Friday, April 18, 2008

And you thought we were all out of Gheorghe clips...

It's already a long, dreadful Friday morning. So nothing could have made me happier than to open an email containing this interview with our Romanian overlord (try to ignore the doucheyness that is Tim Brant):

[Tremendous hat tip to Deuce of Davenport for sending us this clip. Especially since it's the first time I've ever received an email from "Chimpanzee Rage"]


  1. i can't helping smiling when i watch that guy. this is awesome.

    the tim brant one-finger hand tap is just weird.

  2. btw, teejay and timmy: farnsworth. dead.

  3. "It just slipped. I was trying to be aggressive and go in on him," Farnsworth said.

  4. giggle. i love baseball. baldfaced lies are celebrated as part of the fabric of the game.

    sort of like congress.

  5. i like to think that steinbog is making a principled stand in support of xmas ape by not adding a new post in 2 days and creating a de facto "fuck the post" site within the citadel walls.

    too clever by half?

  6. What about A-Rod getting drilled on Wednesday? You know how the game works. If you drill our blue-lipped superstar, we'll drill your dreadlocked superstar.

    I want to see Farnsworth throwing down again. I remember from his Braves (and Tigers?) days that he luuuuuuvs a brawl. He can adopt Darryl Strawberry's role from the late 90's as the dedicated ghetto-style enforcer.

  7. timmy - sorry if i wasn't clear. as noted over in the sparsely attended mlc today, i have no problem with the yankees throwing at manny - other than the location. i'd do the same thing, just would try to hit him in the leg instead of the bean.

  8. Fair point, Mr. Russell.

    It's hard to root for Farnsworth, so I look past a lot to find something that's not repugnant. Same goes for LaTroy Hawkins, Mike Mussina, A-Rod, Giambi, Abreu...

  9. i find it interesting that i don't hate all that many of the current yankee crew. with the exception of a-rod and farnsworth, i have a hard time working up a healthy personal antipathy.

    used to include damon on that list, but watching his decline into the pathetic is all the satisfaction i need. giambi's more a dope than an object of scorn. i grudgingly respect jeter, rivera, and posada. i never really think much about abreu, cano and cabrera or the anonymous fungible backups and relievers.

    forgot about joba. i do quite dislike him. though i hope his dad is okay so i can go back to hating him without feeling guilty about it.

  10. When the Yankees hand Joba the ball, he seems to do rather well.
    No Red Sox hitter can blow Joba away.
    Like basketball players who play above the rim Joba plays above the strike zone.

    I love juvenilia.

  11. even after an overtime caps loss, steinbog still has no updates. he's totally in the bag for the ape.

  12. God I love are Johnny Damon's "Most Similar by Age"

    22. Mark Kotsay
    23. Frank Schulte
    24. Lee Mazzilli
    25. Curt Flood
    26. Chet Lemon
    27. Claudell Washington
    28. Claudell Washington
    29. Claudell Washington
    30. Tim Raines
    31. Tim Raines
    32. Cesar Cedeno
    33. Cesar Cedeno

    I've actually met one guy on this list...any guesses?

  13. i guess that you and tim raines did lines together at cbgb.

  14. As plausible as that

  15. huh. well then, i'm stumped.

  16. Claudell Washington. At a baseball camp. When I was 12 or so.

  17. So Lou, what did you really think of Al Pacino's new film 88 Minutes?

    Lou Lumenick in the New York Post writes that it "holds you in a state of acute suspense, keeping you wondering until the very last minute whether this is the worst Al Pacino movie ever made."

  18. steinz back today after claiming to have been on 'vacation'.

    i see you steinz. wink.

  19. The Johnny Damon decay makes Theo Epstein look like a very smart guy. As does letting Pedro depart via free agency.

    People rarely get credit for moves that have little short-term value, but immense long-term value. The perfect example of this is the Mario Williams draft choice over Bush, Leinart and Young.

  20. that's a great point about short/long term moves and how they're valued. i blame skip bayless.

  21. Don't blame Bayless. Blame all of ESPN!

    Or Merrill Hoge.

  22. yes, i was using bayless as a proxy for all that is wrong with the sports-media-industrial complex.

    i actually blame charlie gibson.

  23. who, in turn, blames josh groban.

  24. i love you, teejay. someday i'll tell you why.

    but there's no way it's not that bitch miss piggy's fault.

  25. Herschel Walker's ex-wife is fucking scary looking.

    And, I've met one person on Rob's "Damon List" as well. Sadly, its not Claudell Washington.

  26. okay, i'm certain you did lines with tim raines. but i'm guessing it was at mons venus.

  27. Yes on Tim...No on Mons. And we only drank together (sighs).

  28. Gentlemen...the Ryan Klesko era is over...

  29. from teaching pro t.j. tomasi in this week's sports illustrated:

    "no question, lorena ochoa is the best golfer on earth right now. sadly, because she's a woman, she doesn't get her due acclaim."

    okay. i've got daughters. i'd love for women's sports to get a little more run when it's deserved. and i actually enjoy a little women's golf every now and then. but that's a bald-faced fucking moronic statement. haven't we been through this with the former best woman player in the world?

    lorena ochoa, for all her insane talents, would've shot 80-80 and missed the cut at the masters by 13 shots. and that's just the truth. saying stupid things in a major magazine doesn't change that. just makes you sound like an idiot.

    sorry, girls. daddy still thinks you can beat tiger.

  30. boy, lebron james >>>> gilbert arenas in the final 2 minutes, huh? and delonte west >>>> deshawn stevenson on defense.

  31. This Suns/Spurs game ain't too shabby...let's go 3OTs fellas.

  32. third period of the bruins/canadiens game was sick. and there shall be a game 7.

  33. and the sox just made it a nice little two-fer in the hub. sully and the boys are gonna get wicked hammahed tonight.

  34. Allow me to be the bitter fellow...god damn I'm pissed the Suns lost that game. Duncan hits his first 3 of the year? Good God, I 'll never understand why the Spurs always seem to get the edge in these tight ones.

    Honestly, this game was epic...and Shaq was great. Poor Phoenix.

  35. dwight howard. impactful!


  36. toronto slowwwly chipping away. hmmm.

  37. So, Danica Patrick is now 1 for 50 in IndyCar races?

    Great work sweetheart.

  38. Mark, this might be your neck of the woods - any reason why I75 from Tampa to Ft Myers has multiple vasectomy doc billboards? I had never seen one such billboard let alone 4 in a short span.

  39. Sorry TJ, I'm kind of an east coast guy. Never even been to Ft. Myers.

    Good Lord Detroit, couldn't you wait until the second damn game of the Playoffs before you sleep thru an entire game?

  40. Well, if you ever need the snip snip, it looks like the Greater Tampa/St Pete area has plenty of options.

  41. in a hotel room in philly that doesn't get versus. to make matters worse, the caps/flyers game isn't on any of the local channels i get. bitter.

  42. Well, if it makes you feel any better, the Tampa airport is a spiderweb of incompetence.

    Wrapped in a riddle.

    Wrapped in bacon.

  43. Let me get this straight - Isiah Thomas, who is still employed by the Knicks, is barred from any contact with the Knicks???

  44. I gotta get me a gig like that.

  45. Well, the election is coming up soon Geoff...

  46. Game 7 playoff gud.

  47. The Mavs, um, not a good showing.

  48. Biron wants to give this one away...come on douche...

  49. Overtime on Fun St for all the marbles.

  50. I bet there are quite a few dudes in Dupont who are part of "Semin Nation"

  51. because i have nowhere else to go with this:

    dustin pedroia is a tiny fucking stud.
