Wednesday, November 09, 2011

My name is Inigo Montoya ...

In my previous Homeland post I neglected to mention that Inigo Montoya plays a major role in the show. His character is an older CIA agent who mentors Claire Danes' character. He does a great job masking his Spanish accent. It's well documented that Mark loves Inigo ... to w(h)it, here's a snapshot of one of Mark's tats:


I now firmly believe that Brody is not a terrorist.

First, Brody is clearly willing to bang an infidel, so his inability to bang his wife probably stems from the fact that his wife is banging his best friend.

Second, Brody was a sniper so he can probably control his heart rate and that's why he passed the last question of the polygraph.

Third, Brody drank a bunch of beer and bourbon in different scenes which doesn't jibe well with a transformation into an Islamic fundamentalist.

Fourth, in the flashback where Brody beats Walker to death there's a gun to Brody's head, so he didn't kill him willfully.

All this confirms my suspicion that he wasn't turned.

I now firmly suspect that Inigo Montoya is the bad guy. Last episode, Inigo Montoya made it a point to straighten out the Persian rug in his office. This detail struck me as heavy-handed foreshadowing. Why else would they include it? Perhaps it's his prayer rug? (Although it's kind of insane for a terrorist to pray in his office within CIA headquarters.) He also said a prayer for the terrorist who killed himself. I don't know if it was in Hebrew or Arabic but it seems odd to a CIA agent to pray for a dead terrorist. And in the most recent episode it appeared that Inigo Montoya initially failed his polygraph test. He retook the test the next day, possibly after taking some special CIA agent drug that steadies your heart rate. AND, if you remember from an earlier episode, Inigo Montoya spent three months in an Iraqi prison staring down Uday Hussein. So he was a POW.

Thus I believe that Inigo Montoya is the POW who was turned, not Brody.


What's the point of this post? To illustrate that Homeland is so well done that the main character's psychoses and paranoia made me paranoid, and that I've been sucked into the nuances of a TV show. This rarely happens. Watch Homeland, if for no other reason so that I can discuss it with someone else.


  1. Fix the title link. It goes straight to youtube.

  2. I imagine that was intentional, squeaks.

  3. Four comments about my fucking html skills?! Does anyone watch this show?

  4. So I'm two for two the last couple of days. Pissing of TJ and now Zman. Who's next?

    And no I haven't caught the show yet. As soon as I can delete some of the 90% of the kid shows on the DVR it might happen. Hell hath no fury like a scorned three year old if his show isn't taped. Yes, I'm a bad parent.

  5. Also, which .xxx domains will you all pick up? The landrush started yesterday.

  6. i'll not be told what to watch, zman. i wanna talk about penn state because i was out of commenting range yesterday, so i'm reposting my comment from the last thread:

    i'm really torn on my opinion of mcqueary in all this. i'd like to believe that i'd have screamed holy hell and made sandusky stop if i were in mcqueary's shoes, but that's an impossible hypothetical. kid was a junior staffer who likely held sandusky in awe and probably was completely unprepared to process what he saw. i get people's reaction to mcqueary's failure, but i feel very sorry for him - he must relive that moment every day.

    the mighty mighty bosstones were right about this one. glad i haven't yet.

  7. I think McQueary did the right thing initially. Was he wrong in not going public when nothing happened from his report? Are you suggesting he didn't do enough?

    Morally speaking, that's what he should've done. But as a 22 y/o kid who was about to burn the first bridge he was offered in his coaching career, I can see why he didn't push it more.

    Peronally, I think I'd be hard-pressed not to start beating the shit out of any dude I saw doing something like that, regardless of his age or stature.

    We need to add JoePa to the '12 celebrity death list.

  8. no, i don't really know what i'd have done in mcqueary's shoes. lots of talking heads, mostly of the meathead ex-jock variety, are angry that he didn't try to stop sandusky in the act.

  9. "My goals now are to keep my commitments to my players and staff and finish the season with dignity and determination." quote from his press release announcing his retirement at the end of the season. There is no dignity left for you, JoePa. Quit today. The BOT should just fire him.

    What the hell are these students doing holding pep rallies at his house? People are morally bankrupt.

    Including me as I linked to the .xxx domain link earlier.

  10. I wouldn't be surprised if Saturday was his last game as coach. He might not even make it that far.

  11. And JoePa has no business saying "I will step down at the end of the year. The university does not need to spend another minute discussing this."

