Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I hear Tiger knows Mitch Cumstein

So I heard there's some golf on tonight. This is the best I can muster in the 69 seconds I have to not do real work. F real work.


Also, I heard Tiger is playing against his old caddie. How the fuck is that news? It's a fucking caddie. Pardon my French.


  1. the tiger match goes off at 10:05? the fuck do these people think we are, insomniacs?

  2. I've got an 11:35 soccer game tonight, so it's possible that I could get through all the matches before bed. Tomorrow is going to be awesome. At least I'll be able to talk President's Cup with everybody in the office.

  3. bob davie took the new mexico job? that can't be a better gig than the one he's got at espn.

  4. igor. "weekday night golfing" was or is in step with the previous postings. "night putting" "night golfing" do you understand?

    soccer at 1135 at night? you serious clark?

    read that davie blurb today. he's been waiting for the right coaching opportunity. i guess one where no one gives a shit or even knows how you do is the right one. i like bob. he seems like good people and i hope he does well there.

  5. yeah, igor. shut the fuck up.

  6. igor thinks this post is pretentious and unfunny... something something Dave...

  7. Anytime you can follow a coach who went 2-26 and was known for punching multiple assistants you have to take it. Even if Davie is only a partial abortion as a head coach he'll be a legend compared to Mike Locksley.

    And really Jerry, 11:35? I've been in plenty of leagues and none have had games start past 10 (even that was rare). What the fuck is going on in your soccer league?

  8. Don't start piling on Igor, 'cause Igor likes it.

    And jerry's had late night soccer games for years. That's when his cleaning lady comes.

  9. Indoor soccer space is in high demand. You get used to playing in them, but not to waking up the next day. There's actually an open gym that starts after my game, but that's a different group of guys.

  10. Brilliant new feature on NBATV - Classic Quarters. They're just showing 1 interesting quarter of basketball from various games. Right now it's Bernard King scores 23 consecutive points. This is much better than watching an entire game.

  11. Holy shit. That's a great idea. NBA TV is underrated. You know, if you like basketball.

    Also, I wasn't thinking indoor soccer. Makes sense but since I'm from Florida I don't think about things like cold weather and snow and the like.

  12. jerry-- i play basketball tonight from 8-10 and i think that's insanely late-- i can't get to sleep for hours afterwards, if i played soccer at 11:35 i wouldn't get to sleep until 4 AM. you are a true warrior. they should give you a trophy after that time-slot. we had a 10:15 soccer game last season and i took off the next day.

  13. and t.j. i love the profanity!

  14. Enough of Tiger.
    This is a showcase for my BF Adam Scott, playing in his homeland.

  15. turns out my i don't get the golf channel. my television is stupid.

  16. and my commenting is stupid, too

  17. I've got my eye on Scott's girlfriend, so maybe we could work something out.

  18. Does the Golf Channel have enough viewers to justify this quantity of commercials?

  19. Jerry--you want to help me break up that relationship?
    Golf Channel = #254
    I watch WAY too much of this channel...

  20. i know what channel it is - just seems i don't receive it. like i said, my teevee is dumb.

  21. By the way, I forgot to add tags to my own post.

  22. Jerry and Shlara, a match made in...well, who knows where. But I like the match.

  23. Rob--money can be exchanged for goods and services. Just fyi.

  24. I would like to start the "I don't want to be anywhere near any human who has participated in a Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street event" caucus. We will be holding our meetings in sports bars and we will bond over a shared love of drinking, defecating exclusively in restrooms and conforming to social morays.

  25. i was with you until that last part about the eels. no fucking clue what that means.

  26. They are very social creatures.

  27. I will be going to an aquarium that has moray eels this Saturday. I'll see if they want to shoot the shit with me and report back.

  28. I should probably be safe from the OWS protesters who plan to clog NYC commuter stations. My subway trip takes me from Grand Central to Times Sqaure to Penn Station, so I'll miss all the big areas.

    I face the trifecta of suck tonight.

    I have to think cops would give more slack to commuters who try to beat protestors than to protestors who try to beat cops.

