Monday, August 30, 2010

For 12 hours and 25 minutes yesterday, this was the only song in d-train's head

Actually, in all seriousness, what in god's name does go on in your head when you're doing something like this? d-train? Any of you other exercise go-getters?


  1. d-train, you might actually have to use the twitter machine since G:TB just threw props your way.

  2. So after missing all minicamps, OTAs and all of training camp with a hamstring injury--an injury which cause him to miss much of last season--Malcom Kelly finally practiced today. In the first hour of practice, he re-injured his hamstring.

  3. Two weekends ago while I in the midst of my "half d-train"TM (half ironman), I had Sweet Talk, Sweet Talk from the New Pornographers stuck in my head. That sounded very gay.

    Anyway TJ, the tough thing is no ipods or such devices during ironman races. The rules are pretty strict on certain things. Another downer, not being able to accept beers during the race from spectators. A beer is the ultimate liquid carb source.

  4. So can you accept any of those other funky carb drinks/bars? Or just no beer?

  5. I believe "Row Row Row Your Boat" is the best thing to keep in your head during miserable experiences.

    Squeaky likes to accept gu from strangers.

  6. TJ, at the half they had three water/gatorade stations during the bike and then water/gatorade/gu plus ice and soda about every mile on the run. During the swim they did have a raw bar about halfway with fresh sushi.

  7. Geoff, it's time somebody lost their job to injury.

  8. Rob -- to echo Dave's thoughts from last night's Emmy thread. Breaking Bad is awesome. It's an AMC show (like Mad Men) and I can't recommend it highly enough. Then again, i love meth.

  9. breaking bad is way better on meth.

    and when i watch "weeds," i like to do smack.

  10. teej...will check the twitter machine...just checking into atlanta hotel and am awaiting in-room massage...then out for some co co ones.
    the month of d-train (and his wife) commences.

  11. geoff - understandably, have been completely out of news this wkd...the molinary pick was mentioned as a possibility - i assume he didn't pick both bros, which i think would have served him better than just one. interesting tho. if monty loses, he will be skewered even more so if that is possible. faldo has his fingers crossed.

  12. Ask her if she knows the words to "Butter" by A Tribe Called Quest. Your massage might end happily.

  13. Justin Bieber did a song with Kanye and Raekwon? Over the beat from "Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthing ta Fuck Wit"? And the whole thing sounds like "Sleepyhead" by Passion Pit?

    The apocalypse is nigh upon us.

  14. bieber is nice. you should hop on board that train right now.

  15. and i committed all greasetruck lyrics to memory before heading out on bike. told myself i couldn't stop the loop 'til finished. effective.

  16. Between the legs! You'll see what I mean on SportCenter.

  17. D-train--the other Molinari brother qualified via EuroTour points, so they are both on the team and will likely be paired together.

    Pavin makes his 4 captain's pick a week from today. I'll guess his four will be Woods, Kim, Cink and Ricky Barnes.

  18. I walk by a massive post office on my way to work. Today a 60-something Dennis Farinaesque mailman with a luxuriant mane of steel-colored hair, a gigantic ruff of chest-hair protruding over the top of the wife-beater exposed by his unbuttoned mailman shirt, and a massive upper-lip enveloping mustache was squatting next to the side of the post office while smoking a cigarette and drinking a cup of coffee. As I walked by he set his coffee down and in one swift motion whipped out a full-sized comb like you see at the barber shop and slowly combed his mustache, the girth of which required said full-sized comb to comb the whole thing in one movement. Then I said to myself, "I wish [TR] was here to see this."

  19. D-train, kudos on being Iron Man, but more importantly, I feel the need to correct you and your Winchester brethren at long last. For as long as I have known you, you've dropped the "co co ones" expression in reference to beers and in deference to H.I. McDunnough. Thing is, that's not what he's saying.

    "Matter of fact honey, maybe I'll
    skip this little get-together myself,
    Glen won't mind, and I'll just duck
    out with the boys, knock back a couple
    of-uh, Co-Colas-"

    I always thought that's what it was, but the glorious Internet has confirmed it. Check it here, or by Googling any Raising Arizona script. And tell your pal Marston, too.

    And that's one to grow on.

  20. but when he says co-colas, he means cold ones, right?

  21. The perfect weekend road trip TJ and his musical tastes.

  22. That is one hell of a lineup.

  23. I will be at that festival on Friday! . . . But not for Benatar, Speedwagon, Foghat, etc. (Sorry, Teej.)

    This is where you can find me.

    Friday Sept 3
    31st St. Stage FREE!
    Doors Open: 6:30 PM
    7:30 PM – 8:45 PM, Camper Van Beethoven
    9:15 PM – 11:00 PM, Cracker

    And maybe The Connells Saturday night.

  24. Awesome lineup! Too bad your missing Benatar. She is amazing!

  25. buzz is touching all the third rails today. i enjoy it when he goes off his meds.

  26. Igor that is one hell of a long day for Mr Lowery. But should be a great 4+ hours of music. Enjoy.

  27. Looky here, Igor - the spirit of H.I.'s comment was that he was going to go get hammered with his boys rather than hang with Glenn, et al. So take your hyperlink and shove it. You don't correct an ironman, especially when he's from Winchester.

    Love, Buck
