Friday, October 09, 2009

Movie Month: Once More with Feeling

“Basketball is a vehicle…,” says Dru Joyce Jr. as the camera pans slowly across an empty gymnasium. The metaphor introduced in the opening scene of the aptly-titled More Than a Game powers a poignant and textured story of brotherhood, fathers and sons, and friendship.

First-time director Kris Belman benefited from both good timing and good fortune. The project began as a 10-minute film-school assignment (that earned Belman a B+) and might have been relegated to obscurity but for a real-world narrative arc that would make Disney’s screenwriters envious. Belman brought his camera back to his home town of Akron, OH just as five boys were beginning their high school basketball careers. He finally wrapped shooting seven years, three state championships, one defining loss, and one rocket ride to stardom later.

The film, which opens nationally today, will garner a great deal of publicity because of LeBron James’ involvement. The truth, though, is that the NBA star’s story is just one of five. Perhaps the most compelling scene in the movie comes at the end of the five teammates’ career at St. Vincent-St. Mary’s High School. On senior night, when players walked to center court accompanied by their parents, LeBron (whose love for his mother is clearly documented in the film) chose to make his final entrance with Sian, Willie, Romeo, and Dru III.

We’ve spent some time documenting the themes of friendship and loyalty in More Than a Game. But if the movie’s soul is the friendship between the teammates, its heart lies in the relationship between Dru Joyce III and his father. The elder Joyce set out to do what million of other fathers do (and many more should) – he set out to be there for his son, coaching rec league and then AAU teams. It was only an accident of fate that put him on the bench as the head coach of St. Vincent-St. Mary’s after the Vikings had won consecutive state championships. The following season tested his faith, his belief in himself, and his relationship with his son.

We love sports because they reveal character. In the end, More Than a Game succeeds because of this fact. Failure teaches Coach Joyce a lesson in humility and perspective, and he in turn offers the same gift to his team. “My job is not basketball,” he says, “my job is to help them become men.”

My biases with respect to More Than a Game are clearly established, so let’s get that on the record. But despite the fact that I’m in the tank for the film based on a unique personal experience, it definitively exceeded my expectations. This is anything but a star turn for LeBron James, and his emphatic refusal to promote the movie as such speaks highly of his love for the people that helped him get where he is today. We give it 70 Gheorghes out of 77.


  1. i love me some barack obama, but i'm guessing even he is wondering what the hell the nobel prize people are doing.

  2. I saw that Obama won as I was riding in the elevator. Did he win because we're still fighting two wars? I don't understand.

    Parenthetically, I get most of my news from the TV set in the elevator at work. Pretty pathetic.

  3. i'm just being honest, but this movie sounds like it's going to lack synergy. but at the end of the day, it is what it is, a sport's movie-- it's not like the directors are going to think outside the box, you know?

    but what can you expect from a review written by a low hanging fruit?

  4. that's the best comment i've ever posted. i would like some sort of award.

  5. and the nobel for achievement in obscure blog commentary goes to:


  6. also, i just got word that my nobel prize for reaching things on high shelves without assistance is in the mail. it's a very proud day for me and my family.

  7. what's really interesting is that the nomination deadline for nobel was february 1st. that's 2 weeks after taking the oath. pretty productive 2 weeks i must say.

  8. Thank you! Quite a surprise to win against esteemed competitors like "Dave" and "Marlin."

    I'd like to thank, in no particular order: My parents, Ron Jeremy, my sister, Gary Busey, the first girl to touch my penis, Dave Winfield, Bob Dylan, my kids, Chad Lowe and Chad Kroeger.

  9. I think it's a sports movie. Beware the grammar police.

  10. No offense Rob, but one of my most annoying phrases is "I love me some (blank). Why can't you simply say, "I love (blank)? It's like saying, "I love me" and then adding some other noun to it. Just doesn't make sense. Also, Dewey used say that a lot (I love me some grits) and he was known for being irritable some times.

