Friday, December 09, 2011

The Twelve Days of Gheorghe-mas: Day Four

On the fourth day of Gheorghe-mas, Big Gheorghe gave to me...

Four Smokin' Rock Chicks 
Three Blogging Concepts (Sports, Drinking, Elitism)
Two Footie Stories

And a Doofus on a Pony

Our love of rock babes is reasonably well documented. From Neko to Jenny Lewis to Feist, Zooey Deschanel, and Avril Lavigne, we're suckers for a pretty girl with a little bit of attitude and a microphone.  For Gheorge-mas this year, we give you a quartet of ladies (a sextet, if you count each of Pistol Annies - heh heh, he said 'sextet') who brought it in 2011.

We first heard of Dum Dum Girls when they covered The Smiths' There is a Light That Never Goes Out. The pleasure and privilege was ours when we heard more of their stuff.  Here's 'Bedroom Eyes', a whole different perspective of life on the road.

The Givers play unapologetic bubblegum pop music, and Tiffany Lamson makes me feel kinda funny, like when I'm climbing the rope in gym class.

St. Vincent, aka Annie Clark, has the kind of voice that makes a strong man stop in his tracks. Or so I assume. It makes a lesser man like me sit down and take a deep breath.

Finally, the Pistol Annies are a trio of lady badasses, including Miranda Lambert of Gunpowder and Lead fame. Please, Annie, don't hurt 'em.


  1. You couldn't even manage to use the "Gheorghe-mas" tag? You are turrrible.

  2. I think we first heard about dum dum girls When squeaky told us about their first album last year. They diversified their sound on the new album (it isn't all garage rock) and they took a huge step forward on their production quality. But if you like your chick rock with a little dirt under its nails check out their first album.

  3. Going back to Igor's comment from last night, Holland Michigan is the hometown of the Marlsette. The first time I went to visit, she asked her mom where something was located and her Mom replied that it was in Felch street. This prompted a whole Felch conversation, but not the one that would be likely around Unit M. Apparently some of the Felch clan still live in Holland, Adolphus Felch was a MI governor and US senator, and there is county in the upper peninsula named Felch. Needless to say, I could not stop laughing and had to leave the kitchen immediately.

  4. "her mom replied 'felch street'"


    this post is painful for those who have youtube blocked.

  5. You can't go wrong with the Dum Dum Girls. The lead singer is married to some other musician. I'm too lazy to google it.

    If you are looking for another under the radar popstress check out Kathryn Calder. She replaced Neko in the New Pornographers.

  6. rob, it's a shame this day will never be remembered as part of Gheorghe-mas...

  7. New Ghostface interview!

    Here's a sampling: "Crime, ya nah mean, black on black killings, and people raping. They got people in New York, ya nah mean, a lot of these guys is raping 80-year-old ladies. Ya nah mean. It’s like, for what? There’s pussy everywhere, ya feel me?”

    Where does he get this stuff?

  8. Good news - It turns out you can buy Jets (faux) Uggs for the special woman in your life.

    Bad news - They are not called Juggs.

  9. Did you find out about this while trying to buy jugs for Tiara (get it, it's a play on the feminine form of TR, TRa)?

  10. If you were named Adolph Felch and you turned 18, which name would you change first??

  11. I think Adolphus Felch has a regal ring to it. Much like Augustus Gloop.

  12. you throw in a "Leonardo" or "Lucas" for a middle name and you have yourself an "ALF". that could be kinda cool.

  13. Maybe ditch Adolph for something more dashing like Lance Felch

  14. Harry S Felch Is a less popular choice.

  15. And if you haven't heard Michigan rocker Bob Seger's alternate version "Down On Felch Street," you haven't lived.

  16. My freshman baseball team coach in high school gave us all dumb nicknames. He would use them and post our stats on a bulletin board in the school.

    There was a guy on my team who was named John Holmes. No lie. That was his given name. The coach gave him the nickname Johnny Wad. It took me several years to realize exactly how wildly inappropriate it was for him to publicly post that he gave a 14 year-old boy the nickname of an AIDS-stricken drug addicted porn star with a donkey-sized dong.

    Carry on.

  17. I would likely opt for Randy Felch.

  18. Felch F. Felch.....I think most guys my age first heard of felching in a Richard Gere-hamster context

  19. one of the johnny wad movies was among the first of that genre to be viewed by the danimal.

  20. wadd...sorry
    the return of was certainly the movie.

  21. Many electrons have been spilt over Tim Tebow's recent success in an effort to figure out if he's actually capable of being an NFL quarterback. I have not, however, seen an analysis based on the premise that Kyle Orton may simply be an atrocious QB, and that the Broncos' defense and ground game is good enough to carry the team so long as the QB doesn't fuck things up for them, a la Hostetler's Giant's or the Dilfer-led Ravens or the Johnsonian Bucs. Until just this instant.

  22. was just looking for something meatier.

    i think it's beer thirty. been a while since i said that/typed that. tally ho.

  23. I love our collective cleverness. Using "analysis" in a thread involving felch, using "meatier" in one involving John Holmes.

    Best film I saw in college: The Grafenberg Spot. Hilarious porn about women with problematic overflowing orgasms. Included a blooper reel. All star cast including Ginger Lynn, Amber Lynn, Nina Hartley, Harry Reems, and yes, Johnny Holmes. And Traci Lords, though I would guess if you came across a copy of the film today her parts would be edited out, since she was 16.

  24. porn bloopers?

    i am requesting someone who knows anything to do a political analysis of newt gingrich. i'm trying to read a bit but it's overwhelming.

  25. Dave....just retweeted a joe scarborough article on newt. In that article he has two other older articles one of which was in esquire a year or so ago. Read that. roasted tomato and olive oil triscuits are FUCKING AWESOME!

