Saturday, April 16, 2011

Father of the Year

My kids didn't believe that a song with the lyrics, "kitty on my foot and I want to touch it" actually existed.

So I played it for them. The uncensored version.

You see, I completely forgot about the part that goes, "Fuck you kitty, you're gonna spend the night outside."


  1. Nicely done. I was sure this was a Dave post all the way through...

  2. This Pacers/Bulls Game 1 has been quite good.

  3. It's always fun to see kurt thomas slinging elbows.

  4. john daly on gruden's qb show. the show is good. i like.
    daly way was parked in a lot across from aug nat'l last week peddling shirts, golf towels, etc. i was entertaining a couple of guys from way east - they had to meet and get their pic with him. his gatekeeper said, "no problem but you gotta buy $20 worths of stuff" which equated to a golf towel. then asked - "can he sign it?" "you bet" the chick said - "$20 worth of merchandise" wow. wow. what a f'ing waste that guy is.
    this was on wed morning, about 8. johnny looked like death and was already drinkin a bloody.

  5. I enjoyed that Ryan Mallet (who's being followed by substance abuse rumors) felt it appropriate to have Daly on the Gruden QB camp show with him. Nice decision making.

  6. Did not know that. But watching that made it pretty apparent that if it weren't for football the only tv show we'd see Ryan on would be COPS.

  7. TJ likes to give Geoff a hard time about his prediction of NBA failure for Roy Hibbert. I find it much more amusing that he once declared that John Lucas III would be a better pro than Chris Paul.

    That being said, I never imagine Paul would be as dominant a player as he is. Today was a superstar performance of the highest order.

  8. nice first half for the celtics. this playoff season has already been highly interesting.

  9. My pro scouting career never did take off...

  10. After Game 1's outcome yesterday, it's hard for me to imagine Indiana taking one game from Chicago. Hansborough and Granger couldn't miss for most of the second half and Rose was playing by himself for a large portion of the game, and the Bulls still won.

  11. jesus shuttlesworth for the win

  12. That Ray Allen guy is a decent shooter. Might have a career in pro basketball.

  13. we need to do a uniforms post. the nuggets' togs are nifty.

  14. I actually have an idea for a uniform post, or at least part of one.

  15. Will the back page of tomorrow's NY Post be "Melo Yellow" or "Smelo!" after Carmello's second half performance tonight?

  16. part of one would fit better with our ethos

  17. birdman gets all the press, but denver's got a lot of really excessive ink

  18. the half-ending sequence for the thunder was silly