  11. The director of the soon-to-be-horrendous movie Couples Retreat? None other than Peter "don't call me Ralphie because Christmas Story was 25 years ago" Billingsley. And he and Vince Vaughn are buddies.


  12. yeah...their friendship started when they both "starred" in an afternoon special about 100 years ago - it was about steroid use - peter had a problem with and his good buddy vince tried to get him back on the straight and narrow...

  13. the acting was stellar, really.
    don't know if you saw any promos of this comedy troupe that vince went around with in a tour bus a couple of years ago - it was a documentary - the life of a struggling comic trying to make it yada yada yada...peter directed it. it too, sucked.

  14. greg, with all due respect, go fuck yourself.


  16. i mean, can't a guy do a terrell owens homage in this town anymore?

  17. and the nobel for missing the point of dave's self-described best comment ever goes to:


  18. nice utilization rob...i think you've got the hang of it

  19. Rob, shouldn't you say, "go fuck you, some self"

  20. Yo, yo, yo. TR I'm really happy for you and i'ma gonna let you finish, but I just had to say that Geoff's obscure comments are the best and low hanging fruitiest of all time.

  21. with all due respect to the other comment threads out there, this one has the potential to be one of the greatest comedy rhombuses of all time. and we haven't heard from several highly regarded commenters yet.

  22. Marlin gets a half point as well.

  23. Oh, I got the point. But I didn't think the apostrophe was part of it.

  24. You know what would make this comment thread even better?

    A ring of cheese around the comments.


  25. z-man, i know you're new and all, but the apostrophe gestapo are real and they're everywhere.

  26. hey, peace prize dude. why the fuck are we bombing the moon? that doesn't seem very peace-y. what did the moon ever do to us?

  27. I'd rather discuss Soleil Moon Frye's celestial bodies.

  28. SMF had them reduced, Teej. Tragedy.

  29. Oh, I know, but they're still huge...

  30. I'd like some consideration for the half drunk weekend nights where I inadvertently post under my wife's name.

    We are bombing the moon not because its is easy. We are bombing the moon because it is hard.

  31. zoltan, obviously you did not read the credits of the film. jeffrey sport produced it. yes, it is another one of sport's productions-- in fact, it is jeffrey sport's best film ever! what a sport's movie!

    i will now go back to teaching english.

  32. i am proclaiming THAT last comment as my best one ever. '''''''!

  33. With all due respect Rob, the phrase comedy rhombus is mine and I don't appreciate you using it without my permission. I know, at the end of the day, we're all "on the same team" but I was the one who came up with that phrase by thinking outside the box. So kindly go fuck you some self.

  34. I second Geoff's nomination. Maybe he'll even bring back his female alter ego for me as a birthday gift.

  35. I'm in a meeting right now where three men are wearing bow ties (out of eight). I am not at a barbershop quartet convention either.

  36. hanging with the farrakhans again, i see. that side of you is under-publicized.

  37. i just had some sort of interaction outside the in-school-suspension room (and i was late getting there because of posting comments) with a woman who looked like a lunch aid and introduced herself and then told me some stuff about the delinquents in the room. it turns out she's not a lunch aid, she's the vice-principal-- i didn't recognize her. in my defense, she's very short and weird looking and it's her first year and i never attend any meetings.

  38. i am proclaiming THAT comment as my best one ever. ever.

  39. Wonky management lobbyists and radical muslins dress similarly. See? We all learned something today.

  40. In case anyone is wondering, playing two full city league playoff games in one night, drinking a red bull @ 8 pm in
    order to get ready for game 2 (which didn't start until 8:30) and then going home and drinking and smoking until 1 am so you get some sleep is a horrible idea and will leave you feeling like shit the next day. It's a good thing I'm not working a trade show all day. Oh wait...

  41. Did I mention that the trade show Im at is called Senior Fest 2009? Yep, my day is awesome.

  42. I'm sure you don't scare the geriatrics at all.

  43. I look surprisingly trustworty when I'm dressed up.

    The bright side to being here is that the free popcorn is fantastic.

