Friday, April 15, 2011

Metal Up Your Ass Friday, Featuring Lamb of God. With Extra Idiocy!

Richmond, VA has produced some fantastic things over the years (Philip Morris smokes, VCU basketball), as well as some less fantastic things (Confederacy, tons of murders). One creation from Richmond that would fall into the "more fantastic" side of life is Lamb of God. Simplest description is that they are like Pantera, but heavier.

Lamb of God has their own tradition in concert. They play a song called "Black Label." As they lead into the song, the lead singer gets the entire crowd to retreat to the corners of the stage, form a wall of death and then charge into each other at full speed. It is just as awesome, terrifying and dangerous as it seems. Combine moshing meatheads, speed metal, alcohol, drugs and lots of sexual angst among young male misfits and you have total fucking chaos.

To truly capture the insanity, I'm including two live clips of the onslaughts. Below that I have a studio version of the song, which hauls. Enjoy this at your cube/office/desk.

Here's one composite video that captures the intensity of the moments a bit better. Go to the 1 minute, and then the 1:35 mark to see it go down a couple times.

This is a version done in a show in Athens, Greece. Like Citizen Dick, Lamb of God is huge in Belgium. Go to the 1:20 second mark to see the devastation unfold. Good to know their growls translate across the pond. Surprisingly, there are no moshers in scarves.

And here is a studio version, along with something resembling a video (warning: may give you a seizure), if you want to hear the audio with decent quality.


  1. bunch of polycultural motherfuckers up in here

  2. fitting for a palm sunday wkd post.

  3. Is Black Label a reference to bad Canadian beer or to Johnny Walker Scotch? I couldn't make out the lyrics for some reason.

  4. a semi-entertaining youtube clip of Kevin Na of PGA Touring scoring a 16 on a hole yesterday....he takes it very well

    and ends up shooting an 80...last time i had a 10+ on a hole, which was probably my most recent round of golf i don't think i broke 80. or 90. or 100.

  5. He should have just picked up and taken a double par.

  6. that sixteen reminds me of one of my high school golf strategies: if your opponent walks up ahead and puts his bag down, aim for his bag. it's a two stroke penalty for him if you hit it. it never worked for us, although rob, john, and i tried it multiple times.

  7. I'm not a big metal/hardcore fan but many of my friends are. A few of these friends have a band that's opened for Lamb of God at the Orlando HOB. I attended one if these shows. The amount of anger in the building that night was, well, impressive...and a little scary.

  8. This seems like a good time for a Misery Loves Company reunion tour.

  9. am surprised to hear that dave is a cheater. just when you think you know someone.

  10. jerry, funny you should say that. i just left my mlc colleague a message saying precisely the same thing.

  11. i like how dave just assumes everyone knows rob (not me) and john. gheorghe: the borg moves closer to reality every day.

  12. Dave, Whit - see you this weekend.

  13. danimal, Dave cheats at every game and made-up-game we play. Harold Reynolds has this well-documented.

  14. yeah i just assumed "rob and john" were you rob "the squirrel" and john some guy that i should know who is but don't.

    well i gotta get going - am meeting billy and moammar out for some co co ones

  15. You mean Jugdish, Sidney and Clayton?

  16. DeMaurice Smith is on my flight from Mpls to DCA. People are asking him about the negotiations. He's being cryptic in his responses.

  17. Really? People are asking him about the negotiations? That's why I couldn't be a public figure. I'd tell everyone to fuck off.

  18. Was anyone else confused seeing Ivan Nova wearing Mariano Rivera's jersey?
