Monday, January 16, 2012

Just take the damn day off...

I could be wrong, but I'm under the impression that most of the G:TB contingent is off work today for the observance of Martin Luther King Jr's birthday. I am not. My cop wife is. There's something especiallu vexing about getting up to go to work on a Monday when most of the people you know aren't getting up to go to work. It's even more vexing when you look back to your bed and see someone still sleeping in there. I'll cut my wife a little slack though, since she's less than two weeks away from delivering our child. A child that has taken great pleasure, it seems, in kicking my wife's ribs for the past few months.

Anyway, since it's MLK Day I figured we might need some Monday morning filler. And I'm nothing if not helpful. Well, that's not true. I'm actually kind of a dick. Or a curmudgeon, as Igor recently called me. And while I can't argue with Igor on that. I'm not nearly as big an asshole as many of the residents of Arizona.

Chris Rock is funny. Chuck D on the other hand is not nearly as amused by the folks in Arizona.

Happy Martin Luther King Day.


  1. you're wrong about danimal. ditches to be dug today.

  2. I'm rooting for a Baltimore/SF Super Bowl so that all the moronic talking heads who said "Defense doesn't win championships anymore" will be forced to recant. Instead they will likely act as if they never said "This is the year of the quarterback and the blueprint going forward is all on offense."

    Like Danimal, I too will spend the day grinding out widgets because yesterday around noon I got an email telling me that the thing I was told to do via email on Saturday needs to get done by Tuesday morning. In order to "get done" it will need to go through two levels of review, both of which are a near-lock to propose sweeping global generalized changes, which means I need to get my first part done by this afternoon. So that I can make revisions all evening.

    No, I do not work for the state of Arizona.

  3. breaking rocks in the hot sun here, too.

  4. I am a double bitch because I am here at work strictly to stay in front of a crazy busy week, due to being out on vaca last week and having a colleague canned. I am one of two people on my floor that are in (usually close to 100 folks). It was not a warm walk to the train this morning.

    But the joke is on them b/c I didn't shave this morning and I'm wearing dungarees.

  5. Dungarees? The joke is on you my friend.

  6. Really envious. Would rather be working.

  7. Wiz 7-2 on MLK Day since 2003. Dray Blatche unaware who Martin Luther King Jr is...

  8. Full slate of MEAC and SWAC games today.

  9. And a bunch of high profile high school games on ESPNU from Springfield, Mass. As well as a quadruple header of CBB on ESPN. Not to mention of the NBA matinees. Good day to be at home watching basketball.

  10. I'm sure the Wiz game is on ESPN, right? Maybe I'll tune in.

    I'm not working, yeah me, but I am cleaning up the pigpen that is my office desk.

  11. Houston Texans - #1 seed in the AFC next year.

  12. I tend to agree with you. Seems like they'd have been the AFC's best and most balanced team with a healthy Schaub and Williams. The improvement in their defense in one season has been very impressive.
