Friday, November 19, 2010

You People Are Morons

Of course it's FL people:
St. Petersburg, Florida -- Forget just being first in line. These folks are the first in the nation to start camping out at a Best Buy store in search of Black Friday deals.

The Davenport family pitched a pair of tents Wednesday at 10 a.m. in front of the Best Buy at Tyrone Square in St. Pete to snag deals that were still nine days away.

That made them the first people to start camping out at a Best Buy store anywhere in the country. To put that in perspective: there are more than 1,000 Best Buy stores in the United States.
In the immortal words of one William Shatner at the 16th Annual Star Trek Convention in some random Holiday Inn: "PEOPLE...YOU NEED...TO GET A LIFE!"


  1. Pitched a pair of tents indeed.

  2. As Mark just pointed out on twitter, Happy Ron Artest Melee Day.

  3. one of the most fun and memorable experiences of my youth was camping out while waiting in line for U2 tickets at RFK stadium for 3full days and nights. 'twas late summer, 1987. maybe these Best Buy people know how to party.

  4. what is it with the rampant materialism in this country! don't people remember what thanksgiving is all about? thanksgiving is all about the best party night of the year-- the wednesday before. all your old friends are back in town and everyone goes out in new brunswick and gets really drunk and is too hungover to shop on black friday.

  5. do any of the categories connect to other posts?

  6. I'd like to open the floor to discussion of the fact that the Northwestern/Illini game this weekend will be played using only one end zone. Stupidest thing ever? Or ratings bonanza?

  7. it's a 2-fer.

    and what a hose job if you're one of those in the other end zone...

  8. So, if the defense gets a pick there an end zone to run into...or what do we do then?

  9. i hadn't heard about this northwestern/illinois thing until geoff's comment. it is, in fact, the stupidest thing ever. and since people are really fucking stupid, it may well also be a ratings bonanza. i hope the wind blows 400 mph against both offenses.

  10. Um, you folks have any opinions on the sport of college basketball?

  11. Teej, I think it's here to stay. And frankly, I'm in favor of it.

  12. This is why they should play football in places that are about 150 yards long and about 75 yards wide.

  13. Geoff - If someone gets an int, fields a punt/kick or returns a fumble, the field will flip directions. Just like in Madden. It's going to be awesome.

    And Dan's right, the folks in the East endzone got screwed royally. What a clusterfucked lack of planning and design.

  14. And this is just further proof that the Big Ten is run by your increasingly senile and angry Grandfather.

  15. OR...the player simply runs to mid-field, touches the line, and turns around. kind of like half-court hoops, but slightly different.

  16. This option was mentioned on the radio today, Dan. Can't say I've ever played half-court basketball in this style. Then again, I fucking loathe half-court basketball.

  17. mark even plays '21' using the full court. hard motherfucker.

  18. Mark, you have to take the ball back outside the three point line, and then you can go score. And my grandfathers are both dead--thanks for bringing that up. I can only listen to so much senile anger before I take action.

  19. Mark doesn't know what 21 is. And he hates Mexicans. And he's half Mexican. And he hates irony.

  20. I don't play 21 anymore. You know, because I'm not 15. I understand the concept of taking the ball back past the three point line, just not all the way to half-court. I may have misunderstood the Danimal.

    My grandparents are all dead. What do you have to say to that, Geoff? Oh, and I'm half Puerto Rican, you racist.

  21. 21 is fun. especially at a good table. i like 21 but not on big court.

  22. so i exaggerated the take the ball to half court thing. no, have never done that either. it's just that there isn't a key on a football field that you can run to the top of. or a 3-point line to run outside of. i thought it made for a semi-funny visual.

  23. Great point about there not being a key on a football field. Your move, Mark...

  24. Not yet there isn't...just wait until Greg gets done redesigning the football field.

  25. the teej is on the radio at this very moment

  26. boise's uniforms hurt my eyes

  27. I have to reluctantly agree. I like the orange tops. Going all orange though. Not so much

  28. Ooh, UNC-Minnesota on ESPNU...

  29. anyone else miss cuonzo martin?

  30. is minnesota's iverson any relation?

  31. Just turning on this game....did I hear Ralph Sampson III?

  32. Minnesota's PG is eating Carolina up.

  33. Um, Miles Simon is the ESPNU studio analyst.

  34. Is there audio of the Teej appearing via the Subway fresh take hotline?

  35. the "bill parcells: life in football" doc is strong to very strong...