  44. As is the free metamucil I'm sure.

  45. I would've assaulted somebody today if it weren't for my iPhone. God bless you Steve Jobs.

  46. Want to find the nearest tattoo parlor in a strange city?

    There's an app for that.

  47. I'd like to nominate my girlfriend for a Nobel prize for delivering this delicious plate of bourbon chicken to me.

  48. I love me my iphone. Tonight, I will drink me some beer and fuck me some girlfriend.

  49. Yeah.....with a vagina and everything. Facebook should have told you

  50. Does she know that your name is Greg or are you going by Gunther or Hans or something?

  51. Hans Gruber...

    "Mr. Takagi, the code please..."

  52. Hans MacGruber...a german villain who can get out of any mess with nary a tool

  53. Yogi Berra and Barry Bonds? Or bearer bonds?

  54. the rhombus is rholling along, annihilating everything in its path.

    (acknowledgement to mark for the creation of the rhombus (tm))

  55. Is that a Star Trek 4 joke?

  56. annihilating, not assimilating

  57. Random straw-man for the team:

    Eric Byrnes is the Flaming Lips of major league baseball: whimsical, amusing and easy to root for after a quick glance, but ultimately lacking the chops to sustain staying power over the long-term after a brief flirtation with major stardom.

  58. Are you getting weed delivery again?

  59. I would ask that question of TR as well. What are you smoking?

    The Flaming Lips (who played W&M's tiny Trinkle Hall when we were in college; I think Dave might have gone to see them on a whim) were a one-hit wonder candidate after "She Don't Use Jelly" made its mark on college radio, MTV, and Beavis and Butt-Head. But their last few albums have brought them back to the indie mainstream (Da've, that is an example of an oxymoron). "Race for the Prize," "Fight Test," "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song," and especially "Do You Realize?" are all legitimate hits (not on FM radio, natch). And the concerts are adult circus. It's the single most insane, weird, and ridiculous stage show I have ever seen. And I've seen Teejay karaoke.

    I love me some Flaming Lips. But more importantly... aren't we long overdue for a Beavis and Butt-Head reunion? I figure the boys are about 30 now. I am dying to see what became of them.

  60. The understudy for that role is Nick Swisher.

  61. I've only karaoked (sp?) twice in my life. Can you name those two songs?

  62. I am following Soleil Moon Frye on Twitter. She's one of those Twitter people who tells the world what she had for dinner and what her cat is doing. Terrible. But I can't break it off her. It is what it is.

  63. But when you break it all down, the Flaming Lips just lack rock-n-roll balls. I saw them once in concert and thoroughly enjoyed because I had put myself in a very good state for a Flaming Lips concert, but I just think they are too much schtick and not enough chops. I guess I'm just announcing that I've given them a real shot, and I don't see it.

    It's like a lady that looks sexy at a bar when she's all dolled up, but when you take her home, tie her to a pipe in the basement and hose her off, you're disappointed at what's underneath.

  64. Teejay's karaokes: "It's Raining Men" and "Let's Hear It For the Boy." And he nailed them both.

  65. TJ probably sang "Don't Stop Believin'" and "The Final Countdown".

  66. TJ sang "When Doves Cry" and "Give it to Me Baby".

  67. Who wants to actually win this? Think boys...think...

  68. "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots" used to get some airplay (the song, not the whole album). You're doing yourself a disservice if you don't give the Flaming Lips a chance. You might like "Clouds Taste Metallic."

  69. TJ sang "Satisfaction" while driving around a quarry in a 1985 LeBaron convertible with the windshield kicked out.

  70. tj sang 'round and round' by ratt and 'daydream believer' by the monkees.

  71. Fucking Zoltan...vinner, vinner, chicken dinner...

    Not really, but seriously, if we doing "Raw Deal" jokes, it is what it is...

  72. tj sang 'under pressure' by bowie to the tune of 'ice ice baby'.

  73. was it a wood-paneled lebaron?

