Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Someone has to ask

I mean, it’s on everyone’s minds right – Who is gonna die first, the Pope or Terri Schiavo? The correct answer is apparently Choice C, Johnnie “If it doesn't fit, you must acquit” Cochran. A more cynical man than I would say Johnnie is getting his comeuppance for getting the guiltiest man in the history of the American Justice System off the hook. You know what, let’s instead give Johnnie his due – he’s probably the greatest criminal defense attorney in the world for manipulating the traveshamockery that was the OJ Trial so perfectly. I mean, when someone is guilty as sin (yes Virginia, he really was guilty) of basically beheading his ex-wife and her boyfriend and you can get him acquitted, well, Johnnie C, we applaud you. Oh yeah, F. Lee Bailey says hello.

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