Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It was just so hard to choose...

When you're presented with an article like this**, and you're me, your immediate response of course is "Tragic. Now what tangentially related clip can I embed in this post and be done with this?" To that end, I came up with these three choices. Pick a winner in the comments. Or tell me I'm a dumbass schmuck and missed some obvious ones.

An absolute classic. Was not where the Teej brain immediately went when reading this, but was the second location in my clogged cranium:

This of course was my #1 thought:

Sadly, no video embedding enabled for this one. Damn Illinois Nazis.

**I mean, how can you not be intrigued when this is the headline: "Spurned mistress drives Chinese businessman, other women off cliff; lost contest for his love"


  1. I vote dumbass schmuck. Out of principal.

  2. You could've at least also provided a fun "car flying off a cliff" link.

  3. who gets in a car with his four mistresses and lets one of them DRIVE?

    this should be a darwin award.

    unless he had a lot of bastard children with the mistresses. then it doesn't matter that he died.

  4. Joslyn James has offered Tiger a ride to Augusta.

  5. Since the internet police here at work won't let me see the videos, I have to assume that one of them is Phill Conners driving the groundhog off the cliff. If so, I vote for that one.

  6. Marls just voted for a write-in candidate.

  7. I'm a sucker for any Toonces bit. That cat's all right. High five.

  8. Now if we could only get Toonces and Admiral Stockdale in the same car...

  9. I think you can easily argue that Toonces is the greatest driving animal of all time. Much better than that dog in the Bud Light ad.

  10. You're shitting me, right? THE greatest driving animal of all time is of course Clyde from "Every Which Way But Loose".

  11. TJ, you are a god damned liar.

  12. Honorable mention goes to the limo driving orangutan that chauffeurs Tony Danza & Mel Tillis in Cannonball Run 2.

  13. Marls has been waiting years to drop a Cannonball 2 ref.

  14. Toonces wins based on the catchy theme song alone.

  15. Driving Miss Daisy jokes will passed over for today....

  16. You would never know Dennis is from below the Mason/Dixon line, eh?

  17. didn't thelma & louise drive off a cliff? yeah, i saw the movie.

  18. So, did Wayne and Garth drive off that cliff as well? Or was that movie magic?

  19. If we're posting driving videos then watch this. Preferably on a computer with good speakers.


  20. Not to sound like 2000 year old man Dave here, but I'm on my Blackberry so...video description pls?

  21. Guy driving a car insanely fast through Paris with a camera mounted on the bumper. Jay Leno ripped it off recently only he never got above the speed limit.

  22. i hate almost all car chases, but i did love the one in "ronin."

    the greatest flying animal is rocky the squirrel.

  23. i've bern in a bit of an info-free zone the past two days. what did tony kornheiser do to get suspended?

  24. Rob, he questioned Hannah Storm's sartorial choice of "F Me" boots on the a.m. SportsCenter.

  25. did he say 'f me'? cause that doesn't strike me as a suspendable offense.

  26. NBA Coast-to-Coast gives you a good opportunity to hear all the homer NBA announcers. I really hate the Cavs' guys.

  27. canada/russia in the hockey quarters is gonna be must-see

  28. Speaking of must see (in my house) there's a pretty, pretty big basketball game being contested in Gainesville right now. A loss doesn't eliminate the Gators from NCAA Tournament consideration, but it would put their backs squarely against the wall.

  29. usa nordic combined, bitches

  30. Who is programming these Olympics? Why do they keep putting the better events on MSNBC?