  74. 1 - I'm tone deaf. And realize it.

    2 - I like the New York Yankees.

  75. I love me some wood paneling.

  76. You covered a Bernie Williams song?

  77. if you fucking sang 'god bless america', i'm going to jump up and punch you in the balls.

  78. did a little ol' blue eyes, did you?

  79. He did God Bless America while impersonating the Irish guy with the big ears.

  80. I don't know rob, maybe I did...would you care to be more specific?

  81. don't know much 'bout TJ, but i'll guess an Elvis diddy....

  82. okay, so 'new york, new york'. do the same two hints apply to the other song?

  83. Only Marlin can touch the panties...and do "Summer Wind"...

  84. You must have done a Tevin Campbell song, right?

  85. rob wins song 2, well, the man knows what he's doing... and it's a big hit at the Irish Times.

  86. 'danny boy' would be far too cliche. for most people.

  87. Whenever there are this many interested people in TJ's karaoke history, well, I think we should be all allowed to call it a day. Its clear no more work is getting done by anyone at this point.

  88. Has anyone ever figured out what the fuck is wrong with Tim Kurkijan's voice?

  89. Yeah, this coming from the tattooed freak serving the Cocoon 3 cast.

  90. That song by the Cranberries? "Did You Have To Use Your Finger?"

  91. You don't have to be so hurtful TJ. And, I'm done with the oldies. My weekend has begun.

  92. And a 1985 LeBaron is very close to a 1985 LeBron . . . which is when he was born* . . . bringing these comments full-circle back to the original content of this post.

    *LeBron was born 2 days before 1985 actually began. But it was close.

  93. Yes. Jesus you guys are retarded. Especially lawyer boy zoltan...

  94. And I swear I saw Teejay karaoke "Hooked on a Feeling."

  95. Maryland Midgets be Mystifying.

  96. Something by The Chambers Brothers!

  97. The Cars' "Moving in Stereo" because it was featured in a movie with Judge Reinhold!

  98. ...which would be an awesome song to karaoke to because there are like 2 lines in it.

  99. Legalize It!
    Breaking the Law!
    Long Arm of the Law!
    Fly Like a Legal!
    You Can't Jury Love!
    Holding Out for Lance Ito!
    Gin & Juice! (Get it?)

  100. the rhombus has seized control of whitney. get outta the way, people. this ain't gonna be pretty.

  101. Like Ice Cube said, not like the band with Sting.

  102. Hey Z, I have to start Fred Jackson or Marshawn Lynch. Your call? Also, do I start T.O. or no? Also, does my team suck donkeys or what?

  103. Oh, and I was way off in my memory of TJ karaoke-ing "Hooked on a Feeling." It was actually a fat, pale homeless guy at a bus stop with his shirt off singing that song out loud. My bad for the false acc, Teej.

  104. I'm starting Fred Jackson this week, and I'm terrible at fantasy football, so start Lynch. Like I said, TO is going to have a meltdown in this game when they are losing at the half and he has zero catches. But you can't sit him - he's still really good in theory and who else would you start.

  105. The Teej was singing "Private Dancer".

  106. I bet Obama could win the Heisman if enough of his acolytes have him as a write-in candidate here:

  107. I have Mario Manningham because I'm trying to demonstrate a tolerance for people's sexual preference. I have Percy Harvin because Mark says funny things here. Not Nobel-funny like Dennis, but definitely amusing.

  108. we acolytes are too busy carving another head into mount rushmore. maybe next year for the heisman thing.

  109. If Obama won the Heisman, he'd do better in the NFL than Gino Torretta! Zing, Gino! You suck! Ha!

  110. Gino Ballserelli is now...."Gene Balboa"!!!

    Manuel!!! I need more....blood!

  111. Speaking of where are they now, Greg, check this out.

  112. Greg...weren't you supposed to move to Dubia?

  113. greg's got a girlfriend with likelike parts, no way he's moving anywhere.

