Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Professional TV Watcher Extraordinaire

Yesterday, Whitney brought in Central Jersey's finest medical practitioner to explain Seasonal Affective Disorder. Well, just in time for the new Fall Season, I recruited the only guy I know who watches more TV than me to preview/review/pummel all the upcoming programming on the small screen. Let's just call him Commodore DVR for now. We needed some structure to this, so much like Bonnie Franklin, the Commodore is taking it one day at a time:

* * * *
Prison Break - This is a good way to start. One word: AWESOME. This show really brings it each week. Why? Well, the plot line is good and takes a ton of ridiculous twists. But I think that a main reason is the way that they end the show each week. Always leave the viewers wanting more. Prison Break really excels at this. The main character, Michael Scofield, is also really good. Word on the street has him batting for the Yankees. Well, it doesn’t matter. He really gets the job done. Anyway, the season already started and, so far, I’m liking it again. This season starts off in Panama where half of the main characters are in a prison that really isn’t run by the guards. The guards actually just stand in towers outside the jail and kill people that try to come out. Hard to believe, but I like the concept. I’m very good at suspending all disbelief. I want to live in pretend-land.
Recommendation: Must Watch Same Night.

Heroes - Man, Monday night is a good one for shows. A few people died at the end of last season on Heroes. The cheerleader (Hayden Panettiere) is still alive if anyone was worried (and just turned 18 too in real life, mmm. TJ has pictures if anyone is interested). I’m unsure in which direction this show will go from here. Now that Skylar is dead and Peter blew up, I’m anxious to see what new twists they will add. Hopefully there will be new mutants. But last season was really good, so I’m going to keep on with this one. Would help to get another hot chick on the show just to keep things fresh.
Recommendation: Must Watch Same Night (for now).

Big Bang Theory - Well, looks like CBS has done the trick with running commercials for this enough during football that I’m semi-intrigued. Really just more for the attractive women aspect. Premise of the show is two geeky guys that have a hard time getting chicks. They now live near some hot women. The guys will probably get flustered by the hotness of the women. Hilarity ensues. Well, at least that is what CBS is hoping. I’m going to give it a shot.
Recommendation: Could be absolutely terrible, so don’t say I told you to watch it.

The Bachelor - Wow, 11 seasons. And I’ve watched almost all of them. This one sets up like the rest. Here is the recipe: Hunky, decently successful guy who can act like he thinks that he can find a wife on a TV show. Add lots of attractive women who are desperate to get married because they’ve had crappy relationships or don’t want to work. End product brings some awesome results. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it here again: NOTHING is funnier than watching women cry on this show. Honestly, women cry right after the first cut. They’ve had maybe a 10-minute conversation with the guy. Shouldn’t you be OK with getting cut at that point? He barely knows you and has to make a cut of women. So he is purely picking superficially. Wouldn’t it be worse if you stayed and then he cut you? That would mean that he sort of got to know you but doesn’t think you’re all that great compared to other women. Now that is more of a dagger. But, actually, it isn’t. Why. BECAUSE THE SHOW LASTS FOR MAYBE 6 WEEKS. Meanwhile, he dates tons of girls and you have set-up dates with cameras all over the place. How close can you get to some guy in that time? Thus, the show boils down to displaying just how crazy women are when they are looking for a husband. And their overall insanity level as well.
Recommendation: It all depends on the women, but has potential for Must Watch Same Night. (Side Note: ABC’s website has a clock ticking down to the time that the first episode airs. Probably a little over the top)

Chuck - The premise is that some smart kid accidentally opens a super secret government email and now he has the super secret information in his head. Thus, he has to be protected now. Really? Sounds completely stupid.
Recommendation: This show is going down.

