Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's Draft Lottery Night, NBA Fans

And that means only one matter where the Washington Wizards end up selecting, they will likely f**k that pick up like nobody's business.

"TJ, you exaggerate, you loud mouth fatty."

No, I really don't. The Wizards suck a bag of dicks when it comes to drafting NBA-caliber talent. The proof:

Look at that list. What a traveshamockery.


  1. Can't stop laughing at that list.

  2. "bath salts" though an odd name, wasn't what i first thought of after reading about a guy who ate another guy's face. while both naked lying (SOD). under a bridge.

  3. Bath Salts are fucking insane. I've never taken them but a drug addled friend of mine bought some when he couldn't get blow a couple years ago. He was up for like 3 days straight.

  4. I'm not afraid to admit that I liked Kwame's first album.

  5. He's one helluva D.C. politician as well.

  6. Teej, you're missing the 1995 draft when we got 'Sheed from UNC. That was the 4th pick which we won after making the mascot (Hoops!) walk from Landover to Seacaucus (the former home of the draft). Seriously, took 10 days, and he walked with a support crew in a van. Like those ultra-marathon teams.

    That was the year after we drafted Juwan (5th) and McIlvaine (32nd). And the 1993 draft was epic: Calbert (6th) Cheaney and the man, Gheorghe Mursesan (30th).

    Those were the good old days.

  7. hi danimal! the man's been keeping me down a bit lately, but i promise i'll gin up something stupid soon.

  8. Michael Jordan and Bobcats getting rammed in the arse like an episode of Oz.

  9. i just saw a picture of what was purported to be the victim of the face eating. some things you just can't unsee. holy fuck on toast.

  10. I avoided clicking thru to the face eatee. I already made the mistake of looking at the woman whose face was ripped off by the chimp.

  11. It's worse than any Faces of Death movie I remember. Pun not intended, at all.

  12. Seattle Seahawks lighting it up tonight. 2 TDs and a figgie and we're still in the 4th inning.

  13. Speaking of Faces of D, some dumbass video clerk allowed me to rent it when I was about 12 y/o. Not good times.

  14. The one that always sticks with me is the dude parachuting into an alligator pit...the slow descent is ridiculous, especially when you realize he can't do anything to avoid being a croc's lunch...eventually. Brutal.

  15. Try not to suck any dicks on your way to the parking lot.

  16. We doing "Clerks" bits, now? I approve.

  17. 12 yo TR at the video store provokes clerks quotes.

  18. 12 year old TR does not appreciate your ruse, sir.

  19. Diddy hangs with Phil leotardo?

  20. Your ruse?

    Yes. Your clever attempt to trick me.

  21. But seriously, the face of the cannibal/zombie victim was horrific.

    And, point of order for Danimal: it happened on a bridge, not underneath one. One the largest and busiest bridges in Miami. In board fucking daylight.

  22. Zmam- Don't forget AJ Soprano's hot puerto rican girlfriend, Walter White's partner from Breaking Bad and a host of other "that guys" who can drink vodka all night and look just fine at dawn.

    I hate that fucking commercial.

  23. I believe it's pronounced "vokkuh".

  24. Who's the clown rocking converses? Air bobos.

  25. In this game? That's Udonis Haslem...bite your tongue, sir.

  26. I thought Haslem wore Zips?

  27. Battier wears some jacked up shoes too.

  28. Battier wears Easy Spirits. He was in that ad where the ladies played basketball in heels. He was the lady on the far left.