  114. But I likelike the way you think.

  115. And I likelike me some girl parts.

  116. speaking of girl parts, all our lady commenters have been notably silent today. do they actually do 'work'?

  117. They are probably at a sewing bee or a knitting circle.

  118. According to Shlara, G:TB "jumped the shark when they hired Zoltan."

  119. Wow. A stinging indictment.

  120. I'd like to defend you Zoltan but Shlara likes basketball and called me funny once, so I'm clearly in the bag for her.

  121. Maybe I should make some sewing bee jokes?

  122. Zoltan, maybe if you tried harder to get to know Shlara. Here are a few tidbits to get you started:

    1. She graduated from "the Harvard of the South."
    2. She was a proud member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority.
    3. She loves professional basketball, the Washington Bullets/Wizards, and Gheorghe Muresan, not necessarily in that order.
    4. She can sew like a champ and knit like a badass.
    5. She enjoys long walks on the beach, a good snuggle by the fire, erotica not porn, the warm grin of a 3-beer buzz, the musical stylings of Dan Fogelberg (RIP), smart not smarmy men, the double standard, "anything Burberry," Fellini films, equal opportunity lovemaking, compassion and kindness, using the third person to describe herself, umbrellas on sunny days, KQ in a "nearly platonic" way, creme brulee (if it's done right), the French Riviera, two-day stubble on a hunky cleft chin, Phil Chenier not Mel Proctor, 20-year-old scotch, 21-year-old boys, posters of cats wearing clothes and saying funny things, the CrunchWrap Supreme, lovers who don't do drugs but look like they do, Stephen Colbert, alt-country not country, peekaboo blouses, natural hair colors, honesty not "I'm just being honest," Philosophy majors, sleeping late, and people named Glenn.
    6. She thinks Whitney is "a bit much," and not in the good way.

  123. Wow. She sounds significantly different from every girl I met in college. I'll try to come up with a Shlara-centric post with these tidbits in mind.

    I knew the Bills post was long, but a Bills/Browns preview was assigned to me and I was instructed to make it as bitter as possible. There's a lot to be bitter about when you root for the Bills hence the lengthy post.

  124. can we see a pic of schlara please? she sounds pretty dreamy.

  125. and by "we", i mean, "I".
    thank you.

  126. william & mary's own brendan harris!

  127. I just noticed Rob's tags for this post. One of which reads "Ohio High School Basketball".

    Why? Are we ever using that tag again?

  128. i'm working on a soon-to-be discontinued series on the massilon/mckinley rivalry.

  129. You saw the Josh McDaniels piece on can't fool me you little midget.

  130. i did not, in fact. what was it about?

  131. happy saturday. coffee. internet. sportscenter. 3 dumps already. first saturday home and w/no schedule in months. bloody mary on deck. word to your muthas.

  132. wow...obama moves to 4th past clausen in the heisman race. or did someone use that yesterday?

  133. Hey Mark...happy birthday. I tried to imagine for a second that I was you. Once I stopped crying I thought about what I, as you, would want for my birthday. So, I sent you a chain wallet and some black lace up boots. Enjoy. My birthday's in to weeks. I suggest you try the same drill...think gingham. I'll mail you a Vineyard Vines catalog.

  134. Happy Birthday, Mark. I thought this was a little weird to see on your Facebook page, though: (Direct copy + paste)

    "I think I am Whitney. Its not for sure yet but I'd say there's a 95% chance. Thank you."

  135. way to go, sparky. not sure many of us thought you'd make it this far. might have changed our thinking on extending you a job offer.

  136. Thanks guys. Geoff, I ordered you a new gag ball. You're an extra large, right?

    Picks post is up too, ladies.

  137. The Whitney I was speaking to on facebook is significantly more attractive than you Whit...sorry.

  138. More Than A Game was nice and i watched it with my son yesterday. though there are queue of documentaries i really love this movie as there are some thing More Than A Game such as friendship, courtesy , dedication and passion. it consisted all things in to one movie.


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