of being a wallflower". Discuss.

  4. Danimal, where are you and TJ going? I kid.

  5. I don't understand the value to society of the burritobot.

    On the other hand, I fully understand the value of a burrito.

  6. i don't either. it was the best filler i could come up with on short notice. be a shame if one of the rest of you slackers ever posted anything.

  7. I have tons of great ideas for posts rob, so give me a call and I'll inspire you.

  8. My aunt lives on Lanai. Does she have to go to work for Oracle now?

  9. No, but she'll have to orally service Larry on a moment's notice, if he so desires.

  10. I guess everyone else is watching figure skating?

  11. I'm sad that OKC is going to lose and I'm even more sad that basketball season will be over tonight

  12. Fishers foul should not be flagrant. If a 260 pound mass of solid muscle is coming at you full speed at you take the charge, you shoul be allowed to set your feet, lean in, and
    Put your arms out for balance.

  13. Do they need to keep shooting threes?

  14. an okc win would've been cool, but i'll be glad to see lebron get a ring. and even more glad that the chattering class will shut the fuck up about 'the decision'.

  15. Pat Riley is really starting to resemble Hannibal Lecter.

  16. Durant - hang in there. I hope you get yours.

  17. Clarence celebrated the Heat victory late into the evening.

    In less pleasing news, my new company screwed up my direct deposit info and I didn't get paid. They are mailing me a check. From Kansas. I'm not very happy with this development.

  18. Your meth dealer is probably pretty pissed too.
