Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"Perhaps you'd be more comfortable at one of our lower stakes tables."

Good to see Whit holding down the fort with more Nats content, but it's been a whopping five days since my last YouTube clip, so with me in Vegas right now I figured G:TBers might enjoy a little Trent and Mikey this afternoon...


  1. That reminds me - Rob, Whit, Dennis...I think the next (and final) G:TB Height-In needs to be at the Wynn...or Bellagio...just not Circus Circus.

  2. Felipe Lopez and the Nats making me a little money...

  3. We at Gheorghe offer our usual take on the latest real-world tragedy: sincere condolences (we here at G:TB have known some pretty terrible loss over the last 6 years) and levity, levity, levity.

    But it looks like Gov. Kaine beat us to that punch:

    Virginia Governor Timothy M. Kaine announced yesterday that former state police superintendent Gerald Massengill will participate in the review of the university's response to the shootings.

    Anyone who needs the spoon-fed punch-line is remanded to Remedial Comedy 101, stat.

  4. Hey, who won the fantasy basketball title this year?

    Oh yeah, I did. The champ is here...the champ is here!!

  5. Did I beat Burr for the bronze?

    Oh wait, I don't care.

  6. I almost just ruined my entire week by leaving the hotel TV on "Rome is Burning" for 20 seconds. That guy is an absolute nightmare.

  7. Alex Rodriguez just hit a three run walk-off HR...I'd say he's having a solid start to the year.

    Joe Borowski, tough game today - 0.2 IP, 5 hits, 2 HRs, 6ER and one atrocious loss.

  8. You did win third TJ, which doesn't matter to you, of course.

  9. I am celebrating my third place finish now, Miller Lite in each hand...

  10. whitney decided to start joe borowski for our fantasy squad this week. that's a bit of kick in the balls for chico's bail bonds.

  11. Yeah, my bad. I should've started the guy who's on the DL... and that's actually true.

  12. What brings more emotion out of Yankee fans, cheering Alex Rodriguez when he helps them win or bashing him when he helps them lose? It's a very reluctant rah-rah for ARod in the Bronx these days.

  13. i cannot believe that we may well lose in a week where we get a no-hitter from a starting pitcher. we suck.

  14. So three of Coach Matta's "Thad Five" are on their way to the NBA? Does that make Othello Hunter and David Lighty Jimmy King and Ray Jackson 2.0?

  15. TJ: Have you seen the ads for the OJ Simpsons?

  16. i have not - do tell.

    also, breaking news: teejay is at mccarron airport, preparing to return to his stewardship of this little corner of the blogosphere. i for one, welcome the return of our doofus overlord.

  17. This place completely falls apart when TJ isn't on the scene. That TJ is the bond that holds this place together is frightening on a number of levels...

  18. The OJ Simpsons:

  19. Hello boys...Las Vegas Airport might be the seventh level of hell...

  20. Now imagine it during All-Star weekend...

  21. I take it back - Atlanta's airport is far, far worse.

  22. And I think a t-shirt that reads "Doofus Overlord" will be great for my next Trekkie convention.

  23. i'm a bit ashamed to admit that i made myself laugh when i came up with that one.

  24. What, TJ? No comment about your celebrity sighting at Hartsfield Airport?

  25. You ruined it donkey...that was a key piece to my update post...

    Around 8:20 last night, the missus and I are shuffling through Atlanta airport, making sure Airtran doesn't screw us and take off before we get to our gate, and as we are going up the escalator, who of all people is coming down the escalator? That's right, the one and only Michael Jack S....

  26. Honestly, what are the odds of that occurring?

  27. Probably better than you'd think. Atlanta is kind of a busy/common airport for east coast travelers.

    I'm not impressed.

  28. Poopy-pants Mark, spoiling the fun.

  29. Good thing I stocked up on "Oops! I crapped my pants".

  30. You will not believe who I ran into at Hains Point on Sunday--Jerry--from Jerry's Wheelhouse.

  31. You know who also ran into "Jerry" at Hains Point...Mr. John Titleist. It was a quick encounter that really knocked him off his feet.

  32. Geoff is generally unimpressed with anything that does not involve him.

    Do you know what Geoff's favorite subject is: Geoff.

  33. Roger Dorn could learn a thing or two by watching Jerry field a golf ball. Knock it down!

  34. Swint was definitely holding court with some ladies on that escalator...

  35. Let me guess...single, late thirties and surrounding by a team of adolescents?

  36. I am unbelievably dumb today...borderline retarded. I need to lay off the sauce.
