Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I Am Trying to Break Your Heart

Half of Team G:TB will be at Wolf Trap this evening catching Wilco and Conor Oberst. The other half will at least appreciate the chorus of the song in the following clip: 'Playing KISS covers/beautiful and stoned'.


  1. Have fun at this "Wilco" thing...

  2. i'm sure it's just a fad. it's not like frank, who loved and lost.

  3. i'm taking my obft mustache out socially for the first time this evening. i expect big things.

  4. You've gone straight 'stache already? You are a braver man than I.

  5. technically, still a beard.

  6. but with that said, i think all obftstache participants should take before-and-after photos for inclusion in a gtb post.

  7. This is gonna be awesome. We've established critical mass. People who don't have the stache are going to feel left out.

  8. Before-and-after what? You mean full beard as before and stache as after? I'll gladly comply to clearer instructions.

  9. that would be fine, zoltan. for example, i'll get a shot of my beard and one of my fu manchu. before beard photos would be impossible at this point for all but maybe you and stew.

  10. If more Wilco songs were like Heavy Metal Drummer, I would like that band a lot more. I've tried a couple times, but I just can't get into those guys.

    Is it possible that they're so underrated that they may actually be overrated?

  11. I would like to think my dedication to the stache over the years has something to do with this movement, though I doubt it does. But you all are making me damn proud nonetheless...

  12. Great, is everyone doing a Fu Manchu? Now I got to get creative or go straight to the porn stache.

    Also seeing wilco but this weekend. Still got a couple of tickets. Anyone want to see them in lovely Lowell, MA??

  13. The best I can muster is a state trooper stache...that's it.

  14. Someone should attempt a Mike Piazza-esque pointy fu manchu.

  15. Greg and I are watching an epic Magnum crossover Simon and Simon episode with a wooden voodoo doll...seriously, I just typed that.

  16. Lots of quality mustaches on TJ's TV right now.

  17. I'm now engrossed in the antics of Agent Utah ans Pappas...

  18. The African-American woman who provided the papal ballots for last night's election was wearing an Eric Moulds jersey.
