Thursday, August 14, 2008

Vote or Die

For those that missed it in the comments yesterday, it appears Hollywood has decided to recycle/destroy yet another masterpiece, this time Wes Craven's 1984 horror classic "A Nightmare on Elm Street". And even if as Greg suggested Billy Bob Thornton plays his Freddy Krueger as Sling Blade the entire film, I'm still not interested. However, the talk of Nightmare on Elm Street did get me pondering something - what's the best song/video to be associated with a horror film over the years? As often (or always) is the case, me pondering = you watching YouTube clips. So I present to you my two answers to this question, because frankly, I wrote this post, so I get to pick two. First up, avid golfer and Detroit Rock City native Alice Cooper supplies this track for Friday the 13th Part 6:

And then there's this cheese-rific gem from some kid called the Fresh Prince and his goofy sidekick DJ Jazzy Something (in my googling I discovered there was a huge legal battle over the real video for this song, so deal with this):

Feel free to join Mayhugh in the comments telling me I missed about 50 better choices. I'm off to work with the White Lando on his first speech.


  1. Geez, that's some pressure, Teej. So far I've got:

    Sweet Transvestite (Rocky Horror Picture Show)
    Down with the Sickness (Lounge version by Richard Cheese - thanks to Sisler for reminding me of this last weekend)
    In the Hall of The Mountain King (Needful Things, and pretty much other movie trailer ever played)

  2. Alice Copper is gonna run away with this...

  3. ...or not.

    Is that Mayhugh's music????

  4. I actually you nailed it with Alice Cooper; mine are a bit more obscure, and I don't even really consider RHPS a horror movie.

  5. I love the placement of CCR's Bad Moon Rising in American Werewolf in London and Little Richard's Keep-a-Knockin' in Christine.

  6. does highlander count? 'cause the queen song playing when the kurgan rolls through town is fucking awesome in terms of fit with the scene. apologies for not remembering the song title and being too lazy to imdb it.

  7. Mark, the Bucks now have more PGs than the Grizzlies...which is pretty hard to do.

  8. Is Alice Copper related to Chester Copperpot?

  9. The Bucks can't stop making moves. Not sure they have a definitive plan in place.

    Btw, I don't think Maurice Williams is gonna work out well in Cleveland. He's a shoot first PG who needs the ball. Not exactly the type of guy who you think would be a good match with LeBron. I think his mentality is one of the reasons Milwaukee dumped him. They've increased their # of legit scorers and need PGS who will set them up well. Plus, his salary sucks.

  10. because i know you care, the song is 'new york, new york' by queen. and the kurgan is one of the all-time great movie villains.

    (song info courtesy of whitneypedia)

  11. Whew...thats a load off my shoulders...

  12. no kidding. i couldn't sleep until i found the answer.

  13. volleyball - underrated both to play and watch. i'm in.

  14. I'm stuck with a Panthers/Eagles preseason game. Screw you National Airport Gate 24.