    Um, they're discussing canning you now, dude. They very much need to spend a lot of minutes discussing this.

  12. Can we discus something less depressing? Like the Redskins.

    Oh, right...

  13. Also, everyone involved in this should fucking burn. And JoePa, stop being such a fucking arrogant ass. I wish the trustees had the stones to fucking fire him today. i really do.

  14. TJ, do ponies cheer you up?

  15. Good gracious was that clip awful.


    This one is tons more fun and crazier.

  17. I haven't commented here much because I've been ranting on Twitter. But here goes, Squeaky's right, Paterno has no dignity. He should be gone now. His attempt to "announce" his retirement is just another example of him trying to call the shots at PSU. He's a fraud who helped cover up the rape of children. He's scum in my book.

    Furthermore, the demonstrations at PSU are nauseating. What, exactly, do these people think they're supporting? The culture in State College, PA is warped & completely out of whack. Akin to a cult.

    All involved in this scandal are an embarassment to decency, morality & general human kindness.

  18. You're retweeting blog comments now?

  19. i am. it's a brave new world.

  20. And you're the diminutive Aldous Huxley.

  21. Playing ping pong with nunchucks is cool. But it's Bruce Lee ... so amazing.

  22. Just because I want to say something, too, I concur that everyone in State College and all those with/connected to the school including the formerly thought-of as ethically-upright JoePa (as y'all call him) who are championing them(selves) at this point, are indeed going to burn!! This is the stuff that gets you to hell.

    It's like the stuff with the Catholic church all over again. You don't mess with children, and if you know people are, you tell. Period. It's the only way it stops. Any other answer/response is CRAP! Shame on them. Shame on JoePa.

    And ya know, just editorially, I was telling my husband, there are many things I've come to expect...politicians embroiled in sex scandals; young rappers dying; corporations taking no responsibility for corrupt practices and bailouts and bizillion dollar bonuses; steriods/cheating in baseball; felons in the NFL making millions....etc., but damnit, I thought Penn State and Joe Paterno were clean. WRONG! Sorry for the rant.

    And BTW, a student was on the phone in my class yesterday...I don't mean texting, I mean taking a phone call in class!! On the freakin' phone....OY!

  23. tribe signed the no. 8 player in michigan and the no. 4 player in connecticut to hoops letters of intent. i have no idea if 8 in michigan and 4 in connecticut are any good, but i like their size.

  24. also, it turns out 'kimpton' is hotelese for 'eurotrash'

  25. Aldous Schmuxly?

    McQueary is the guy who saw Sandusky in the shower, right? He then went and told Paterno what he saw, right?

    If that's the correct story then I think McQueary reacted acceptably. Telling Paterno is, for a 22-year-old kid, essentially the same as telling your dad or the school or maybe even the cops what you saw (according to Weinreb's column Paterno is God in Happy Valley). It's up to Paterno to make sure the problem is addressed.

  26. G:TB is packed with rants
    Dave's suitcase wasn't packed with pants
    PennStaters all shouting, "JoePa!"
    Except the Greeks who shout, "Opa!"
    Pointing fingers at sleazy culprits
    From our lecterns and our pulpits
    You're not wrong, this should never happen
    I just miss the muppets rapping

  27. This is why most of us here went to a small and apathetic "college" ensure we'd never have our school pride publicly crushed in our collective faces. Now, if they would just stop nationally televising W&M hoops ass kickings.

  28. Igor's rhyming made me chuckle heartily

  29. Um...

    #Nationals C Wilson Ramos has been kidnapped at his home in Maracay, Venezuela. Situation developing.

  30. Getting kidnapped in Venezuela is like losing your cell phone. Happens to everybody, you shell out a little cash to fix the problem, then you head on your way. Not exaggerating.

  31. Rick James chappelle episode on comedy central now

  32. Rick perry is still running?

  33. Perry wants to do away with three agencies but he can only remember two of them.

  34. Gingrich openly laughs at Cain.

  35. Gingrich openly laughs at Cain.

  36. But he now espouses the Chilean model of retiremt accounts!!!

  37. Ron Paul would abolish federal student loans because they are unconstitutional. And he says the market will adjust college tuition in response. Amazing.

  38. Mitt: "I've been in business all my life, 25 years!"

  39. Ron Paul borrowed his suit from someone much larger than he. Rick perry is not smart.

  40. JoePa about to be fired...I think...

  41. penn state students are as young and dumb as i used to be. god bless you stupid, hapless, passionate kids.
