Friday, July 17, 2009

I'm so hard up I'd even watch Tribe Football right now...

Do you like football? I like football. Are you tired of having to "think" of things do to on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon? I sure as fuck am. Hell, why do you think half of G:TB (and assorted others) are off in the Outer Banks this weekend waxing each others mustaches and reliving their glorious days of fraternity life?

This beer is delicious Skip!

You said it Chip. How about we call Thad and Tad and see if they'd like to play a rousing game of penuckle?

I say!

I'm not sure if that's what life at William & Mary was like but that's how it looks in my head. I'm also not sure exactly what college life is like at my alma mater, University of Florida, since it's been 6 years since I was a student there, but I'm pretty sure its still fucking awesome 95% of the time. And really fucking awesome the other 5% of the time.

I mean, how could it not be? The weather's great, the girls are hot, the bars are plentiful and the football program is a fucking bloodthirsty monster bent on dominating their opponents and then impregnating their opponents girlfriends afterwards (except Tebow...though he will help with delivery of the child if need be).

In case you forgot, the Gators return their entire two deep on defense and most of the offense from last year's National Champion. As you can imagine, two-a-days can't get here soon enough for me or anybody else within the Gator Nation. Fortunately for all us, there's youtube highlight packages. Hey, the music might suck but I'd listen to Rick Astley over Gator highlights if they were good enough.


  1. If you're on the tubes of You I still think anything by "Drake" should be tops on the list...

  2. I'm watching Gatti-Ward I and it's even better than I remembered. Just started round 6, it's about to get reeeal good.

  3. I watched the entire Gatti-Ward trilogy last night. I would describe it as "groin-grabbingly awesome".

  4. Second Gatti-Ward was the best, if memory serves. Gatti was still in his "I'll take a beating as long as I can give one back phase" and he and Ward were still close to the same size. Gatti had started to change his fighting style by the third fight, and he started reproportioning his body so that he had more strength up top. Unreal the way he died...

  5. Now that its clear he's not going to win the British Open, does Tom Watson kind of wish he hadn't come this close?

  6. I'm guessing the tallest brunette that Stewart kissed was his wife, and the other two were his sons? Just making sure...

  7. hey guys! what's been going on around here?

  8. TJ...I know you don't put much weight in the results of the NBA Summer League, and rightfully so, but your boy Jonny Flynn is killing people.

  9. I think its actually spelled "pee-knuckle."

  10. They're coming, but you need to give us all some time to recover...

  11. yeah, someone should post some filler in the meantime. groggy doesn't begin to adequately describe my state of being this morning.

  12. Boston comes back to the Bronx from 8/6 to 8/9 for a HUGE four-game series. Yanks will need to take 3 of 4 in the worst way.
