Saturday, January 14, 2012

Help is On the Way

If your blog has a content problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them - maybe you can hire: The A-Team.

Hat tip to Neatorama.


  1. Rob, Dave & Igor, are you bothered by the fact that Hubert Davis looks old? He's our age. Do we look that old?

    I don't think I look old--maybe I'm just kidding myself.

  2. i think it's something in the lake braddock water - our good friend and hubert davis' high school backup has the face of a young man but the hair(less) of a septuagenarian.

  3. You just threw Cliff under the bus, Rob. He's probably already coached 3 basketball games and played a round of golf today...

  4. you're the one that named him in public. and i'm getting ready to run 9 miles before laying on the coach all day.

  5. Rob must be training for a half....hope u picked up some body glide...
    Freaking cold here in F L A. Have put off my yawging.

  6. Dear God,

    1. May there be peace in the world.

    2. May we all find a little happiness in each day.

    3. May the coach Rob is laying on all day NOT NOT NOT be a great big fat guy in Bike shorts with a clipboard and a mesh hat.


  7. And Shlara, it was a kind inclusion, but I'd bet my bottom dollar that Dave couldn't pick Hubert Davis out of a lineup of 2.

  8. bingo, danimal - myrtle beach half over presidents day weekend.

    and igor, i shall be reclining in a motorcoach. didn't realize i had to spell it out for you philistines.

  9. Tribe tied with Northeastern at the half. Would be better if they hadn't been shut out for the last 3 minutes, squandering an 8-point lead.

  10. well alright...ran that several years ago. it was 28 degrees.

  11. it was 28 degrees when i ran this morning. was pretty good once i regained feeling in my hands.

  12. i remember hubert davis! he played for the knicks back when i watched nba basketball. he does look freakishly old.

  13. i love running in the cold. it's freezing here and i've been outside for three hours today-- feels great-- but of course, i am covered with a pelt of hair . . .

  14. happy carolina got their ass whipped day, everybody!

  15. i saw igor get concussed in exactly the same manner jimmy graham just did. scary as shit.

  16. Okay rob....another tip for ya...when 28 degrees you are allowed to wear gloves. I wear them at 50 like today.

    F'ing Saints.

  17. was wearing gloves, d. i have the circulation of a 90 year-old woman.

  18. I wish I had a KFC weekend bucket right now.

  19. Rob, that is odd . . . I was just telling that concussion story. Scary from my vantage point as well. Came to and had some random coats draped over me.

  20. You people love to run. I, on the other hand, hate it. I do it because I'm terribly vain but there's no way I'll ever run in a competitive race, much less train for it.

    I just thank God I get to play basketball 3-5 times a week. That kind of exercise is fun. When that dries up and I have to run more than 2-3 times a week, well, I'm going to be fucking miserable.

    Sometimes getting fat seems like a more appealing option.

  21. The checkdown to gore just won't cut it now.

  22. i still play basketball and soccer every week and i'm 41. far better than running but i don't know how long i can keep it up. i've actually been duct taping my plantar fasciitis foot together so i can continue playing.

  23. Humorous 30 minutes reading back comments while sipping a scotch. Woke up to an 85 degree sunny day in Turks and Caicos. Spent my morning in a giant pool. Arrived home in NJ to flurries.

    Found out on the Monday I was away that my department head fired the work colleague of mine who got me hired and essentially gave me his responsibilities, in addition to mine. Awkward. I was four drinks deep at 1145 am when I got this news. It was a promotion and a buzz-kill at the same time. Forced me to stick closer to the BBerry and curb my boozing a bit, unfortunately.

    Bummed I missed the hoodie talk. Own four. Would own more, but I only wear them on weekends. Shocked that you all didn't wear them more growing up. I had tons of college and pro sports hoodies growing up. I love them almost as much as I love long-sleeve t-shirts.

  24. I can't wait for the thread where we discuss grooming products.

  25. This is a first-glance thought, but Gordon Hayward appears to be pretty jacked up(relatively speaking) these days. His numbers and minutes are up a bit this year and he's still young. He seems to be following the JJ Reddick path.

  26. Well this game might not be competitive but the Miss America Pageant certainly is. Buncha little monkeys up there. And Brooke Burke to boot.

  27. The local weatherman who is a tad dainty just said it's "snuggling weather"

  28. I almost forgot to post a sentence today! what effect would that have on the multi-verse?

  29. i am so excited for this giants game. it's better than the super bowl. the game comes on at the correct time AND i have off tomorrow. AND i have made giants play-offs chili, and every time i have made giants play-off chili, the giants have made it to the super bowl, though both chili-making efforts were totally disastrous-- i will detail these in a sentence tomorrow.

  30. And there's a mini-summit in the works.
