Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Was the car a red 1961 250GT Spyder California?

NEW YORK, Aug. 30 (UPI) -- A New York couple said they returned to their car at a long-term parking lot after a vacation to find it had 724 additional miles on the odometer. Mimi and Ulrich Gunthart said they parked their BMW at an Avistar lot near John F. Kennedy International Airport Aug. 11, returned Aug. 22 and discovered the added mileage, WNBC-TV, New York, reported Monday.

"Somebody had a nice vacation other than us," Mimi Gunthart said.

The Guntharts said there was also an unexplained ink stain on a seat and the CD player blasted music when they started the engine. Avistar Regional Manager David Menter said a review of inventory logs "found nothing out of the ordinary."

"We're definitely going to be examining the procedures to make sure that there's never any question in a customer's mind in the future," Menter said.

Here of course is a clip of the car in action during the Gunthart's vacation:


  1. in the '80's, you actually had to be cool to be cool. now you can just stutter like michael cera.

  2. there may be a post in this . . . there's also jessie eisenberg and the whole apatow crowd. no one is slick like beuller anymore. i'm taking th ekids to the pool-- igor, tj, and the rest of you pop culture aficianados, i expect some examples from you by the time i return.

  3. Ah yes, we all yearn for the days when people were truly cool...like Matthew Broderick.

  4. Dave, sounds like you gave yourself a writing assignment.

  5. Dave, the teacher, handed out assignments.

    And are you taking your kids or the cosby kids to the pool? Changes our timetable greatly.

  6. I like Geoff's game better...I'll take Teddy Kennedy.

  7. Matthew Broderick was no Marc Paul Gossellar.

  8. The kids today, they aren't nearly as cool as when I was a boy. Get off my lawn with your fancy sneakers! You should run barefoot on my lawn! Where's my skimboard?

  9. igor. what buck said. you say french fry. i say potato. what's the diff?

  10. you guys are no help, i'll do it myself. and zman, your satirical portrait of me has helped me to see that i have turned in to a complete lunatic.

  11. Cera was brilliant in Arrested Development and Superbad. He's very talented, just overexposed and out of his wheelhouse. Eisenberg is also very good. Squid and Whale was great, but maybe I'm just a sucker for young boys smearing spunk in a library.

  12. So ESPN's John Anderson and John "Skunk Boy" Henson are the hosts of Wipeout. I find this news...uninspiring.

  13. You were expecting to be inspired by the hosts of Wipeout?

    They should have gone for a MNFesque booth of Nelson Mandela, Lance Armstrong, and the Dalai Lama.

  14. So . . . looks like we're gettin' a hurricane, boys.

    We're moving past just the fanatics who were emptying the store shelves of milk so early that they might sour before the storm hit. We're actually getting to that time when the sensible people start making plans to get out of town or at least batten down the hatches.

    Friggin' Earl. Mark & D-train, what's it look like your way?

  15. a.o.k. here...not a cloud or wind of significance in sight (i can see wind) until a week tomorrow. sunny and high 80's. great weather for sitting inside all f'ing day and watching cfb. time to replenish the ligger cabinet.

  16. Plus, Hurricane Igor is coming soon, people. And he's bringing some of his exclamation points.

    Next year (if 23 storms are named, no chance) . . .

    Hurricane Whitney.

    Look out, mama, there's a white boat comin' up the river.

  17. Just got word from our man in the sand Windy Buttocks (of Beach 104 Wind Report fame) that Earl "should be uneventful."

    Take cover, people.

  18. There's nothing to report here (and likely won't be). Though there should be good 8-10 ft waves this weekend. Not that I'll be partaking in the surf. Too much football to waste my time on anything else this weekend. Well, at least until Sunday when I may venture out.

  19. I loved the car from Ferris Beuller.

    And Igor, if you see Rob Marciano from CNN in your 'hood, send him my way. He was in Va Beach this morning. Love him. I don't care if his reports are accurate, he's just nice to look at.

  20. The Jay Wright of your meteorological fantasies?

  21. Shlara, isn't that what meteorologists are all about? Looking good while they deliver moderately educated guesswork? It fascinates me how modern technology hasn't seriously advanced our collective ability to forecast the weather. So we might as well have them looking like Nicole Mitchell or Mary Gamarra.

  22. Remember the episode of "The Weev and Teedge Show" when the Weev flubbed the weather forecast and the Teedge's apple got too waterlogged to function properly?

  23. ...with Special Guest


  24. For you music heads, RIP Paste Magazine


  25. That sucks. Paste was the best music magazine going. And it came with a CD of new music every month. First the Doobies break up, and now this.

  26. on the plus side, no more rob dibble in the nats booth

  27. Dibble was fired for some of the least offensively ignorant comments he'd made in that booth. Granted, he looked like an idiot for telling Strasburg to suck it up only to find out he had torn elbow ligaments, but on the scale of Dibble Moronics, it was relatively low.

  28. would i be correct in assuming that the extensive gap between this post & last has to do w/mark creating a spectacular cfb pre-season post? hmmm?
    extremely excited. giddy as a schoolgirl.

  29. i should say "post" one more time.
    also, meant upcoming post, not THIS post. clear?
