Monday, May 09, 2005

An Embarrassment of Bitches

I am referring of course to the results of Saturday night's Game 7s. I am willing to bet there have never been two worse performances in Game 7s than what I witnessed between 7pm and Midnight Saturday night. The Boston Celtics, who were playing AT HOME, lost the nail-biter of the night by 27. Fred Jones took them to task. Isn't this the same Fred Jones who played third fiddle to two crunchy granola white kids at Oregon, the Luke Boys, Ridnour and Jackson? Then, in an apparent effort not to be upstaged by the bloody mess that was the Celtics, the Rockets go out and lose by 40. I think that says it all. This is what these guys could muster for a Game 7? Unfuckingbelievable. The only positive development on Saturday was my 106 (and my playing partner's 79), which was just enough for us to win a dinner. Plus, I managed not to kill anyone with a tee shot. And I got a nice sunburn for the effort as well.

[Editor's note: I was pretty sure the Yankees were going to be part of the above post, but then miracle of miracles, they actually won both games this weekend, including yesterday when the anti-christ Kevin Brown took the hill.]


  1. Very very disappointing. I ended up watching more NASCAR on my #1 TV than NBA. And of course a fair amount of a strong Mets win when the Brewers somehow scored 5 runs on 3 hits, 1 walk, and 1 HBP against Pedro.

  2. The Brewers are a powerhouse, led by Cy Young candidate Derrick Turnbow (sp?).

  3. Who wants to split a pie?

    SYDNEY (Reuters) - An Australian prison siege ended on Monday after a group of inmates agreed to release a guard they had held for two days in return for a delivery of pizzas, prison officials said.
