Thursday, September 16, 2010

In honor of what has apparently become "rob week" here at G:TB...

...I present to you this tiny tail, er, tale:
Mini-moo: 33-inch English cow world's smallest

LONDON – A minuscule cow with a taste for contemporary music has been named the world's smallest by the Guinness World Records book. Guinness says the sheep-sized bovine from the West Yorkshire region of northern England measures roughly 33 inches (84 centimeters) from hind to foot. The 11-year-old cow is named Swallow and her owner, Caroline Ryder, said she would spend Thursday either grazing with her herd or listening to BBC radio in her cowshed. Swallow is a Dexter cow, a breed known for its diminutive stature, but is small even by Dexter standards.
Oddly enough, this cow could produce enough burgers to feed rob until 2018...
Instead of Dexter, shouldn't these be called "Webster" cows?...
And yeah, there's a joke in there about the cow's name...just too lazy...


  1. that's where skim milk comes from.

  2. I don't get it. Is the cow supposed to remind me of rob because it's named "Swallow"?

  3. zman, there is no right answer. Don't hurt yourself overthinking it. Me winning isn't. You do.

  4. what i wasn't clear on was whether Swallow or Caroline would be grazing in the field the following day. is Caroline also a cow? or is she a human being? i guess if she was talking, she was, and probably still is, a human.

  5. Actually Caroline was going to swallow the cow whilst it grazed.

  6. Aha! That's where the contemporary music comes in!

  7. A gift for rob:

  8. Speaking of farm animals...

    I work with a French woman. In a conversation about a missed deadline, she just said to me "Those sheep have sailed." I think she meant "The ship has sailed" but I'm not positive.

  9. That cow reminds me of Top Secret!.

  10. Igor - i've heard some meteorologists refer to "Igor" as "E-Gor" and others as "I-Gor"....tell me, which do you prefer?

  11. I-gor is a reference to the cinematic masterpiece Young Frankenstein. My name, pronounced Eeeee-gor, is a reference to both the gruff idiot I become after too much Jamo or Dale's and the New Orleans bar of the same name . . . where I become that guy after too many Abitas.

  12. Igors.


    May 8, 2010.

    Just sayin'.

  13. Jazzfest. Book it. It'll be my first one.

  14. I went to Jazzfest in '03 with a chick I met one week earlier at Rock Bottom Brewery one Wednesday night. True story.

  15. 27 in 6. Those were the numbers I saw scroll across the ticker while watching ESPN during lunch. Any idea what they represent? Hint: College Football.

  16. We don't "do" football picks anymore. I think Rob and I-gor were tired of prognosticating so poorly. Or, we're all really fucking lazy.

  17. 27 different Florida players arrested in Urban Meyer's 6 years at UF.


  18. Sorry Mark. Don't follow college football. I know stone me. Thought it was interesting. Don't know if that's high or not.

  19. The WashPost describes it webpage about The Real Housewives of DC as "where smart people come to discuss something incredibly dumb." Good backup catchphrase for GTB.

  20. No big deal. It's definitely high. Not off the charts though. It's been talked about extensively this week. I understand why, I just don't find it very interesting.

  21. Speaking of football ...

    1) I make my first appearance at The New Meadowlands with TR on Sunday. Look for us on Fireman Ed's shoulders.

    2) The Raiders are giving 4 points at home to the Rams in my picks pool. On one hand it seems safe to take anyone getting 4 against the Raiders, but on the other it seems safe to take anyone at home against the Rams. Just a really tough game to pick as both teams are so terrible that neither should win.

  22. luv the friday 3:00 meeting that is still going on with no signs of ending

  23. I worked from home today so for some reason I watched Rome is Burning. He started making a correct statement but backed off before he got there - yes, 30 arrests is a lot. But are we really going to say the program is dirty because some hooligans go off and assault people? Isn't a program dirty when the decision-makers in the program are the ones conducting malfeasance?

    And as a corollary to something Jerry brought up the other day, does Southern Miss have a rule about not playing football games on Saturdays? Here they are on a Friday night. Are they mormons?

  24. dirty no...low standards, little emphasis on character, yes

  25. speaking of tiny ass cows, there's a christian rock festival - jesuspalooza, if you will - going on at the fairgrounds near my house. i can hear it clear as day sitting in my living room. i think God's trying to tell me something.

  26. I am imagining Mayhugh "working from home"-- rolling change, watching an Action Jackson marathon, throwing black pepper in the face of adversaries....the usual.

  27. I've written my Congressman about an all Carl Weathers channel, but apparently my vote is not that important.

    In other news, Turner Gill is going to have a long season. I mean, have you seen his O-line? Complete whitewash.

  28. Keeping it classy in Buffalo. Or at least trying to.

  29. So Va Tech sucks, huh?

    And of course, Fuck Tennessee.

  30. Va Tech blows...but have you seen how bad Maryland is?

  31. Does MD's RB have 8 rushes for -18 yds?

  32. Hot doesn't even begin to describe the seat for Mark Richt right now. What a terrible fucking way to lose. UGA will miss him when he's gone (because it's not the glamor program it's alumni/fans think it is), but it does feel like Richt is out of Athens at year's end.

  33. Fulmer just tore Lane Kiffin a new one on the pregame show.

  34. Alabama at Duke? Who in tarnation scheduled that matchup?

  35. I just parlayed a wedding gift into a bottle of 18-year-old Bowmore Islay. Now I need a flask for tailgating purposes.

  36. Huge pickle there by little Mattie simms.

  37. Florida offense is kind of frustrating, but they put plenty of points today.

  38. The Dooley family photo is brilliant on all kinds of levels.

  39. As far as appearance goes, Phil Fulmer has evolved into Die Hard 2 star Fred Thompson.

  40. Tribe-ODU is on CSN. Kind of ridiculous that we have to compete with a glorified community center.

  41. gene chizik: 'this is a God thing'. yeah! fuck you, dabo swinney, you heretic motherfucker.