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Well, good news and bad news. The good news is I did almost 20 minutes last night on this local HD radio show, and did quite well I think. Host agreed, hopefully he's not lying.

    Bad news...due to some tech issues, there is no record of this appearance. It's in the ether. Like Verbal Kint Soze.

  38. Knocking out TiVo machine episodes...Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theories - JFK Murder...worth watching....some new twists.

  39. Your radio appearance is like Wilt's 100 point game.

    I had bourbon for dinner last night. I'm way too old for shenanigans like that. Luckily we're going to see an 8 hour play tonight.

  40. i was never happier than when i boycotted plays from my life. i did this somewhere around 1993 and i've never regretted it.

  41. About 3 hrs ago declanimal and I walked down the street to play with his friends for a just a tad. Friends father has a kegorator. Babysitting can be fun.

  42. Luke Donald just had to look down at a cheat sheet for the words to "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". What a clueless dick.

    Also, Danimal, I hosted a 9 year old girl's bday party at my house this afternoon (soon to be stepdaughter). It's over and I'm bout ready to start drinking. Nice group of 3:30 games to accompany my exploits.

  43. in luke's defense, he is a brit. but yeah, ya think he'd practice it a bit beforehand...didn't see that.
    watching this game i figure there are only about 10000 decent seats.

  44. 4-0 thus far on the wkd, and lookin good on the stanford game...
    will be sure to double down and blow it all this evening

  45. Delaware lost to Villanova. Jerry thinks we are CAA champs with win.

  46. I hope this LSU-Ole Miss game lives up to it's potential for head coaching lunacy, if only for Jerry's sake.

    And I too may have indulged in a few too many bourbons last night. Hopefully the rest of the folks at the little league field didn't mind this morning.

  47. A transformer blew outside my house and we lost power. That would suck, if it wasn't the perfect reason to go to the bar for the 2nd half of the 3:30 games. It feels like a shot's in order.

  48. Got some really good games going in the 3:30 window...and then we have Standford/Cal.

  49. Danimal, Army/Irish from Yankee Stadium tonight. You fired up?

  50. Jerry, Ted and Craig are getting quite a game.

  51. suck it, spidey. let's hope jerry's right.

    The Teej--thats an affirmative!
    My only question is-Who is playing at Fenway tonight

  53. Yes!!! Suck it Spidey indeed!!! Hark on this, muthafucka!

  54. Houston Nutt is loonier than Les.

  55. verne lundquist just howled at the moon.

  56. This game is gonna be epic...

  57. LSU-Ole Miss is working out like I'd hoped. I'm convinced Florida shouldve grabbed Masoli off the scrap heap. They'd be a 2 loss team with him running the SO. And yeah, I'm bitter and a little bit drunk.

  58. it's kind of f'd up that this is considered a home game for nd and thus get to use the home team locker room

    i think those players not playing should have to sit in the dugouts...and

    alex flanagan is way more groovier than what's her face

  59. who sang the national anthem at the army/notre dame game? that dude has some pipes.

  60. Patrick Wilson? apparently a tony award winner & golden glober...
    probably hangs out in the manhole

  61. stressing about the army game says so much about the state of notre dame football.

  62. this looks like it's going to be another navy-type blow out...can't stop the fucking MADDENING.

  63. irish busting out the green jerseys against army says something, too, danimal.

  64. Maryland's unis are horrific.

  65. violent shot, but that's not a penalty

  66. those uni's are awful to quite awful.
    green jerseys - not sure when they won last wearing those things.
    mike mayock is very good at what he does.

  67. if you care to hear mike mayock's polar opposite, turn on the syracuse game. i think it's herm edwards.

  68. the teej, or maybe it's t.r. - your reo speedwagoners are on the 101. kevin cronin rocks!

  69. Terelle Pryor kind of lost his shot on twitter last night. I'm thinking he (and the rest of the OSU football team) will be banned from the tweet machine by day's end. No word yet on if I'm going to be banned from whiskey...

    /head hurts

  70. Tribe it the 2 seed. Fuck & Yeah.

  71. Blake Griffin is athletic:

  72. I'd also like to encourage all of you to watch the video of Sergio Martinez knocking Paul Williams the fuck out from last night. So good it looked fake.

  73. He palmed the Russian guy's head?
