Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Internet Explained: A Short Definition for the Rest of Us

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computers. It is good for this, this, and this. It is bad at this. The Internet can be used to compute stuff.  It was invented by this guy.

There are obviously pros and cons.


  1. i enjoy the sensibility dave brings to weekend g:tb.

  2. sometimes i get sick of talking to my kids, so i write a post.

  3. I've always said we were a parenting blog at heart.

  4. Dave wouldn't get sick of talking to his kids if they could Robot like Rob's kid.

    Teej -- You keeping up the charade and watching the Lost finale?

  5. I saw two guys get iced last night. As a result I didn't feel entirely out of place because I knew what was going on.

  6. Family Guy's version of Empire Strikes Back premieres on tv tonight. Ingest your drugs accordingly.

  7. Saw it on dvd two weeks ago. Has its moments, but falls short of the Star Wars parody.

    It did make me think of that TaunTaun sleeping bag though.

  8. Your merit badge is in the mail, TJ.

  9. Oh yeah, the casting of Boba Fett might be the best thing they did. That's all I'll say.

  10. Because I'm still injured and can't work out or play basketball or surf or be on the computer for long stretches or drink heavily or (insert anything else fun here), I've been forced to watch an absurd amount if television lately (Thus couldn't have happened in the fall?). So, today I decided to watch the Broad Street Bullies doc on HBO. And I've now decided I'd watch an HBO doc on anything. Even nasal polyps.

  11. They showed who Boba Fett was cast as in the preview on Fox.

  12. LOST is bringing it so far.

  13. the yankees look like the angry men/hot action right now

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