Monday, October 10, 2011

What The Middle School Kids Are Watching

You thought it would never recur, but it is definitely recurring . . . that's right, it's high time for another installment of "What the Kids Are Watching." Two years ago we learned what the High School Kids were watching, as well as what Rob's Kids were watching. And for the past two years, I'm pretty sure you've all been thinking: What about middle school kids? What about that demographic? How can I understand this great nation's digital media landscape unless I know what middle school kids are watching?

So G:TB has ascertained the answer. I did extensive and comprehensive research (i.e. my friend Melanie, who has two middle school aged children, sent me a link) and I have determined that middle school kids are watching this:

What is wrong with you, Carl?

Well . . . I kill people and I eat hands. That's two things.

And middle school kids are also watching this:

I wish my kids were watching stuff that funny, but I can't complain because they're not watching complete crap . . . they either watch Phineas and Ferb or Avatar, both of which can be streamed on Netflix, and both of which seem to have an infinite number of episodes. Maybe someday they'll enjoy Community or Breaking Bad, but until then-- as Rob pointed out in his installment of "What the Kids Are Watching"-- there are worse programs.


  1. Sorry to ignore this post's content and skip back a few, but did Danimal compete in the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon?

    I completed my own triathlon yesterday: hot and sour soup, spare ribs and three-chili chicken.

  2. tr...negative....but many friends that did.
    i did however compete in the 12th annual pinehurst invitational, with fogtb, Buck and others. i think the pain endured yesterday & so far today exceeded the pain felt had i done IM in HI...

  3. Another big day of comments at G:TB. Everyone still stunned that the Bills won?

  4. So, that Bears offensive line is pretty good, eh?

  5. I just found out I work with a guy who testified at the OJ Simpson trial. He sits 20 feet away from me. He is a research analyst in his 50's who follows footwear and apparel companies. He was the manager of the footwear department at Bloomingdale and personally sold OJ his Bruno Maglis.

    The Teej - let me know if you want an autograph.

  6. Wait, he went from a late 20's early 30's shoe salesman to research analyst? That is wuite a move.

  7. Yesterday was my first day of a new job. First meeting I took was a client/partner opportunity, couple of dudes came in. Dudes' names? Mike and... yeah... Igor.

  8. Igor is from Rochester and a Bills fan. Zman would like him.

  9. this is getting very meta. whitney turned into igor because of his new job, and then met igor who is actually zman?

  10. Whitney is still Whitney. I am Igor. Get it straight.

    There is no Dana here. Only Zuul.

  11. Wasn't there a rumor about a GB IV?

    And Black Keys have a new one coming out in December ...

  12. Llamas with Hats is very Charlie the Unicorn-esque. Julian Smith is okay. Kind of a miss though. Like when Natalie Portman was on Lonely Island's Digital Short.

    I think kids should check out the Professor Brothers.

  13. New Mayer Hathorne out today too. A review shall follow.

  14. about 2 weeks ago, igor or whitney asked for some laptop feedback....igor - what did you end up purchasing? do tell.
    others - i'm in the same boat...have had a dell latitude for 4 years. time to retire the ole bastard. looking for something lighter as i do travel a wee bit. too many freaking options out there. little patience.

  15. disregard the "hello"...being a smartguy.

  16. I have a work-issued Dell Latitude E4300. It's really small and good for travel, but the screen is so small that I would go blind if I didn't dock it to a monitor for regular use. I go through about one a year though.

    Like I told Igor, for personal use I buy the cheapest HP or Compaq I can get at Staples or Best Buy because they are cheap and they are easy to hook up to my HP printer/scanner and other HP devices (I am a computer idiot so I need everything to be easy). I save everything to an external hard drive and treat the laptops as disposable, I need a new one every 3 years or so.

  17. thanks zman. this will be a work-purchased computer so not necessarily worried about saving a ton of money - good value - good small, light, machine

  18. i second zman's thumbs-up on the dell latitude 4300 - highly portable, good enough horsepower.

  19. Danimal, if it's a work laptop go with a high end Dell (Precision) or a Thinkpad. MacBook Pro for apple if that floats your boat.

  20. Stuck watching the Michael Jackson doctor trial while getting my oil changed. This is the worst courtroom action I have ever seen. The prosecutor is making no sense, stumbling over his words, and asking the same series of questions over and over. The defense is objecting to every single question and 98% are sustained. The medical examiner is on the sand saying almost nothing. If you happen upon this footage while flipping around, skip by ASAP.

  21. g:tb, watching shit on television so you don't have to since 2003. or so.

  22. Since when were lawyers supposed to make sense?
