Friday, December 03, 2010

Ghostface-esque Fillah

I wanted to post some Ghostface Fillah today but I don't have any. So this track from Kanye's new album will have to do. It's the song Ghostface wanted to make for Wizard of Poetry, but didn't. I can envision GFK sitting at home in a terrycloth tracksuit and chicken-and-broccoli Wallabees surrounded by women in underwear and piles of weed, listening to this song for the first time, aching that he didn't have this beat a year ago.


  1. she could give you one hell of a shocker

  2. can't hear this yet, but (and i hate to say this) kanye west's new album is much better than "wizard of poetry"-- although guesthouse is a great song.

  3. Kanye is at the height of his powers as a producer on his new album. But he doesn't have the lyrics and/or flow of a truly gifted rapper. He would, of course, disagree.

  4. For xmas I would like an oil painting of the GFK scene zman describes in this post.

  5. While I agree with Z's assessment of Kanye's lyrical ability (or lack thereof), he's much better than most producers who've ventured into the role of lyricist/rapper. Erick Sermon's got him beat though.

    Rick Ross drops the name of the (quasi) hometown of Greg and I in this song. Notable to me...and that's probably it.

  6. Teedge - the painting is on order. I hope you don't mind if it's on black velvet.

  7. Damn it. That's the second time the preview screwed me over. I'm done with herf.

  8. Danimal-san, I like your Mr. Miyagi style of comment. Is very good.

  9. So there are bunch more ads that are interesting for the guys.

    After checking out #11, check out their web site. Web site is NSFW.

    Finally the fragrance for 30 year old guy still living in their parents basement.

  10. Lots of fail in that last sentence.

    English is my second language. That's my excuse. Beer time.

  11. 5 yr anniversary today....I've got yer wood right here baby!

  12. Speaking of wood and anniversaries, no one made any Tiger Woods-y jokes on tgives. We really dropped the ball.

  13. hastily assembled tribe hoops/grid post above

  14. Geoff and I both made Tiger references on our respective Twitter feeds on Thanksgiving, Z. Thanks for paying attention.