  26. you mean "parts" or "parts"? Or perhaps both.

    Rob....does tailgating occur at army navy game?

  27. So that Cincy/Xavier game got a tad out of hand at the end, eh?

  28. thanks danimal-- let's see if i can navigate twitter . . .

  29. Danimal isn't the first person to tell me they were looking for something meatier, although he is the first man.

  30. Danny Boy, an assload of tailgating occurs at the Army Navy game. Went last year. An awesome experience throughout.

  31. Watching the respective passing games in the Army Navy game is like watching two virgins having sex. Not smooth, not pretty, but sometimes it actually works.

  32. You've watched two virgins have sex? You're kind of sick.

  33. "kind of sick" is the gentlest insult I've gotten in a while, but it is the holiday season.

    And yes, Dave, porn bloopers. Actually very funny and/or gross. To see how they emulated gushing female O's via a hose... well, you just gotta see it.

    Yep, kind of sick.

  34. The nickname d-train was given to me many moons ago by my then best friend in hburg va. He has been on the job 2 weeks as the new a.d. at cinci. Ouch.

  35. Ryan braun: MVP and juicehead.

  36. Mathieu's suit....that would be silver.

  37. These espn heisman presentations are just bad.

  38. Danimal--I just tweeted about that suit:

    I dunno if Tyrann will win the Heisman, but I would bet that suit is going to earn him a mention on the the E! fashion police show

  39. Ummm....trent has 2 kids older than mine. I am 41. Lucky bastard.

  40. Shlara....what's your twitter handle girl?

  41. good times at america's game today, save for a minor altercation with an obviously stupid, possibly bigoted navy fan.

    seeing the brigade of midshipmen and corps of cadets side by side is both visually impressive and a pretty obvious reminder that both really are on the same team.

  42. look at danimal acting like he's all up in the club. holla at your boy, shorty.

  43. I think rob has a coupla co co ones in him. That's right co ones.

  44. Danimal--it's @teegrec
    And altercation? Seriously??

  45. the president came on the field before the game, shook hands with a few midshipmen and cadets, did president stuff. guy next to me, mid-fifties, wearing a navy jacket, says 'who does he think he is?'

    i'm half-drunk and all flabbergasted, so i say, 'well, he's he commander in chief' in what was probably a smartass tone. the guy replies, 'he's not *my* commander in chief.' to which i respond, 'so you're not an american, huh'

    he didn't much enjoy that, so he muttered 'i wasn't talking to you' and turned to his companions. asshat.

  46. Atta boy rob

    I'm guessing Luck lost some votes at end of season due to the "beard" he was sporting. #gawdawful

    Should I wait 2 or 3 days before I start following shlara

  47. Atta boy rob

    I'm guessing Luck lost some votes at end of season due to the "beard" he was sporting. #gawdawful

    Should I wait 2 or 3 days before I start following shlara

  48. i made sure i clapped extra hard at the ronald reagan tribute, too. america, bitches.

  49. Shlara's on Twitter? I should be following. Well done, Rob. And yeah, that guy next to you was definitely a bigot.

  50. Off to Vegas in the morning. Anyone need side bets placed while I'm there?

  51. Again, Heat at 2-1 for the NBA Title. Even if you don't be for me. Do it for yourself. Stealing. Money.

  52. Mark, how much you want on it if it is available?

    And the ugly people fly out at 8am on jetblue. Lots of blue hairs on the flight. I would not be surprised if a bingo game breakouts inflight. 60 year old ladies sitting next to me at terminal are trying to figure out how to use their newly purchased ear buds.

  53. You fly out of del boca vista?

  54. I can't wait for evolution to figure out how to grow teeth painlessly.

  55. Merry gheorghemas!

  56. thanks z. i'm all over it. will share it via facebook to see if any other takers are out there.

    am watching the jags game. why? not sure really. retarded maybe.

  57. oh wait. now i remember. bet on the bucs. let's go bucs.

  58. Not sure if you ladies have heard of Apple TV. If not, check it out. It's pretty awesome. Gives you access to any movie or TV show you want (have to purchase them) and the options for music channels are beyond impressive. Literally more stations than you could ever listen to.

    Also, if you are able to jailbreak the AppleTV then you can have access to IceFilms is a better version of netflix, every TV show or movie ever, available and streamed to you. Also, you can have access to Sports Devil which streams every live sporting event to your TV too. I don't have NFL Sunday Ticket, but via Sports Devil I get every single NFL game.

    Apple TV (once I was able to jailbreak it) was the best $100 I ever spent. By far.

  59. Since I don't really know you, Squeak, I have trouble asking you to put more than 100 on the Heat. If I was in Vegas, I'd put significantly more on it.

  60. one of my sisters has been doing the apple tv thing for a couple of years now and stands by it. like dave, she is without cable or satellite. she's one of those people.

    the jags announcers are who the hell knows. one sounds like stockton but am pretty sure it's not. the other guy is some rookie. i think he just invented a word - imperative. i think he went to w&m.

  61. mark - love the confidence on your heat pick. hope you are correct sir. have a 2yr bet w/fogtb "buckles" on them winning it - this is the 2nd yr of bet.

  62. Apple TV is definitely worth the money, even if you don't break the law with it like me.

    Heat were real damn close to winning it last year. Will be better this year due to another year playing together as well as the health of Miller & Haslem. Plus, Battier makes them much better and I think they add another quality role player or two in the next couple of weeks.

  63. So the bucs have 5 turnovers and have given up 28 unanswered points since I turned it off to watch Frosty w the little Danimals.

  64. If I didn't know better, I would say that God really is on Tebow's side.

  65. We had a JP losman siting today! Excellent.
