Thursday, July 09, 2009

I love seeing a headline like this

"El Nino conditions return to affect weather"

because obviously I get to embed this piece of comedic genius:


  1. It appears Ozzie Guillen wasn't too concerned about missing fatty Bartolo Colon:

    "'I think Colon disappeared,' Guillen said before the game, unable to keep a straight face over the bizarre situation. 'I think immigration is looking for him. I worry about Colon because Colon was a big-time Michael Jackson fan. He might see the TV and cry all day long. He maybe is in L.A. at his funeral because I can't find him.'"

  2. In honor of last night's show, I'd like to propose changing this blog to Gheorghe (The Blog)...just for a day. Indulge me. And here's hoping Rob and Whit actually made it...

  3. i support the naming change. and we made it with 10 minutes to spare. didn't miss a single note, and now we've got yet one more thing with which to mock whitney.

  4. i just tried to roll my mustache rollie fingers style. i think i need wax.

  5. Buy Hanson's Mustache Wax. The mustache wax Hitler doesn't use.

  6. beard/mustache status: beginning to be unruly.

  7. Beard status: weak to moderate. Hoping for a big weekend of beard growth.

  8. there's a big part of me that's hoping to see tr pull up at whitney's beach house, step slowly out of his car, and reveal the mustache to end all mustaches. it would be the obft debut to end all debuts. please make it so.

  9. I have a feeling the Swint Stache could end up being damn good...

  10. Jesus I sound like a gay.

  11. Alas, the Fates are not with me. I'm six weeks into a new job and four weeks from having another kid. My ability to rock a stache, go on a road trip and be very drunk while on said road trip has been severely compromised.

    My best bet for a road trip might be a trip to Florida-UGA, thought that's looking doubtful b/c of work. The gam is on Saturday 10/31. That probably won't be a very fun night...

  12. apparently i enjoy the words, 'to end all'. it's the hyperbolic phrase to end all hyperbolic phrases.

  13. I think we all need to make a point to see the UF-UGA game this year. Its Tebow's last game in Jacksonville, its on Halloween and its only a 3 hour drive for me. Rob...tell your sister to make plans to go away for that weekend.

  14. I'm in, but I'm probably not going to the game this time.

  15. we're way overdue for a tebow/hansbrough separated at birth-type tribute.

  16. Mustache Gang '09: Here's a good read to give you some history, some pointers, and some ideas about which style you might like.

  17. A co-worker told me that I look like a Baltic dictator.

  18. thanks whit. i might do a zappa.

  19. zoltan, that means you may also have a natasha in your future.

  20. I seriously look like Beavis when he glued shit to his face.

  21. I've got to be honest Jerry. 3 years ago was the only time I ever attended the game itself. The way things are setup near the stadium now there's not really much need. You can watch the game on 15 foot screens, drink all you want, talk shit and do just about anything else you feel like doing. You can't go wrong with watching the game at the Landings either but the tailgating scene is great to take in and the scene outside the stadium is much less cramped than the Landings (its not like you're not going to hang out at the Landings a ton anyway).

    So...who the fuck is down for some WLOCP action?

  22. How are some of you 30+ and unable to grow a halfway decent beard? Are you Native American, TJ?

  23. our female fans are really going to have to reassess their willingness to be associated with us after mustacheapalooza 2009.

  24. Are you kidding me? These are girls who grew up lusting after Magnum, Chuck Norris, Burt Reynolds, Billy Dee Williams, and Wilford Brimley! They will love us!

    Okay, or not.

  25. I am down for the game, but will stand in said parking lot this time around...

    I did however hear that Slats wants to come again but only if he gets to watch every second of the game from inside the stadium.

  26. But TJ...when will he get a lift in? Maybe when he stays if he spends a night in the power room again?

  27. He'll be paying a grand to sleep in a broom closet this year.

  28. One of the Mustache Insitute guys went to HS with me.

  29. Given the collective pastiness of the stache growers heading to NC, there are bound to be all sorts of goofy sunburn lines around where the stache used to hang proudly.

    My advice to all of you is to keep the stache until November, when you can be sure that your tan/burn has faded.

  30. Back to UGA-U of F:

    What's the shortest time window somebody could logically pull off the event? Friday 2 PM flight down, party Friday night, party all day/night Saturday, Sunday noon flight back, return home by 3 PM, looking and feeling like poop?

    And how do you sufficiently explain to the wife and 2 year old son that you're bailing on Halloween to get drunk with rednecks in Florida?

  31. How long do your sunburns last there TR? I'm as pale as they come (okay, maybe not as bad as Greg or TJ but still) and my worst sunburns don't last but a few days.

  32. You're about right on the window (though you might want to plan on being in town bu mid-afternoon...its worth it, believe me). As for the Halloween excuse, good luck. I don't have to fight that battle as my girlfriend realizes that the Gators rule my life in the fall and, of course, all my kids live out of state.

  33. so shlara, you're saying there's a chance?

  34. hmmm, well, no.

    despite the HS connection and Whit's belief that girls who grew up in the 70s/80s like guys with the stache, I don't dig them. or beards.

  35. but i do look forward to seeing how redic you all look with the facial hair. so, please take a group photo at tortuga.

  36. I've got twins due within a week of that game. Seems like going on that trip would be a wise move...

  37. Geoff's having twins?

    Well there goes that tremendous run of productivity he's had over at the Wheelhouse.

    And yeah, I'd suggest he go to the UF-UGA game. Both so that he and I can be the two most mismatched people within the group (we might literally blow somebody's mind with the considerable differences in our appearances) and because he's probably not going out for about 5 years after those kids are born.

    One more thing: I think he and his wife should let Greg pick the kids' names...or their middle names at the very least.

  38. "And these are my children, Turd Ferguson Burr and Hercules Rockefeller Burr"...

  39. As to the appearances, I'll wear a blue blazer, orange pants and loafers with no socks...and you can wear a wife beater, jean shorts and a chain wallet. And we'll hold hands all night.