  29. Someone needs to get a map for the Occupy Wall Street crew. Penn Station is not near Wall Street.

  30. They're being pests all over the island. Here's some red-hot protest action:

  31. I respect anyone's decision to peacefully protest anything (although I can't imagine being passionate enough about anything to do so). But once your protest starts fucking with my commute, you've crossed the line. Don't make me late to see my kid just because you're unhappy about something. I foresee some civilian-on-civilian tazer incidents in tomorrow's paper.

  32. Joy Behar show canceled. DAGGER!

  33. Robbie Hummel just hit a game winner for the Boilermakers. Love that kid. Not in the Penn State way, just in a normal way.

  34. Does everyone follow TJ on twitter?

    His tweets are like a window into the soundtrack in his head...

  35. That soundtrack?

    Motherfucking Hall and Oates.

  36. Last night's drunken tweet binge was cathartic.

  37. Isn't Hummel as old as Sandusky?

  38. No one likes a good Hummel more than TR.

  39. With respect to protests, I think in most cases the same level of results could be achieved by a simple bumpersticker campaign.

  40. And if anyone ever had any doubts about my disinterest in baseball, I have never even heard of the NL Cy Young winner.

  41. How many all-time Cy Young winners has Mayhugh heard of? 10?

  42. i am now two taco-nights away from 200!

  43. Prez cup coverage began at 530 this evening.
    Takeaways thus far....ogilvy sporting the pornstache not a good look for him....course looks devilish...nice crowd.

  44. I saw the cy young announcement and thought that kreayshawn won. Very confusing.

  45. A sneaky good night of sports sports sports.

    In the news....a long time Syracuse asst bball coach allegedly molested ballboy for 12 years.

  46. Jets better not lose to Tebow tonight.

  47. This Broncos/Jets game is turrrible.

  48. John Jolly had 600 grams of codeine?!? That's 1.6 pounds. He must've had a bad headache to need so much.

  49. I fucking hate Brian Schottenheimer. He coaches to not lose, instead of coaching to win. And he can't hide his lack of faith in Sanchez.

    And Nessler and Mayock suck. No idea why they canned Mark Papa.

  50. You can hate Schottenhemier all you want, but there's a good reason he has no faith in Sanchez. because Sanchez is kind of shitty. No, really. He is.

  51. "once your protest starts fucking with my commute, you've crossed the line. Don't make me late to see my kid just because you're unhappy about something."

    That, my friends, is some quality "get off my lawn" action rich there.

  52. Mark clearly has no idea what he is talking about....oh wait. Another Sanchez pick-six special.

  53. Just catching up, so excuse the quick commenting binge.

    Re: Jonny Jolly. I am absolutely fascinated by the popularity of drank/sizzurp in Houston (and some other Southern cities). It must be fucking great because motherfuckers sure seem to love it.

  54. You may not like it but you're going to hear a lot more Tebow conversation this week.

  55. I went to bed, because that game was so damn boring...

    Fucking Tebow did it again? Unreal?

  56. No question mark after the unreal...

    and even though he beat the Jets, I still like him. The more he can make Merril Hoge and others look like douchenozzles, the better.

  57. Tebow is very limited in an NFL sense. He looks horrendous when he tries to throw on the run. He has poor accuracy. But he can tuck it and run tougher than any QB we've ever seen.

    It definitely hurt the Jets to have a short week to defend against him, but the defense still only gave up 10 points. The offense is the big questions. The line play sucks, which has made Sanchez very skittish. And the play-calling continues to be atrocious.

    With the playoff aspirations now dead, I'm just hoping they can get in a draft position to get a stud tackle.

  58. Did you ever know that you're my Tebow?

  59. The underrated part of the Tebow experience is the huge reduction in turnovers. Teams that win turnover margin by 2+ win the games something like 80% of the time.

    They turned it over 3x against Detroit, but other than that, I think they've only had 1 in the 5 games that he's started and that was a fumble by an RB.

  60. zman's Friday filler is up...