The Hills - I’m a sucker for watching hot, young and shallow girls on television. Always entertaining. But do you know what has really made it for me this season: how bad Spencer (Heidi’s bf) sucks. His facial hair is a disaster. He also is a huge douchebag that thinks way too much of himself and really isn’t all that great to Heidi. I also love seeing how he disenchants himself to everyone in Heidi’s life, which is leading her to a life of zero friends except for him. He is also losing his feud with Lauren b/c he is taking the absolute wrong approach. He won’t talk to his best friend from childhood b/c the guy still hangs out with Lauren sometimes. Wrong move. This is his fight with Lauren and he should keep it that way. Don’t push your friends into choosing sides. They don’t want any part of that. I learned that when I hated TJ for a long time. Don’t expect people to choose sides. Leave your issue with that person and then lead your life as normal. Anyway, if you’re not watching this show, then you’re probably smarter for it. But I can’t get enough.
Recommendation: Must watch for people that enjoy stupid juvenile drama.

The Pick-Up Artist - I’ve only caught a couple of episodes of this show. My little brother endorsed it, so I gave it a try. Actually not too bad. Premise of the show is guys that have a terrible time picking up women. And they aren’t all fat and ugly. A couple of them are. But the real comedy is when they discuss women and the ways to pick them up. All sorts of interesting terminology, such as referring to women as “sets” and having a “hook”, which refers to a hot woman that talks you up at the bar and flirts with you so that other women will be more interested in you. Also, the usage of “multi-threading”, which means moving among many different conversations so that the sets can keep engaged. Anyway, the show is almost over. I may watch some re-runs in my down time.
Recommendation: Maybe record the marathon and watch a few on a rainy day.

That is my Monday watching. Professional TV Watcher Extraordinaire.


  1. Kudos to the Commodore on the amusing/informational/moving words. Now get to work on Tuesday.

  2. They've added the chick from Veronica Mars (whatever the hell that show is/was) to Heroes, Kristen Bell I believe is her name. I'll go find the photo now.

  3. there's a straight guy on this planet that watches the bachelor? seriously? and you know him?

  4. i hope his gay hasn't rubbed off on me (ngs).

  5. This insightful sentence from the Commodore tickled me just right:

    The main character, Michael Scofield, is also really good.

    I think you stole that from my 4th grade essay on Johnny Tremain.

  6. that dude could sling some pewter

  7. "Your Newbery Award won't save you now!"

  8. Random unnecessary mention: My mother in law was Hayden Panitierre's preschool teacher.

  9. Now that's fucking random...

    While I'm here, how 'bout a big round of applause for the Cleveland Indians, who destroyed the Tigers to start the week. Good work fellas.

  10. yes, kudos to the tribe for making tito and theo's master plan a reality. can't wait to see what triple-a lineup the sox roll out this evening.

  11. Geoff has the best random celebrity connections. I wasn't sure hecould top Big John Studd and Rudi Huxtable, but I think he just did.

    The Bachelor call is beyond horrendous. Men who claim to watch the show should grab some scissors and castrate themselves immediately. The Commodore needs to jam himself immediately.

  12. I can't believe you remember Big John and Rudy. None of them hang with your dogwalker. But if you are hungry for more, I shared a water taxi in Costa Rica with the actress who played Al Pacino's girlfriend in Heat.

  13. My English not so good. I'm just a caveman. I don't understand your fancy complicated sentences.

    The Bachelor is pure comedy. Watching women cry on tv is one of my favorite pastimes.

  14. I also remember that members of the band JoDeCi lived in Zoltan's hometown. Of course, I can't remember the names of more than 25% of my college professors, but I remember those names.

    I hooked up with a girl that Sterling Sharpe allegedly banged during one of the football camps. I did not bang her. That would've been a tough one to follow, physically. I don't know if I would've matched up well against him in any category besides "waist size" and "thickness of groin beard".

  15. I'm hoping you have him in "SAT score."

  16. On a scale of 1 to 10, how bummed out is Whitney at this post on Gheorghe?

  17. with 10 being the most bummed out in the history of ever

  18. Just wait until you deliver Tues-Sun...

  19. History of ever? I'll go with 64.

  20. Pretty close to the mark, Geoff. I'd say 69, except there is nothing remotely 69ish here today.

  21. Can someone check on Rob please? I am concerned about his well's possible he murdered Julio Lugo during the night and is in a Canadian prison somewhere.
