Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm feeling pretty super today...

I sincerely hope that you've seen the first couple episodes of Me & Stephon. I just caught the second episode and I can barely wait for the third installment. I haven't been this racked with anticipation since The Sopranos was in its heyday. Seriously, there's just so much to love here that I can't even fathom where to begin. Instead, I'll leave you with this question and then let you watch for yourself. Is it possible that Stephon just needs a goofy white guy or two around him in order to make him a fun loving, gregarious, man of the people? If so, let's get RhymO and Zoltan on this, stat.

Wait...Marbury watches Curb Your Enthusiasm?


  1. I love that Mark nominates two guys he has never met in his life as viable candidates.

  2. and is relatively accurate in his assessment of their entertainment value.

  3. Right...I forgot that key point. I would pay a boatload of money to see Zoltan chain smoking and doing crosswords while Stephon just talked at him.

  4. I've seen some pics and read enough discussion 'round these parts to feel confident in my nomination.

  5. Stephon and Rhymo reviewing the latest porn releases

    Stephon and rob buying lifts together

    Stephon and Whitney looking for some killer vinyl

    Stephon and TJ and Mark...well, I think you know...

  6. Wait, I want to go shopping for vinyl too. Probably not with Whitney, but definitely with Steph...

  7. stephon and dennis watching ga tech play duke...and dennis caring a whole lot more than stephon.

  8. After college, Zoltan and I were roommates for a year in Mt. Vernon, NY. Our place was a tenth of a mile from Gramatan Ave, sight of Marbury's infamous f*ck truck incident. There's a terrible strip club on that road. They frisk you for guns when you go in (so I've heard). Good times.

  9. Despite my calling places "record shops", I have not ventured down the retro road to vinyl. A friend of mine has, though, and I checked out his new turntable. It has a diamond needle and the sound is unbelievable. He has old LP's as well as new ones in the 180-gram format or whatever. Sounds fantastic.

    He was trying to sell me on the vinyl medium for a while, insisting that I would be someone who could appreciate it. I indicated that I'd bought a fair number of cassettes, then an assload of CD's, and then recently spent a great deal of time, effort, and money to convert everything to digital format. I don't have the money or the energy to go buy a bunch of records. But... I was intrigued...

    And then, as a few of us were drinking some Red Stripes and listening to Catch a Fire, the record hit the end of Side 1. He had to get up and flip it.

    ". . . and THERE'S why I won't be making the investment," I quipped.

  10. be a sport and recount the evan lloyd vinyl lovemaking story.

  11. ...and also tell Mark where he can obtain this "180 grams" of stuff.

  12. i don't understand how the vinyl can be better than an uncompressed digital file-- FLAC or something. if the sound IS better, then why not just record that digitally and play that-- then it's the same thing. i think it's all in your friend's head. save your money for 180 grams of something else-- THAT'S what makes music sound good.

  13. Vinyl is great. I have about 5 crates worth, but its terribly expensive and turntable maintenance is no peach either. I basically had to make myself stop buying records because it was becoming such a cash drain.

    My old roomate Vitas has probably more than triple my amount of vinyl and eventually, he too stopped buying records. Just not very cost effective if you plan on having a life otherwise.

  14. Dave's right, you know. Meth IS awesome.

  15. programming note to gtb fans: apologies for the lack of content here and in the main area. team gtb has spent the afternoon on the mother of all tangents via electronic mail.

  16. how does the big 10 have a higher conference rpi than the big east? more dregs in the latter?

  17. I saw that the other night too and was quite surprised. You would think Indiana's abortiveness would negate the South Florida/Rutgers/Depaul shittiness.

    Because honestly, do not try to tell me Penn St and Northwestern could hang with Gtown and Notre Dame.

  18. Tell your friend to get a new turntable. My grandmother had one that would flip the record for you. Of course, it was about the size of a dresser because it relied on vacuum tubes, but I digress.

