Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Vinsane in the Membrane

Trolling the Twitter this morning I stumbled upon this video of Vince Carter apparently hitting a three quarter court shot...while sitting on his ass. And this gentleman says he shot the video so it is most definitely real. We believe you sir.


  1. huge, giant, pretty big sports day today. usa/switzerland at 3:00, canada/russia at 7:30, tribe/towson at 7:00.

  2. programming alert: snoop dogg on One Life to Live today. i'm sure you'll all be tuning in.

  3. Pretty effing amazing shot. One thing that I've noticed about Vince during his time in Orlando is his proclivity for shooting left handed 3s (often extremely deep 3s) after a play has been whistled dead. And he hits a ridiculously high number of them. Which only serves to further my previous notion that Vince Carter is among the 5 most physically gifted basketball players of his generation (or possibly even ever) but is almost as equally lacking in that ability in terms of mental and emotional toughness. Interestingly enough, you could make very much the same case for his cousin, Tracy McGrady.

  4. Since we're talking Vince, what the hell, let's watch this again:

  5. impressive, but not as impressive as my three day consecutive no look banana peel over the shoulder into the garbage can hook shots that i made last month.

  6. TJ...if that's the video I think it is, well, TR's not going to be pleased with you.

  7. Poor TR...he never did get a chance to break out that "Weis" Knicks jersey.

  8. communists and/or terrorists have broken the interwebs in my office. i'm reduced to following the usa/sui game via twitter.

  9. did anyone stay up for the czech republic-latvia game last night? that was an incredible game and very intense. the entire crowd was chanting latvia for the last 10 minutes or so. could have been an incredible upset...but it wasn't. I think that the czechs get bounced today, even though Vokoun is playing very well.

  10. I haven't been able to watch much of the USA-Switzerland game but we can't be playing very well if we're locked in a scoreless tie with these Alp dwelling pussies.

  11. Former NFLer Mosi Tatupu has passed away at age 54. He and Manu Tuiasosopo shared the "Most Fun Name to Say in the NFL" for most of the 1980's.

    On the plus side for Patriots fans, the Patsies have signed David Patten to a contract, spawning the adage, "You can go home again, even if you really, really suck." Locally, Patten was last seen following up a 2005 Redskins season we'd call "seriously meager" by catching all of 1 ball for 25 yards in 2006. He'll probably be an All-Pro, based on the rejuvenation that routinely goes on in Foxboro.

  12. USA is outshooting Switzerland 34-8

  13. And now we're winning 1-0.

    Thanks to whom? >thisguy<

  14. The announcer after the USA goal: "There's one word to describe Zach Parise . . . persistency."

    Technically that's a word, I just don't know anyone who would use it. Probably used more in Canadia.

  15. It is actually I, not TR, who goes apoplectic every time that dunk is aired. Eff you TJ, for not knowing the difference between TR and me, and for posting that link. I will never stop being angry that they drafted Weis instead of Artest.

    Giant bag of dicks - done.

  16. nice work, mark. finns & czechs play later to see who we get in the semis.

  17. Finns and Czechs would be a good bar/restaurant name...

  18. Z-Man's holiday subscription to the "Dick of the Month" club is really coming in handy.

  19. Cypress Hill has a new single out, inspired perhaps by the title of this post. With Mark Anthony. They sample/derivatize CSN&Y. It's pretty good.

  20. Who are you guys rooting for in Canada/Russia?

    They're the two teams that I root against in these tournaments. Even though it's not the USSR anymore, Russia is still kind of evil by modern day standards. On the other hand, Canada is friendly and likable as a country, but a big rival in hockey and it's fun to see them lose.

    I'm probably rooting for Russia because of Crosby, but I don't feel great about it.

  21. And let me tell you, the city of Atlanta is buzzing about the Kovalchuk-Heatley matchup. Thrashers legends and local heroes.

  22. Despite the presence of Jerry's nemesis Sidney Crosby, I will be rooting for the maple syrup-loving hosers to defeat Team Drago.

  23. So you guys aren't watching AI tonight?

  24. Artificial Intelligence? Allen Iverson (who might never play again)? Al Iafrate?

  25. i am well and truly torn on the russia/canada game. i probably won't make up my mind until the game is underway. i'm definitely rooting for ovechkin to be awesome and crosby to cry.

  26. listened to a whitney pick while i ran today-- cracker: sunrise in the land of milk and honey.

    thumbs up.

  27. Why is this hockey game on cnbc? I want the Russia/Caps to win

  28. It's on CNBC because hockey gets terrible fucking ratings. No matter how much any of us care.

  29. I'm still waiting for the Z-Man to fill us in on the cryptic "AI" comment.

  30. tribe down 2 to brutal, lousy, awful towson late first half.

  31. I believe he's referring to American Idol. Some new show on Fox.

  32. tribe down 8 to dismal, dreadful, not very good towson. at home. jesus christ on toast.

  33. how is the tribe losing this game?

  34. Notre Dame is absolutely hammering a good Pittsburgh team, minus Harangody too.

  35. turrrrrible netminding by nabakov

  36. This hockey game is also a freaking joke. Jesus.

  37. New look Les Boulez vs the Grizzlies? Yes please.

  38. wow, this is criminal asswhippery

  39. One more: Carolina is getting demolished by Florida St. In Chapel Hill.

  40. I have been stunned by the Bad-News-Bears-Wizards play since the all-star break.

  41. Fuck Sun Chips and their compostable bag.

  42. tribe lost to shitty, no account, really not very good towson. i don't have the first clue which w&m team will show up in richmond next weekend.

  43. Awesome job by the wrens. Unbelievable...or on the other hand, totally believeable.

  44. yeah, that's an inexplicably bad loss

  45. mason beats delaware, uncw trips up drexel, vcu hammering jmu. going into saturday's finale at uncw, the tribe is tied for 4th with vcu. need mason to lose to northeastern and vcu to lose to odu. oh, and it'd be nice to win a game against an inferior opponent.

  46. The Civil War on PBS in NYC. Always pulls me in.

  47. virginia tech lost by 20 to boston college? does anyone want an at-large tournament bid?

  48. robbie hummel leaves purdue's game against minnesota - possible acl. dagggggger.

  49. Anyone see Manu's impressive block of Durant last night?

  50. Jon Runyan looks to be the frontrunner for the GOP nod in the race for NJ's 3rd congressional district. I'm conflicted as to how to feel.
