Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cleveland Does Not Rock

I was in Cleveland for work on Tuesday and found out it most certainly does not rock. That Drew Carey is full of shit.

The two videos below sum up the city fairly well.

Here's the first. It is not as funny as the second, but it allows embedding.

The second video can be found here.


  1. Didn't like the Wrenball post, TR?

  2. I thought a 9+ hour run was sufficient. Post count.

  3. plus, more wrenball is likely this week in advance of the tribe/mizzou matchup on saturday, time and good taste permitting.

  4. Bonzi Wells back in the NBA. Bonzi, Beanie, Boomer, if your name is Wells you get a B name. H.G. Was "Brainy" and Orson was "Beefy."

    Edmund was "Bookshop."

  5. Michael Irvin wearing same exact suit as Matheu's from Heisman night.

  6. Saw that. Was bill oreilly always lazy-eyed? Or did he have a stroke? I'm more pumped for the debate than this falcons jags tilt.

  7. Newt compared himself to Reagan and said he can out-debate Obama.

  8. And Ron Paul says anyone can beat Obama.

  9. Bachman says she will go Toe to toe with Obama is she is president. I guess she doesn't know he wont be president if she wins.

    Perry wants to get it on with Obama. His words. And just name checked Tim Tebow. He hopes to be the Tim Tebow of the Iowa caucus.

  10. Santorums outfit fell off the back of a jos. A. Bank truck.

    As did Perry's. Where do they get these terrible shirts?

  11. Newt sewed the sleeves on his jacket himself.

    Bachman would follow the constitution by staring down the debt. No idea what that means.

  12. Huntsman just said he isn't a great politician. Good thing he's running for the bigger political office on the planet.

  13. Romney is pretty fucking good.

  14. Ron Paul just compared fannie Mae to fascism. Newt's response has nothing to do with Paul's criticisms. But it was artful.

  15. Newts gonna slap a bitch. He's heated. Bachman has about 10 pounds of makeup.

  16. Newt made shitloads of money doing other stuff so he didn't need $1.6 M from Fannie Mae. He just did it to help people get houses.

  17. Ron Paul is dropping some separation of powers bullshit. He says earmarks are congress' job so that the executive branch can't get ahold of the money.

  18. Perry would make congressmen get part time jobs. Too bad there are no jobs out there.

  19. Bachman says judges shouldn't make law. All Marshall wythe alums shoul be ashamed.

  20. Santorums favorite justice is Thomas. The rest of the dunces have a list including Thomas. Dude hasn't asked a question at oral argument in a decade.

  21. my tweeps indicate she said the courts aren't the final arbiter of the law. perhaps she missed the first few days of con law.

  22. ten comments in a row is a cry for help, z

  23. I can't help myself. These guys are terrible. Except Romney.

  24. Ron Paul would let Iran get nukes.

  25. We've been at war with Iran since 1979, sayeth santorum

  26. We need to modernize our air force? Who has better plane than us, mitt?

  27. Bachman cites the Iranian constitution but botches ours!

  28. An avowed madman? Who avows to madness, Mishy?

  29. I agree with you, TR. Cleveland does not rock. In fact, it blows. I interned in Cleveland one summer. My offices were in Cleveland Browns Stadium. That's cool, right? Nope. Cleveland is a hell hole.

  30. Huntsman likes natural gas. Maybe he's attracted by farts.

  31. Perry likes the tenth amendment a lot. "that's the one I like a lot."

  32. Romney gets flak for a 5 day waiting period on handguns?

  33. How is denying marriage rights to a minority group not discrimination?

  34. Gingrich is irate that he has to deal with someone as dumb as Bachman.

  35. Christoper Hitchens kinda died quickly on us, right? Wasn't he writing for Slate as recently as a few weeks ago.

    Too bad he can't write back from the afterlife to confirm/deny the major tenets of God Is Not Great.