    I'm looking for a system that will download and store music in some central location, and will allow me to wirelessly stream music to my stereos, laptop, etc. Does anyone know of such a device? If not, I have only 12 months from today to preserve my US patent rights.

  19. And following up on the Nocerous' Mt. Vernon comments:

    1. I would not characterize Sue's Rendez-Vous as "terrible." "Sketchy," "somewhat frightening," and "disturbingly depraved" are more accurate.

    2. That frisking incident was the first and only time I had ever been frisked until today at the airport, and the guy at the airport was orders of magnitude less intimidating than the guy at Sue's.

  20. The Evan vinyl story can be told in one line: In 1991, long after records had been replaced by tapes and CD's, long before it became trendy once again to have LP's, our friend paused between pumps into a W&M undergrad girl (he was at VA Tech grad school), stood up without an explanation, flipped KISS Destroyer over to Side B, and resumed his lovemaking without missing a beat. It seemed even sillier when turntables were things of the distant past, but I am guessing this problem plagues a number of sexually active folks (with very good stamina) again these days.

  21. The Knicks rung up 75 in the first half against a laconic Raptors squad. They now have over 100 points (and a 35 point lead) with 2 minutes left in the third.

    Sean Marion is infecting that squad in a hurry...

  22. I know this is Simmons' bit, but I really wish Hubie Brown could follow me around for a day...

    "TJ is working hard in this Arby's line...he's really working hard to get everyone involved..."

  23. Hubie and Raftery could alternate covering my life and I would be in heaven.

  24. That's right big Z...they're all sucking on Rhymo's teet.

  25. The Raptors have a guy named Laconic? La'Conic?

  26. This relatively meaningless Mavs/Rockets game is quite entertaining actually...

  27. La'Conic might be the best made up name I've heard this decade. I sincerely hope to see somebody named that on a NCAA football field in the next 10 years.

  28. Aaron Brooks just dropped a deuce on the Mavs.

  29. I stand by La-ia as the top made up name of the decade. D'Brickashaw is my favorite made up pro athlete name.

  30. JamesOn Curry deserves votes simply for eschewing the apostrophe.

  31. I always thought laconic was a fancy synonym for lazy. Not the case, although Bargnani could be described as laconic on the court because of the language barrier. So stuff it, Z-Man.

    Listening to Walt Frazier tonight on color commentary has stilted my grasp of the language. His tie's Windsor knot is at least 9" wide. Outstanding.

  32. So, is Danilo (sp?) even Barnagni Lite?

  33. I'm really struggling with the new tie knot style. I spent half my life perfecting a nice tight knot and now, I'm completely fucking lost. Good thing I don't wear a tie to work much because I'd be missing 2-3 hours of sleep a week.

  34. No offense to middle America, but if some sort of triple appetizer from Chile's "spices up your day" in any way, you should just walk in front of the tractor.

    Right now. Do it. Please.

  35. It's Chili's. Like the pepper, not the country and they could probably just take your suggestion anyway.

  36. You guys remember when Lamar Odom absolutely took over the A-10 tourney back in the day and everyone salivated over his skills?

    Yeah, neither does Lamar...

  37. If KG is out a month, we're looking at a Kobe/LeBron final right?

  38. Be careful, I'm a bit of a Lamar Odom apologist.

  39. This Don Rickles interview is awwwwkward....

  40. OK, has everyone seen LeBron tonight? Good god if he ever can make the three that consistently it is over.

    And kudos to my boy Jalen for just dropping the NBA Jam reference.

  41. Yea...I saw LeBron. So damn dirty. He's the fucking size of Karl Malone.

  42. No offense Jonathan Coachmen, but after years of you as scenary to meathead WWF wrestlers its kinda hard to watch any highlight you have to offer on ESPNews.

    Where's the fire and brimstone Coach?

  43. Hey Chuck Newhouse - the Cavs do not take kindly to face rakes on their Brazilian hustle guy and choke holds on Big Z.
