Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Answer

Without further ado (and even less Adu), I'm finally ready to reveal my whereabouts. I spent the afternoon looking for Herve Villachaize's ashes near Point Fermin, CA.

Okay, I was really playing golf at the Robert Trent Jones Club. It was a little island of awesome in the ocean of misfit toys that's been my existence for the last few months. Teams of professionals are working on my case, though, so we're expecting a breakthrough soon. Almost holed out from a bunker on 18, then ate a steak sandwich. And a steak sandwich.


  1. And put it on the Underhills' tab.

  2. What? No bloody Mary? You may substitute a cup of hot fat and the head of Alfredo Garcia.

  3. Playing golf on a work trip is a rare jewel for a Dad. Got the rare opportunity to do it in Colorado last month. It was glorious. More so with some Fat Tires in the cooler in my cart.

  4. hmmm....hmmm...."rtj".....veddy nice....

    do they rent wiffle club sets over there?

  5. Last time I played RTJ my caddie had just caddied for Toby Keith the previous day. I asked him what Tobby shot. He said "118--and that might be generous."

  6. Last time I played golf, every old man on the course stared and whispered whenever they encountered me. Not surprising, really. Still, a bit funny since I was golfing with my buddy Roberto who, though he looks far more respectable than I, is a total degenerate who does key bumps on the course. But, Roberto's a member so, it's no big deal.

  7. And, for the record, Im fully aware of how out of place I look on a public course, much less in a private club.

  8. 1 - dtrain just manged his first tweet. way to break the seal old man.
    2 - Roberto on every teebox: "RELAX GUY"

  9. TJ-- You have to accompany Greg to my wedding, if only to hang out with Berto and Socks again.

  10. Greg, will you be my date to Mark's nuptials?
    *please say yes*

  11. Ahhh...the moment of...ANTICIPATION!!!

  12. 2nd tweet. omgoodness. and to a pseudo-celeb...well, at least in my world. i'm such a tool.

    also - i think it's been some time since i communicated this, but, there is simply nothing like attractive women in bikinis riding their beach cruisers down the way....

  13. According to the Orlando Sentinel, 16.2 percent of Urban Meyer's players have been arrested or faced a charge...

    UGA laughs at such a low mark.

  14. My friends have a MUCH higher % than that. 16.2% is childs play.
