Sunday, October 10, 2010

At least Spurrier celebrated my birthday in proper fashion...

Somehow, Florida managed to nearly beat LSU despite being badly outplayed at home last night. Somehow, I had to foresight not attend a game that I always attend when it's played at Ben Hill Griffin despite having free tickets offered to me by multiple people. Somehow, I don't have an enormous hangover despite drinking for most of the afternoon ($1 PBR drafts...yum) and the entire evening yesterday.

And somehow, I've made it to my 33rd birthday without a felony arrest on my record. I guess, when I think of things like that, and the fact that I got a new tattoo on my hand yesterday (say goodbye to that job at...well, pretty much anywhere) my life isn't all bad. I've got my (relative) health, friends and family that love me and a super awesome blog where I can hang out and make inappropriate comments to near and (in some cases) total strangers who tolerate and, at times, appreciate my sense of humor.

Wow, I think I've convinced myself that my life isn't over, even though Florida's 2010 Football season is (for all intents and purposes). That didn't take too long at all. Yeah, things ain't so bad. I've got tomorrow off work, I'll probably drink 5 too many tonight and I'll be wearing a Larry Bird Indiana State jersey all day for good measure. Good times. You know what else is good? This video of Jay-Z & Timbaland in the studio. Enjoy.

See you in the comments for some Sunday frivolity.


  1. And at least Lane Kiffin lost in heartbreaking fashion...again.

  2. The eating the banana dance is fantastic.

  3. The explosion of media sources may lead to the occasional athlete dick photo but it also allows us to hear stories like the Moss/Brady fight. And I'm okay with that.

  4. Green bay is going to have about 600 yards of offense today.

  5. McNabb has ended two drives in a row and cost the Skins points. It's as if after the Philly game he wanted to show us why Andy Reid was onto something.

  6. Yeah, he's giving us a steady dose of "Shaky McNabb". He is sailing the ball. Our luck, he'll probably adjust and start throwing them into the dirt.

  7. I gave the Darrell Green jersey the start again after the big win last week, but Riggo 44 is draped over the chair, eyeballing me like, "It's time for 50 Gut."

    And yes, I've been drinking for some time.

  8. Is there a #72 jersey telling you to teach it to read?

    Whatever happens on 4th, skins D did a good job on 2 straight plays from the 1.

  9. Great job, D. You know, after you allowed 250 yards.

  10. I had forgotten that Chan Gailey was the HC of the Bills. It's staggerring to me that he is an NFL head coach. I's Chan Gailey.

  11. Dexter Manley jokes always get me.

  12. Yeah, makes you wonder who the next Bills coach will be - Ray Handley? Richie Petitbon?

  13. Riggo is on. Darrell hit the showers.

  14. Courtesy of two 4th Q ints, and a number of plays made by Josh Freeman and his WRs, the Bucs have improbably scored 10 points in the final 1:30 of their game versus the Bengals. Sitting at 3-1. Things are starting to come together for Raheem Morris. Wowser.

  15. the packers had no business losing that game. it was almost...redskinesque.

  16. Rob - I texted that to 2 people who separately sent me what amounted to "Super Bowl, Baby!" texts. But last year the Redskins would have lost that game. The key reason - no turnovers. They played with their heads up their asses most of the game, but they didn't give the Pack anything easy.

  17. And as a fantasy owner of Phil Rivers, I like the Chargers being down 12 early.

  18. I agree, Rob. I give credit to the Riggo jersey. I have been rotating these jerseys perfectly the last couple of weeks. The last loss I was sitting at a bar, jersey-less . . . with Rob. I'm just sayin'.

  19. As a fellow Phil Rivers fantasy owner, I'd like to announce my ever growing crush on him. He's good for 300 yds and 2 TDs, minimum, every week.

  20. Felix Jones is impressively fast. He just separated from 2 db's in a matter of 15 yards.

  21. Tom Cable is really starting to resemble a shar pei.

  22. happy 33 mark. that hangover you avoided will last two days when you are forty.
