Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Still More Rise of the Machines

Boston Dynamics, which in 2008 unveiled a four-legged robot called BigDog, has been tapped by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the research and development arm of the DOD, to create a human-like robot and an agile, robotic Cheetah that developers said will eventually be able to run 70 mph.

Robot Cheetah! With Adonis blood, one presumes.


Squeaky said...

Cool technology. Would be a great watch dog for the house.

But I think most of (FO)G:TB would like to see this hit the US shores.

Danimal said...

dubya in town if any of you are looking for him...playin a little gawf over at stadium...

Dave said...

so we're cutting heating assistance and funding for the EPA, but we've got plenty of money for an electric cheetah?

i guess it makes sense in a strange way: the cold poor people can go to the zoo, but since the real animals will be dead, they'll have to look at the robotic ones.

T.J. said...

Dave, hit refresh...