Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's good to be back...

...well, not really, it actually sucks to be back in my cube after spending the last week in Vegas/Lake Las Vegas/Phoenix. The four hours of sleep I am working on right now is not helping the cause either. Anyway, it appears this space needs to be filled with some senseless drivel, and I am just the guy to deliver...

* Apparently no one cares that we randomly saw Michael Jack in the Hartsfield-Jackson Airport on our way back (when the hell did the Jackson get tacked on by the way? is it Jesse Jackson? Jermaine?). Fine, screw you all...I thought it was worthy of mention, but I hate you all.

* Hey, Chase Wright just gave up another home run...

* Airtran airways should only market to those 6 feet tall and under. I'd rather cram into the back of a Yugo for a 5 hour ride than sit in the box they consider a seat. And yes, if I wasn't so cheap I could probably fly an airline that has adult-size seats. But I apparently don't get raises for doing this nonsense all day.

* I finally got around to reading The Jordan Rules on my flights (15 years after the rest of the world), and I think Sam Smith could just have easily titled it "Stacey King is a steaming pile of Poop". I am shocked King didn't kill Smith after that book was published.

* I don't know what is more disturbing - that La Burger Brasserie in the Paris Hotel has the audacity to sell a $777 hamburger, or the fact that David Hasselhoff is headlining their production of The Producers. "It's Springtime for K.I.T.T. and Michael Knight..."

* Hey, Chase Wright just gave up another home run...

* Can someone explain to me how Rita Rudner and Louie Anderson are still headlining major casinos in Vegas? I mean, isn't Anderson a kid toucher? What, Paula Poundstone and Jim J. Bullock were booked?

* I actually got a chance to see the end of the Warriors Game 1 upset of the Mavericks, and I must say, the Warriors were damn impressive. And this nugget about Stephen Jackson tickled me just right:
In fact, the Warriors were so giddy about breaking a 13-year playoff drought that Jackson, still facing probation violations for discharging a firearm during a preseason strip-club parking lot incident in Indianapolis, does a mock police frisk with his hands behind his head in pregame introductions with teammate Matt Barnes.

"It's a little joke for all the people who think I'm a bad guy, who don't know me," Jackson told the San Francisco Chronicle. "It's like, 'I got nothing on me, I just want to play basketball and have fun.' "
* Hey, Chase Wright just gave up another home run...

* This might be of interest to no one, but it appears there is life after professional wrestling for some. The general manager of Cheetah's Gentleman's Club in Vegas is none other than Charles Wright, known to me, Jerry and legions of slack-jawed troglodytes as the WWF's "Godfather". He didn't even have to modify his wrestling schtick for his new gig. Life is good for Mr. Wright.

* Speaking of that Yankees/Red Sox series, ah fuck it, I don't even want to talk about it. Just plain depressing...and it cost me money. Alex Rodriguez is playing out of his mind, yet the Yankees starters are so atrocious they need to call up a 20 yr old wunderkid as their savior. Hopefully Chien-Ming "Hey Wang, don't tell 'em your Jewish" can come back strong today.

* One last note on the Red Sox - Everyone knows about Dice-K, but if you haven't been paying attention the Sox also signed a Japanese middle reliever named Hideki Okajima to make Matsuzaka feel a little more comfortable. This is how I imagine those two spend their off days:


  1. HOLY SHIT! You saw Swint?!?!? At the airport? No! It can't be!

  2. Yep...we danced a tango too. It was amazing.

  3. Just out of curiousity, was Swint wearing his "Save a Horse, Ride a Tractor" t-shirt?

  4. Nope - it was the "If you can read this, the bitch fell off" t-shirt.

  5. Mark, your boy Eddie Money was playing at one of the atrocious casinos off the Strip while we were there...

  6. Not surprising since my Eddie Money story took place backstage at a Horse track in South Florida.

    I'm a bit shocked you didn't go see him. Well, it WAS Eddie Money so tickets were probably very expensive.

  7. He's got two tickets to paradise...gentleman's club.

  8. She was shakin' (oh oh ooo-oh)...

  9. Mark, am I correct in guessing that you took the Phil Jackson story from the Jordan Rules?

  10. The Phil Jackson wingspan/Buick story...
