Thursday, September 08, 2011

Happy Football Day

In keeping with our convention-bending celebrations of American Football, we offer a little afternoon whimsy as we do our best to kill time before Lord Goodell and his minions take over our lives for the next five months.  NYC G:TBers, an assignment: please go find the Big Gay Ice Cream truck (or visit the new shop at 125 East 7th Street) and tell us if the product is as good as it's purported to be. T-shirts for the whole staff would be a nice touch, too.


  1. The truck is going to be right by my office later tonight for an event at the ACE hotel.

    I'm not sure if they have Big Gay Suburban Minivan t-shirts, but so I will pick some up for the staff.

  2. is the ace hotel near the gary hotel? 'cause that would be awesome.

  3. Is the owner named Big Gay Al?

  4. My 2 year-old son has a habit of picking the most phallic popsicles from the ice cream stand at our pool, and then eating them in the most unintentionally gay way he can. It is such a bummer. Especially when they have names like Mega Missile.

    I love my gay son.

  5. Rendezvous BBQ in Memphis was as good as advertised. In case anyone cared. God damn I'm bored...

  6. Teej, please tell me you are getting to Graceland this week. I am not kidding.

  7. The 50 plus dollar admission fee can be better used on bbq and beer. But still a possibility.

  8. teej, while your at it how about a review of gus's fried chicken?

  9. How's the ice cream?

    Super!! Thanks for asking!

  10. I got a feeling Peyton Manning is never playing another NFL down.

  11. This truck is clearly a response to the Small Straight Gelato Rickshaw that sets record street-side dessert sales in the Upper East Side.

  12. Teej, take it from me. Unless you're getting back to Memphis again soon, seeing Graceland is worth the trip. Marvel at the madness and magnificence of the King.

  13. I have heard great things about Graceland. Also, they sell those cool Elvis shades there.

  14. i've been to graceland . . . twice.

    loved it, but i don't remember the fifty dollar admission fee.

    looks like you're caught in a trap, but you can't walk out.

  15. Teej - A little less conversation, a little more action. Just go to Graceland.

  16. Janko Tipsarevic's beard, tats, glasses, Fila gear, club-player groundstrokes, and general swarthiness make him look like the type of guy you would expect to see playing squash at Harvard's rec center before he heads to the computer lab to rattle off the code for some nifty new app. Just a goofy dude, I thought to myself. So I was bowled over when they showed a shot of his camp including his coach, father, and insanely good-looking and exotic (Brazillian? Egyptian?) ladyfriend. I was completely unprepared for that.

  17. NO @ GB, Federer vs. Tsonga, Jersey Shore, AND Project Runway. An embarassment of television riches. I should get a DVR.

  18. This just in Z: Professional athletes, regardless of their appearance, gets lots of absurdly attractive tail.

  19. darren sproles and mark ingram in the same backfield, brees a diminutive qb, team based in new orleans. i may have a candidate for replacing the snyderskins.

  20. Nice first NFL TD for Randall Cobb. He's going to be huge for GreenBay. Was a beast at Kentucky. He just happened to be surrounded by shit.

  21. The Packers DBs are really, really good.

  22. have i mentioned that i love darren sproles?

  23. Please tell me they call Randall Cobb "Tex."

    If they made the same dumb joke during the broadcast, I apologize, I'm muting it.

  24. I was wondering the same thing Whit...I too am watching without sound.

  25. I see my Yahoo autodraft was a pretty big failure, despite me pre-ranking 200 guys.


  26. Did You Know???
    Nobody signed Darren Sharper this off-season.

    Is he done? Is he a HoFer?

  27. Wow. What an ending. Awesome and crappy all rolled into one. Goal line formation, up the gut? When they are snake bitten after that PI call?
